How to get from Urtx - Alp to Collbató by bus and train?
From Urtx - Alp to Collbató by bus and train
To get from Urtx - Alp to Collbató in Collbató, take the R3 train from Urtx - Alp station to Barcelona - Sants station. Next, take the L0371 bus from Estació D'Autobusos De Sants station to Collbató - La Fumada station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 4 hr 29 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationUrtx - Alp
- 2Wait for trainR3L'Hospitalet De Llobregat
- 3Ride to train stationBarcelona - SantsID 71801189 min
- 4Walk to bus stationEstació D'Autobusos De Sants230 m • 4 min
- 5Wait for busL0371Igualada
- 6Ride to bus stationCollbató - La FumadaID MB024856 min
- 7Walk toCollbatóPasseig de Mansuet960 m • 13 min
Public transit directions from Urtx - Alp to Collbató
Public transit stations close to Collbató, Collbató
Collbató is located at Passeig de Mansuet, Collbató and the nearest public transit station is Santa Cova Superior.
Bus stations close to Collbató:
- Ceip Collbató
- Av. Centenari - Pg. De La Fumada
- Collbató - La Fumada
Funicular stations close to Collbató:
- Santa Cova Superior
- Montserrat
- Sant Joan Inferior
Related Routes
- Estació D'Autobusos D'Igualada to Collbató
- Av. Madrid-Carles III to Collbató
- Aribau-Diagonal to Collbató
- Meridiana - Escòcia to Collbató
- Aeroport T2 - A B to Collbató
- Doctor Pi I Molist-Fabra I Puig to Collbató
- Monistrol De Montserrat to Collbató
- Manresa Viladordis to Collbató
- Manresa Baixador to Collbató
- Sant Josep to Collbató
- Vilanova Del Camí to Collbató
- Les Fonts to Collbató
- Universitat Autònoma to Collbató
- Barcelona - Sant Andreu to Collbató
- Sant Feliu De Llobregat to Collbató
- Sabadell Nord to Collbató
- Sabadell Centre to Collbató
- Castellbell I El Vilar - Monistrol De Montserrat to Collbató
- Hospital Del Mar to Collbató
- Puig I Cadafalch to Collbató
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Urtx - Alp to Collbató?
The fastest way takes 269 minutes, using Bus line R3, Bus line L0371.
Is there a direct train between Urtx - Alp and Collbató?
No, you’ll have to take one train line and one bus line in total. The total travelling time is 4 hr 29 min.
Which train line goes from Urtx - Alp to Collbató?
The R3 train line goes from L'Hospitalet De Llobregat station near Urtx - Alp in Barcelona to Barcelona - Sants station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Barcelona - Sants station near Collbató in Collbató.
How long does it take to travel from Urtx - Alp to Collbató by train and bus?
The total travel time between Urtx - Alp in Barcelona and Collbató in Collbató by train and bus is about 4 hr 29 min.
Where do I get on the train near Urtx - Alp to get to Collbató?
Get on the R3 train from the L'Hospitalet De Llobregat station near Urtx - Alp in Barcelona.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Urtx - Alp and Collbató?
Get off the train at the Barcelona - Sants stop, which is closest to Collbató in Collbató.