How to get from Antanhol - cruzamento to Condeixa a Nova by bus?
From Antanhol - cruzamento to Condeixa a Nova by bus
Take one direct bus from Antanhol - cruzamento to Condeixa a Nova in Condeixa-A-Nova: take the 49T bus from Antanhol - cruzamento station to Penedo Alto station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 2 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationAntanhol - cruzamentoID 2313100 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for bus49TCasconha - Interface
- 3Ride to bus stationPenedo AltoID 22669 min
- 4Walk toCondeixa a Nova3.93 km • 50 min
Public transit directions from Antanhol - cruzamento to Condeixa a Nova
Public transit stations close to Antanhol - cruzamento
Antanhol - cruzamento is located at Antanhol - cruzamento, Condeixa-A-Nova and the nearest public transit station is Antanhol - cruzamento.
Bus stations close to Antanhol - cruzamento:
- Antanhol - cruzamento
- Antanhol 4
- Antanhol - Casa Meada
Public transit stations close to Condeixa a Nova, Condeixa-A-Nova
Condeixa a Nova is located at Condeixa a Nova, Condeixa-A-Nova and the nearest public transit station is Câmara Municipal / Igreja.
Bus stations close to Condeixa a Nova:
- Câmara Municipal / Igreja
- Outeiro
- Condeixa (Terminal)
Related Routes
- Arnado to Condeixa a Nova
- Rua da Alegria to Condeixa a Nova
- Largo do Arnado to Condeixa a Nova
- Estação Coimbra B to Condeixa a Nova
- Quinta do Murtal to Condeixa a Nova
- Rua Santa Isabel to Condeixa a Nova
- Rua da Chainça to Condeixa a Nova
- Santa Eufémia 1 to Condeixa a Nova
- Santa Eufémia 2 to Condeixa a Nova
- Santa Eufémia 3 to Condeixa a Nova
- Taveiro (escola) to Condeixa a Nova
- Ameal (sul) to Condeixa a Nova
- Arzila (centro) to Condeixa a Nova
- Rua de Condeixa to Condeixa a Nova
- Arzila (norte) to Condeixa a Nova
- Cruzamento Rua da Lameira to Condeixa a Nova
- Ameal (norte) to Condeixa a Nova
- Ameal (centro) to Condeixa a Nova
- Ameal to Condeixa a Nova
- Vila Pouca to Condeixa a Nova
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Antanhol - cruzamento to Condeixa a Nova?
The fastest way takes 62 minutes, using Bus line 49T.
Is there a direct bus between Antanhol - cruzamento and Condeixa a Nova?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Antanhol - cruzamento in Antanhol to Condeixa a Nova in Condeixa-A-Nova in 1 hr 2 min.
Which bus line goes from Antanhol - cruzamento to Condeixa a Nova?
The 49T bus line goes from Antanhol - cruzamento station near Antanhol - cruzamento in Antanhol to Casconha - Interface station near Condeixa a Nova in Condeixa-A-Nova.
How long does it take to travel from Antanhol - cruzamento to Condeixa a Nova by bus?
The total travel time between Antanhol - cruzamento in Antanhol and Condeixa a Nova in Condeixa-A-Nova by bus is about 1 hr 2 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Antanhol - cruzamento to get to Condeixa a Nova?
Get on the 49T bus from the Antanhol - cruzamento stop near Antanhol - cruzamento in Antanhol.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Antanhol - cruzamento and Condeixa a Nova?
Get off the bus at the Casconha - Interface stop, which is closest to Condeixa a Nova in Condeixa-A-Nova.
When is the last bus from Antanhol - cruzamento to Condeixa a Nova?
The last bus from Antanhol - cruzamento in Antanhol to Condeixa a Nova in Condeixa-A-Nova is the PORTAGEM - CERNACHE (regresso por Vila Nova) line. It leaves the Antanhol - cruzamento stop at 8:57 PM.