How to get from Fielis Via Los to Cornino Italy by bus?
From Fielis Via Los to Cornino Italy by bus
To get from Fielis Via Los to Cornino Italy in Forgaria Nel Friuli, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the 145 bus from Fielis Via Los station to Tolmezzo Via Carnia Libera 1944 (Autostazione) station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 170 bus and finally take the 163 bus from Trasaghis Piazza Unità D'Italia 9 (Direzione Avasinis) station to Cornino Via Dante Alighieri 4 (Direzione Forgaria) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 5 hr 55 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationFielis Via Los
- 2Wait for bus145Tolmezzo Autostazione
- 3Ride to bus stationTolmezzo Via Carnia Libera 1944 (Autostazione)ID 8120140 min
- 4Wait for bus170Osoppo Centro
- 5Ride to bus stationTrasaghis Piazza Unità D'Italia 2 (Direzione Braulins)30 min
- 6Walk to bus stationTrasaghis Piazza Unità D'Italia 9 (Direzione Avasinis)10 m • 1 min
- 7Wait for bus163Forgaria Municipio
- 8Ride to bus stationCornino Via Dante Alighieri 4 (Direzione Forgaria)17 min
Public transit directions from Fielis Via Los to Cornino Italy
Public transit stations close to Cornino Italy, Forgaria Nel Friuli
Cornino Italy is located at Cornino Italy, Forgaria Nel Friuli and the nearest public transit station is Cornino SP 22 (Fianco Trattoria, Direzione Cimano).
Bus stations close to Cornino Italy:
- Cornino SP 22 (Fianco Trattoria, Direzione Cimano)
- Cornino SP 84 (Trattoria, Direzione Cimano)
- Cornino Strada Provinciale 84 (Trattoria, Direz. Forgaria)
Related Routes
- Udine Via Del Bon 117 (Parco Salgari) to Cornino Italy
- Udine Via Lombardia 163 to Cornino Italy
- Cercivento Via Di Sore 74 to Cornino Italy
- Rosa Dei Venti Strada Provinciale 40 (Direzione Lambrugno) to Cornino Italy
- Flaipano Strada Provinciale 34, Borgo Frattins to Cornino Italy
- Cornino Via Sompcornino 45 (Direzione Forgaria) to Cornino Italy
- Cornino SP 41 (Bivio Via Sompcornino, Prov.Cimano) to Cornino Italy
- Cornino SP 41 (Bivio Via Sompcornino, Direzione Cimano) to Cornino Italy
- Cella Via Cella 36 (Direzione Agrons) to Cornino Italy
- Aupa Strada Provinciale 112 (Direzione Pontebba) to Cornino Italy
- Ponteibe SP 112 (Direzione Pontebba), Località Frattis to Cornino Italy
- Studena Alta SP 112 (Direzione Pontebba), Case Nuove to Cornino Italy
- Studena Alta Strada Provinciale 112 (Direzione Pontebba) to Cornino Italy
- Studena Bassa Frazione Studena Bassa (Caseggiato Blu) to Cornino Italy
- Studena Bassa Frazione Studena Bassa (Ponte, Dir. Pontebba) to Cornino Italy
- Studena Bassa Fraz.Studena Bassa (Latteria, Dir. Pontebba) to Cornino Italy
- Studena Bassa Frazione Studena Bassa (Direzione Pontebba) to Cornino Italy
- Studena Alta Strad Provinciale 112 (Direzione Frattis) to Cornino Italy
- Studena Alta SP 112 (Direzione Frattis), Case Nuove to Cornino Italy
- Ponteibe Strada Provinciale 112 (Dir.Aupa), Località Frattis to Cornino Italy
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Fielis Via Los to Cornino Italy?
The fastest way takes 355 minutes, using Bus line 145, Bus line 170, Bus line 163.
Is there a direct bus between Fielis Via Los and Cornino Italy?
No, you’ll have to take 3 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 5 hr 55 min.
Which bus line goes from Fielis Via Los to Cornino Italy?
The 145 bus line goes from Tolmezzo Autostazione station near Fielis Via Los in Udine to Tolmezzo Via Carnia Libera 1944 (Autostazione) station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Tolmezzo Via Carnia Libera 1944 (Autostazione) station near Cornino Italy in Forgaria Nel Friuli.
How long does it take to travel from Fielis Via Los to Cornino Italy by bus?
The total travel time between Fielis Via Los in Udine and Cornino Italy in Forgaria Nel Friuli by bus is about 5 hr 55 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Fielis Via Los to get to Cornino Italy?
Get on the 145 bus from the Tolmezzo Autostazione stop near Fielis Via Los in Udine.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Fielis Via Los and Cornino Italy?
Get off the bus at the Tolmezzo Via Carnia Libera 1944 (Autostazione) stop, which is closest to Cornino Italy in Forgaria Nel Friuli.