How to get from Barrio Sismográfica to Comodoro Rivadavia by bus?
From Barrio Sismográfica to Comodoro Rivadavia by bus
To get from Barrio Sismográfica to Comodoro Rivadavia in Comodoro Rivadavia, take the 04A bus from Jose Aimar Y Jose Maria Moreno station to Av. Rivadavia Y Pellegrini (2) station. Next, take the 12 bus from Av. Rivadavia Y Pellegrini (2) station to Rawson Y Saavedra station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 26 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationJose Aimar Y Jose Maria Moreno410 m • 6 min
- 2Wait for bus04ASaavedra → Centro → San Cayetano
- 3Ride to bus stationAv. Rivadavia Y Pellegrini (2)14 min
- 4Wait for bus12Centro → Moure → M. Abásolo
- 5Ride to bus stationRawson Y Saavedra2 min
- 6Walk toComodoro Rivadavia70 m • 1 min
Alternative route from Barrio Sismográfica to Comodoro Rivadavia by bus via 04A and 01
To get from Barrio Sismográfica to Comodoro Rivadavia in Comodoro Rivadavia, take the 04A bus from Jose Aimar Y Jose Maria Moreno station to 25 De Mayo Y Ameghino (Plaza España) station. Next, take the 01 bus from 25 De Mayo Y Ameghino (Plaza España) station to Rawson Y Saavedra station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 29 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationJose Aimar Y Jose Maria Moreno410 m • 6 min
- 2Wait for bus04ASaavedra → Centro → San Cayetano
- 3Ride to bus station25 De Mayo Y Ameghino (Plaza España)15 min
- 4Wait for bus01Centro → Máximo Abásolo
- 5Ride to bus stationRawson Y Saavedra3 min
- 6Walk toComodoro Rivadavia70 m • 1 min
Public transit directions from Barrio Sismográfica to Comodoro Rivadavia
Public transit stations close to Barrio Sismográfica
Barrio Sismográfica is located at Barrio Sismográfica, Comodoro Rivadavia and the nearest public transit station is Cerro Bella Vista Y José Aimar.
Bus stations close to Barrio Sismográfica:
- Cerro Bella Vista Y José Aimar
- José Aimar Y Marqués De Tilly
- Jose Aimar Y Jose Maria Moreno
Public transit stations close to Comodoro Rivadavia, Comodoro Rivadavia
Comodoro Rivadavia is located at Comodoro Rivadavia, Comodoro Rivadavia and the nearest public transit station is Rawson Y Alsina.
Bus stations close to Comodoro Rivadavia:
- Rawson Y Alsina
- Rawson Y Saavedra
- Dorrego Y Alsina
Related Routes
- Terminal General Solari to Comodoro Rivadavia
- Rawson Y Belgrano to Comodoro Rivadavia
- San Martín Y Máximo Abásolo to Comodoro Rivadavia
- Ruta 3 (Chalet Huergo) to Comodoro Rivadavia
- Av. Libertador General San Martín (Club Huergo) to Comodoro Rivadavia
- Los Búlgaros Y Gobernador Moyano (Fed. Deportiva) to Comodoro Rivadavia
- Av. Fray Luis Beltrán Y Viedma (Ceret) to Comodoro Rivadavia
- Av. Tehuelches Y Rodriguez Peña (Banco Chubut) to Comodoro Rivadavia
- Av. Tehuelches Y Strobel to Comodoro Rivadavia
- Av. Tehuelches Y González Balcarce to Comodoro Rivadavia
- Av. Tehuelches Y Jesús Garré (Hipertehuelche) to Comodoro Rivadavia
- Universidad to Comodoro Rivadavia
- Av. Jose Ingenieros Y General Paz to Comodoro Rivadavia
- Av. José Ingenieros Y Lopez De Vega to Comodoro Rivadavia
- Av. José Ingenieros Y Av. Del Parque to Comodoro Rivadavia
- Pat 80 to Comodoro Rivadavia
- Pat 81 to Comodoro Rivadavia
- Pat 82 to Comodoro Rivadavia
- Pat 84 to Comodoro Rivadavia
- Pat 85 to Comodoro Rivadavia
Alternative route from Barrio Sismográfica to Comodoro Rivadavia by bus via 04A and 01
To get from Barrio Sismográfica to Comodoro Rivadavia in Comodoro Rivadavia, take the 04A bus from Jose Aimar Y Jose Maria Moreno station to 25 De Mayo Y Ameghino (Plaza España) station. Next, take the 01 bus from 25 De Mayo Y Ameghino (Plaza España) station to Rawson Y Saavedra station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 29 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationJose Aimar Y Jose Maria Moreno410 m • 6 min
- 2Wait for bus04ASaavedra → Centro → San Cayetano
- 3Ride to bus station25 De Mayo Y Ameghino (Plaza España)15 min
- 4Wait for bus01Centro → Máximo Abásolo
- 5Ride to bus stationRawson Y Saavedra3 min
- 6Walk toComodoro Rivadavia70 m • 1 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Barrio Sismográfica to Comodoro Rivadavia?
The fastest way takes 26 minutes, using Bus line 04A, Bus line 12.
What is the alternative route to get from Barrio Sismográfica to Comodoro Rivadavia?
The alternative route takes 29 minutes, using Bus line 04A, Bus line 01.
Is there a direct bus between Barrio Sismográfica and Comodoro Rivadavia in Comodoro Rivadavia?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 26 min.
Which bus line goes from Barrio Sismográfica to Comodoro Rivadavia in Comodoro Rivadavia?
The 04A bus line goes from Jose Aimar Y Jose Maria Moreno station near Barrio Sismográfica to Saavedra → Centro → San Cayetano station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Saavedra → Centro → San Cayetano station near Comodoro Rivadavia in Comodoro Rivadavia
How long does it take to travel from Barrio Sismográfica to Comodoro Rivadavia in Comodoro Rivadavia by bus?
The total travel time between Barrio Sismográfica and Comodoro Rivadavia in Comodoro Rivadavia by bus is about 26 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Barrio Sismográfica to get to Comodoro Rivadavia in Comodoro Rivadavia?
Get on the 04A bus from the Jose Aimar Y Jose Maria Moreno stop near Barrio Sismográfica in Comodoro Rivadavia.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Barrio Sismográfica and Comodoro Rivadavia in Comodoro Rivadavia?
Get off the bus at the Saavedra → Centro → San Cayetano stop, which is closest to Comodoro Rivadavia in Comodoro Rivadavia.
When is the last bus from Barrio Sismográfica to Comodoro Rivadavia in Comodoro Rivadavia?
The last bus from Barrio Sismográfica to Comodoro Rivadavia in Comodoro Rivadavia is the Zona Sur → Zona Norte line. It leaves the Pat 66 stop at 11:25 PM.