How to get from Avignonet to Corrençon-En-Vercors by bus?
From Avignonet to Corrençon-En-Vercors by bus
To get from Avignonet to Corrençon-En-Vercors in Grenoble, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the T95 bus from Avignonet, Les Marceaux station to Grenoble, Gare Routiere station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the T64 bus and finally take the T67 bus from Villard-De-Lans, Gare Routiere station to Corrençon-En-Vercors, Clos De La Balme station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 3 hr 30 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationAvignonet
- 2Wait for busT95Grenoble, Gare Routiere
- 3Ride to bus stationGrenoble, Gare RoutiereID ST0541453 min
- 4Wait for busT64Villard-De-Lans, Gare Routiere
- 5Ride to bus stationVillard-De-Lans, Gare RoutiereID ST0460660 min
- 6Wait for busT67Corrençon-En-Vercors, Clos De La Balme
- 7Ride to bus stationCorrençon-En-Vercors, Clos De La BalmeID ST0443315 min
- 8Walk toCorrençon-En-Vercors50 m • 1 min
Public transit directions from Avignonet to Corrençon-En-Vercors
Public transit stations close to Avignonet
Avignonet is located at Avignonet, Grenoble and the nearest public transit station is Avignonet, Gueripel.
Bus stations close to Avignonet:
- Avignonet, Gueripel
- Sinard, La Morte
- Saint-Martin-De-La-Cluze, Les Gaillardons
Public transit stations close to Corrençon-En-Vercors, Grenoble
Corrençon-En-Vercors is located at Corrençon-En-Vercors, Grenoble and the nearest public transit station is Corrençon-En-Vercors, Hauts Plateaux.
Bus stations close to Corrençon-En-Vercors:
- Corrençon-En-Vercors, Hauts Plateaux
- Corrençon-En-Vercors, Clos De La Balme
Related Routes
- Saint-André-Le-Gaz to Corrençon-En-Vercors
- Saint-Laurent-Du-Pont to Corrençon-En-Vercors
- Saint-Marcellin to Corrençon-En-Vercors
- Voiron to Corrençon-En-Vercors
- Avignonet to Voglans
- Barberaz to Voglans
- Barberaz to Bassens
- Barberaz to Barby
- Barberaz to Saint-Jean-De-Couz
- Barberaz to Saint-Jeoire-Prieuré
- Bassens to Mens
- Bassens to Charnècles
- Bassens to La Flachère
- Bassens to Saint-Just-De-Claix
- Beaucroissant to Allemond
- Beaucroissant to Sainte-Marie-D'Alloix
- Beaucroissant to Tullins
- Beaufort to Eybens
- Beaufort to Pont-En-Royans
- Beaufort to Saint-Étienne-De-Saint-Geoirs
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Avignonet to Corrençon-En-Vercors?
The fastest way takes 210 minutes, using Bus line T95, Bus line T64, Bus line T67.
Is there a direct bus between Avignonet and Corrençon-En-Vercors in Grenoble?
No, you’ll have to take 3 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 3 hr 30 min.
Which bus line goes from Avignonet to Corrençon-En-Vercors in Grenoble?
The T95 bus line goes from Grenoble, Gare Routiere station near Avignonet to Grenoble, Gare Routiere station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Grenoble, Gare Routiere station near Corrençon-En-Vercors in Grenoble
How long does it take to travel from Avignonet to Corrençon-En-Vercors in Grenoble by bus?
The total travel time between Avignonet and Corrençon-En-Vercors in Grenoble by bus is about 3 hr 30 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Avignonet to get to Corrençon-En-Vercors in Grenoble?
Get on the T95 bus from the Grenoble, Gare Routiere stop near Avignonet in Grenoble.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Avignonet and Corrençon-En-Vercors in Grenoble?
Get off the bus at the Grenoble, Gare Routiere stop, which is closest to Corrençon-En-Vercors in Grenoble.