How to get from Tipperary to Cork by train?
From Tipperary to Cork by train
Take one direct train from Tipperary to Cork in Ireland: take the INTERCITY train from Limerick Junction station to Cork (Kent) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 11 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to train stationLimerick Junction190 m • 3 min
- 2Wait for trainINTERCITYCork (Kent)
- 3Ride to train stationCork (Kent)63 min
- 4Walk toCork30 m • 1 min
Public transit directions from Tipperary to Cork
Public transit stations close to Tipperary
Tipperary is located at Tipperary, Ireland and the nearest public transit station is Limerick Junction.
Train stations close to Tipperary:
- Limerick Junction
Bus stations close to Tipperary:
- Limerick Junction
- Bohercrowe
Public transit stations close to Cork, Ireland
Cork is located at Cork, Ireland and the nearest public transit station is St Luke's Cross.
Train stations close to Cork:
- Cork (Kent)
Bus stations close to Cork:
- St Luke's Cross
- Cork, Lower Glanmire Road
- St. Luke's Cross
Related Routes
- Aglish to Cork
- Athy to Cork
- Bantry to Cork
- Borrisokane to Cork
- Bunclody to Cork
- Bundoran to Cork
- Carrick-On-Suir to Cork
- Carrigtwohill to Cork
- Cashel to Cork
- Crosshaven to Cork
- Crossmolina to Cork
- Crusheen to Cork
- Donegal to Cork
- Drimoleague to Cork
- Drogheda to Cork
- Dunlavin to Cork
- Enniscorthy to Cork
- Kilkenny to Cork
- Lanesboro to Cork
- Lifford to Cork
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Tipperary to Cork?
The fastest way takes 71 minutes, using Bus line INTERCITY.
Is there a direct train between Tipperary and Cork in Ireland?
Yes, there is a direct train going from Tipperary to Cork in Ireland in 1 hr 11 min.
Which train line goes from Tipperary to Cork in Ireland?
The INTERCITY train line goes from Limerick Junction station near Tipperary to Cork (Kent) station near Cork in Ireland.
How long does it take to travel from Tipperary to Cork in Ireland by train?
The total travel time between Tipperary and Cork in Ireland by train is about 1 hr 11 min.
Where do I get on the train near Tipperary to get to Cork in Ireland?
Get on the INTERCITY train from the Limerick Junction station near Tipperary in Ireland.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Tipperary and Cork in Ireland?
Get off the train at the Cork (Kent) station, which is closest to Cork in Ireland.
When is the last train from Tipperary to Cork in Ireland?
The last train from Tipperary to Cork in Ireland is the Dublin - Cork line. It leaves the Limerick Junction station at 10:35 PM.