How to get from Cardedeu to Col·Legi Major Penyafort by bus and train?
From Cardedeu to Col·Legi Major Penyafort by bus and train
To get from Cardedeu to Col·Legi Major Penyafort in Barcelona, take the R2 train from Cardedeu station to Barcelona - Sants station. Next, take the V5 bus from Pl De Joan Peiró station to Pl Pius XII station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 12 min. The ride fare is €7.45.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationCardedeu
- 2Wait for trainR2Castelldefels
- 3Ride to train stationBarcelona - SantsID 7180147 min
- 4Walk to bus stationPl De Joan PeiróID 316690 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for busV5Pedralbes
- 6Ride to bus stationPl Pius XIIID 76515 min
- 7Walk toCol·Legi Major PenyafortAvinguda Diagonal360 m • 5 min
From Cardedeu to Col·Legi Major Penyafort by metro and train
To get from Cardedeu to Col·Legi Major Penyafort in Barcelona, take the R2 train from Cardedeu station to Barcelona - Sants station. Next, take the L3 metro from Sants Estació station to Maria Cristina station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 10 min. The ride fare is €7.45.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationCardedeu
- 2Wait for trainR2Castelldefels
- 3Ride to train stationBarcelona - SantsID 7180147 min
- 4Walk to metro stationSants EstacióID 319 | 51850 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for metroL3Zona Universitària
- 6Ride to metro stationMaria CristinaID 3165 min
- 7Walk toCol·Legi Major PenyafortAvinguda Diagonal550 m • 8 min
Public transit directions from Cardedeu to Col·Legi Major Penyafort
Public transit stations close to Cardedeu
Cardedeu is located at Cardedeu, Barcelona and the nearest public transit station is Estació Rodalies De Cardedeu (Lateral Estació).
Train stations close to Cardedeu:
- Llinars Del Vallès
Bus stations close to Cardedeu:
- Estació Rodalies De Cardedeu (Lateral Estació)
- Estació Rodalies De Cardedeu (Direcció Granollers)
- Estació Rodalies De Cardedeu (Direcció Llinars)
Public transit stations close to Col·Legi Major Penyafort, Barcelona
Col·Legi Major Penyafort is located at Avinguda Diagonal, Barcelona and the nearest public transit station is Maria Cristina.
Metro stations close to Col·Legi Major Penyafort:
- Maria Cristina
- Palau Reial
Bus stations close to Col·Legi Major Penyafort:
- Av Joan XXIII - Pl Pius XII
- Av Diagonal-Gran Via Carles III
- Diagonal-Av Joan XXIII
Related Routes
- Av. Madrid-Carles III to Col·Legi Major Penyafort
- Monistrol De Montserrat to Col·Legi Major Penyafort
- Av Roma - Tarragona to Col·Legi Major Penyafort
- Rambla Del Brasil - Violant D'Hongria to Col·Legi Major Penyafort
- Badal to Col·Legi Major Penyafort
- Cardedeu to Tamariu
- Centelles to Barcelona
- Centelles to Calafell
- Centelles to Tamariu
- Viladecavalls to Tamariu
- Vacarisses-Torreblanca to Tamariu
- Torelló to Barcelona
- Torelló to Cardedeu
- Torelló to Calafell
- Torelló to Tamariu
- La Llagosta to Polinyà
- La Llagosta to Castellbisbal
- La Llagosta to Tamariu
- Borgonyà to Tamariu
- Vic to Barcelona
From Cardedeu to Col·Legi Major Penyafort by metro and train
To get from Cardedeu to Col·Legi Major Penyafort in Barcelona, take the R2 train from Cardedeu station to Barcelona - Sants station. Next, take the L3 metro from Sants Estació station to Maria Cristina station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 10 min. The ride fare is €7.45.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationCardedeu
- 2Wait for trainR2Castelldefels
- 3Ride to train stationBarcelona - SantsID 7180147 min
- 4Walk to metro stationSants EstacióID 319 | 51850 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for metroL3Zona Universitària
- 6Ride to metro stationMaria CristinaID 3165 min
- 7Walk toCol·Legi Major PenyafortAvinguda Diagonal550 m • 8 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Cardedeu to Col·Legi Major Penyafort?
The fastest way takes 72 minutes, using Bus line R2, Bus line V5.
What is the alternative route to get from Cardedeu to Col·Legi Major Penyafort?
The alternative route takes 70 minutes, using Bus line R2, Bus line L3.
Is there a direct train between Cardedeu and Col·Legi Major Penyafort?
No, you’ll have to take one train line and one bus line in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 12 min.
Which train line goes from Cardedeu to Col·Legi Major Penyafort?
The R2 train line goes from Castelldefels station near Cardedeu in Cardedeu to Barcelona - Sants station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Barcelona - Sants station near Col·Legi Major Penyafort in Barcelona.
How long does it take to travel from Cardedeu to Col·Legi Major Penyafort by train and bus?
The total travel time between Cardedeu in Cardedeu and Col·Legi Major Penyafort in Barcelona by train and bus is about 1 hr 12 min.
Where do I get on the train near Cardedeu to get to Col·Legi Major Penyafort?
Get on the R2 train from the Castelldefels station near Cardedeu in Cardedeu.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Cardedeu and Col·Legi Major Penyafort?
Get off the train at the Barcelona - Sants stop, which is closest to Col·Legi Major Penyafort in Barcelona.
When is the last train from Cardedeu to Col·Legi Major Penyafort?
The last train from Cardedeu in Cardedeu to Col·Legi Major Penyafort in Barcelona is the Castelldefels - Granollers Centre line. It leaves the Cardedeu station at 12:47 AM.
How much is the train fare from Cardedeu to Col·Legi Major Penyafort?
The ride from Cardedeu to Col·Legi Major Penyafort costs €7.45.