How to get from Uvaia to Contorno by bus?
From Uvaia to Contorno by bus
To get from Uvaia to Contorno in Ponta Grossa, take the 0964-50 PONTA GROSSA / IPIRANGA bus from Rodovia Br 373 - Uvaia station to Rua Comendador Miró, 1455 station. Next, take the 196 SANTA TEREZINHA bus from Rua Comendador Miró, 1455 station to Rua Prefeito Albari Guimarães, 48-300 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 56 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationUvaia
- 2Wait for bus0964-50 PONTA GROSSA / IPIRANGAIpiranga → Ponta Grossa
- 3Ride to bus stationRua Comendador Miró, 145530 min
- 4Wait for bus196 SANTA TEREZINHATerm Central Para Santa Terezinha
- 5Ride to bus stationRua Prefeito Albari Guimarães, 48-30015 min
- 6Walk toContorno580 m • 8 min
Alternative route from Uvaia to Contorno by bus via 0964-50 PONTA GROSSA / IPIRANGA and 174 GRALHA AZUL
To get from Uvaia to Contorno in Ponta Grossa, take the 0964-50 PONTA GROSSA / IPIRANGA bus from Rodovia Br 373 - Uvaia station to Avenida Dom Pedro Ii, 815 station. Next, take the 174 GRALHA AZUL bus from Avenida Dom Pedro Ii, 829 station to Rua Prefeito Albari Guimarães, 48-300 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 11 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationUvaia
- 2Wait for bus0964-50 PONTA GROSSA / IPIRANGAIpiranga → Ponta Grossa
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida Dom Pedro Ii, 81527 min
- 4Wait for bus174 GRALHA AZULTerm Nova Russia Para Gralha Azul
- 5Ride to bus stationRua Prefeito Albari Guimarães, 48-30016 min
- 6Walk toContorno580 m • 8 min
Public transit directions from Uvaia to Contorno
Public transit stations close to Uvaia
Uvaia is located at Uvaia, Ponta Grossa and the nearest public transit station is Rodovia Br 373.
Bus stations close to Uvaia:
- Rodovia Br 373
Public transit stations close to Contorno, Ponta Grossa
Contorno is located at Contorno, Ponta Grossa and the nearest public transit station is Estrada José Kalinoski, 101-219.
Bus stations close to Contorno:
- Estrada José Kalinoski, 101-219
- Estrada José Kalinoski, 60-220
- Rua Um, 485-747
Related Routes
- Arapoti to Contorno
- Calogeras to Contorno
- Centro to Contorno
- Jardim Carvalho to Contorno
- Carambeí to Contorno
- Uvaia to Carambeí
- Terminal Uvaranas to Wenceslau Braz
- Terminal Uvaranas to Centro
- Terminal Uvaranas to Chapada
- Terminal Uvaranas to Jardim Carvalho
- Terminal Uvaranas to Neves
- Terminal Uvaranas to Oficinas
- Terminal Uvaranas to Ronda
- Terminal Uvaranas to Carambeí
- Terminal Uvaranas to Castro
- Terminal Uvaranas to Hospital Anna Fiorillo Menarim
- Terminal Uvaranas to Upa
- Terminal Uvaranas to Aeroporto Municipal De Ponta Grossa
- Rua Comendador Miró, 202-300 to Jaguariaíva
- Rua Comendador Miró, 202-300 to Nova Rússia
Alternative route from Uvaia to Contorno by bus via 0964-50 PONTA GROSSA / IPIRANGA and 174 GRALHA AZUL
To get from Uvaia to Contorno in Ponta Grossa, take the 0964-50 PONTA GROSSA / IPIRANGA bus from Rodovia Br 373 - Uvaia station to Avenida Dom Pedro Ii, 815 station. Next, take the 174 GRALHA AZUL bus from Avenida Dom Pedro Ii, 829 station to Rua Prefeito Albari Guimarães, 48-300 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 11 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationUvaia
- 2Wait for bus0964-50 PONTA GROSSA / IPIRANGAIpiranga → Ponta Grossa
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida Dom Pedro Ii, 81527 min
- 4Wait for bus174 GRALHA AZULTerm Nova Russia Para Gralha Azul
- 5Ride to bus stationRua Prefeito Albari Guimarães, 48-30016 min
- 6Walk toContorno580 m • 8 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Uvaia to Contorno?
The fastest way takes 56 minutes, using Bus line 0964-50 PONTA GROSSA / IPIRANGA, Bus line 196 SANTA TEREZINHA.
What is the alternative route to get from Uvaia to Contorno?
The alternative route takes 71 minutes, using Bus line 0964-50 PONTA GROSSA / IPIRANGA, Bus line 174 GRALHA AZUL.
Is there a direct bus between Uvaia and Contorno in Ponta Grossa?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 56 min.
Which bus line goes from Uvaia to Contorno in Ponta Grossa?
The 0964-50 PONTA GROSSA / IPIRANGA bus line goes from Ipiranga → Ponta Grossa station near Uvaia to Rua Comendador Miró, 1455 station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Rua Comendador Miró, 1455 station near Contorno in Ponta Grossa
How long does it take to travel from Uvaia to Contorno in Ponta Grossa by bus?
The total travel time between Uvaia and Contorno in Ponta Grossa by bus is about 56 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Uvaia to get to Contorno in Ponta Grossa?
Get on the 0964-50 PONTA GROSSA / IPIRANGA bus from the Ipiranga → Ponta Grossa stop near Uvaia in Ponta Grossa.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Uvaia and Contorno in Ponta Grossa?
Get off the bus at the Rua Comendador Miró, 1455 stop, which is closest to Contorno in Ponta Grossa.