How to get from Calle 50, 6624 to Coopsana Sura by bus?
From Calle 50, 6624 to Coopsana Sura by bus
Take one direct bus from Calle 50, 6624 to Coopsana Sura in Medellín: take the 315 bus from Calle 50, 6624 station to Canalización station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 4 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationCalle 50, 6624
- 2Wait for bus315Mobil Los Almendros Calle 32 F
- 3Ride to bus stationCanalización2 min
- 4Walk toCoopsana SuraCalle 48110 m • 2 min
Public transit directions from Calle 50, 6624 to Coopsana Sura
Public transit stations close to Calle 50, 6624
Calle 50, 6624 is located at Calle 50, 6624, Medellín and the nearest public transit station is 433.
Metro stations close to Calle 50, 6624:
- Floresta
- Parque Berrío
- Estadio
Bus stations close to Calle 50, 6624:
- 433
- Calle 51, 65a2-65a102
- Exito Avenida Colombia, 64b223-64b363
Public transit stations close to Coopsana Sura, Medellín
Coopsana Sura is located at Calle 48, Medellín and the nearest public transit station is Carrera 65, 49a20.
Metro stations close to Coopsana Sura:
- San Antonio
- Cisneros
- Estadio
Bus stations close to Coopsana Sura:
- Carrera 65, 49a20
- Estación Estadio Colegio San Ignacio Carrera 70, 481,
- Estación Estadio
Related Routes
- Calle 50, 6624 to Clínica Clofan
- Avenida Colombia, 682-68204 to Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
- Avenida Colombia, 682-68204 to Universidad Eafit
- Avenida Colombia, 682-68204 to Universidad Cooperativa De Colombia
- Avenida Colombia, 682-68204 to Institución Universitaria Pascual Bravo
- Avenida Colombia, 682-68204 to Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano Robledo
- Avenida Colombia, 682-68204 to Institución Universitaria Colegio Mayor De Antioquia
- Carrera 57, 492-4972 to Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
- Carrera 57, 492-4972 to Universidad Eafit
- Carrera 57, 492-4972 to Universidad Cooperativa De Colombia
- Carrera 57, 492-4972 to Institución Universitaria Pascual Bravo
- Carrera 57, 492-4972 to Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano Robledo
- Carrera 57, 492-4972 to Institución Universitaria Colegio Mayor De Antioquia
- Carrera 57, 492-4972 to Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó
- Carrera 48, 4367-4377 to Barbosa
- Carrera 48, 4367-4377 to Universidad Cooperativa De Colombia
- Parque Berrío Carrera 50, 502-50106 to Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
- Parque Berrío Carrera 50, 502-50106 to Universidad Eafit
- Parque Berrío Carrera 50, 502-50106 to Universidad Cooperativa De Colombia
- Parque Berrío Carrera 50, 502-50106 to Institución Universitaria Pascual Bravo
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Calle 50, 6624 to Coopsana Sura?
The fastest way takes 4 minutes, using Bus line 315.
Is there a direct bus between Calle 50, 6624 and Coopsana Sura?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Calle 50, 6624 in Medellin to Coopsana Sura in Medellín in 4 min.
Which bus line goes from Calle 50, 6624 to Coopsana Sura?
The 315 bus line goes from Mobil Los Almendros Calle 32 F station near Calle 50, 6624 in Medellin to Canalización station near Coopsana Sura in Medellín.
How long does it take to travel from Calle 50, 6624 to Coopsana Sura by bus?
The total travel time between Calle 50, 6624 in Medellin and Coopsana Sura in Medellín by bus is about 4 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Calle 50, 6624 to get to Coopsana Sura?
Get on the 315 bus from the Mobil Los Almendros Calle 32 F stop near Calle 50, 6624 in Medellin.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Calle 50, 6624 and Coopsana Sura?
Get off the bus at the Canalización stop, which is closest to Coopsana Sura in Medellín.
When is the first bus from Calle 50, 6624 to Coopsana Sura?
The first bus from Calle 50, 6624 in Medellin to Coopsana Sura in Medellín is Santra Belén: Miravalle-Los Almendros-San Diego-Parque de Belén-Sena-Exito de Colombia-Cole. San Ignacio-Estadio-C.C Obelisco-Glorieta Don Quijote-Sta Gema-Villa de Aburrá. It leaves the Calle 50, 6624 stop at 3:05 AM.