How to get from Tiarno Di Sotto to Cortina Sulla Strada Del Vino by bus and train?
From Tiarno Di Sotto to Cortina Sulla Strada Del Vino by bus and train
To get from Tiarno Di Sotto to Cortina Sulla Strada Del Vino in Trento, you’ll need to take 2 bus lines and one train line: take the B214 bus from Tiarno Di Sotto. Garage station to Riva Del G. Viale Martiri station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the B205 bus and finally take the RV train from Trento station to Magrè-Cortaccia/Margreid-Kurtatsch station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 4 hr 56 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationTiarno Di Sotto
- 2Wait for busB214Riva Del G.Autostazione
- 3Ride to bus stationRiva Del G. Viale MartiriID 0960RV42 min
- 4Wait for busB205Trento. Autostazione
- 5Ride to bus stationTrento. AutostazioneID 000178 min
- 6Walk to train stationTrento320 m • 5 min
- 7Wait for trainRVBolzano
- 8Ride to train stationMagrè-Cortaccia/Margreid-Kurtatsch23 min
- 9Walk toCortina Sulla Strada Del Vino2.3 km • 29 min
Alternative route from Tiarno Di Sotto to Cortina Sulla Strada Del Vino by bus and train via B214, B332 and RV
To get from Tiarno Di Sotto to Cortina Sulla Strada Del Vino in Trento, you’ll need to take 2 bus lines and one train line: take the B214 bus from Tiarno Di Sotto. Garage station to Riva Del G. Viale Martiri station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the B332 bus and finally take the RV train from Rovereto station to Magrè-Cortaccia/Margreid-Kurtatsch station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 3 hr 28 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationTiarno Di Sotto
- 2Wait for busB214Riva Del G.Autostazione
- 3Ride to bus stationRiva Del G. Viale MartiriID 0960RV55 min
- 4Wait for busB332Rovereto. Via Paoli
- 5Ride to bus stationRovereto. Staz. FSID 3100FR41 min
- 6Walk to train stationRovereto950 m • 13 min
- 7Wait for trainRVBolzano
- 8Ride to train stationMagrè-Cortaccia/Margreid-Kurtatsch41 min
- 9Walk toCortina Sulla Strada Del Vino2.3 km • 29 min
Public transit directions from Tiarno Di Sotto to Cortina Sulla Strada Del Vino
Public transit stations close to Tiarno Di Sotto
Tiarno Di Sotto is located at Tiarno Di Sotto, Trento and the nearest public transit station is Tiarno Di Sopra. Cooperativa.
Bus stations close to Tiarno Di Sotto:
- Tiarno Di Sopra. Cooperativa
- Tiarno Di Sopra-Cooperativa
- Tiarno Di Sotto
Public transit stations close to Cortina Sulla Strada Del Vino, Trento
Cortina Sulla Strada Del Vino is located at Cortina Sulla Strada Del Vino, Trento and the nearest public transit station is Cortina, Paese/Kurtinig, Dorf.
Train stations close to Cortina Sulla Strada Del Vino:
- Magrè-Cortaccia/Margreid-Kurtatsch
- Salorno-Salurn
Bus stations close to Cortina Sulla Strada Del Vino:
- Cortina, Paese/Kurtinig, Dorf
- Kurtinigerhof
- State Park
Related Routes
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Alternative route from Tiarno Di Sotto to Cortina Sulla Strada Del Vino by bus and train via B214, B332 and RV
To get from Tiarno Di Sotto to Cortina Sulla Strada Del Vino in Trento, you’ll need to take 2 bus lines and one train line: take the B214 bus from Tiarno Di Sotto. Garage station to Riva Del G. Viale Martiri station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the B332 bus and finally take the RV train from Rovereto station to Magrè-Cortaccia/Margreid-Kurtatsch station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 3 hr 28 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationTiarno Di Sotto
- 2Wait for busB214Riva Del G.Autostazione
- 3Ride to bus stationRiva Del G. Viale MartiriID 0960RV55 min
- 4Wait for busB332Rovereto. Via Paoli
- 5Ride to bus stationRovereto. Staz. FSID 3100FR41 min
- 6Walk to train stationRovereto950 m • 13 min
- 7Wait for trainRVBolzano
- 8Ride to train stationMagrè-Cortaccia/Margreid-Kurtatsch41 min
- 9Walk toCortina Sulla Strada Del Vino2.3 km • 29 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Tiarno Di Sotto to Cortina Sulla Strada Del Vino?
The fastest way takes 296 minutes, using Bus line B214, Bus line B205, Bus line RV.
What is the alternative route to get from Tiarno Di Sotto to Cortina Sulla Strada Del Vino?
The alternative route takes 208 minutes, using Bus line B214, Bus line B332, Bus line RV.
Is there a direct bus between Tiarno Di Sotto and Cortina Sulla Strada Del Vino in Trento?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines and one train line in total. The total travelling time is 4 hr 56 min.
Which bus line goes from Tiarno Di Sotto to Cortina Sulla Strada Del Vino in Trento?
The B214 bus line goes from Riva Del G.Autostazione station near Tiarno Di Sotto to Riva Del G. Viale Martiri station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line and one train line till Riva Del G. Viale Martiri station near Cortina Sulla Strada Del Vino in Trento
How long does it take to travel from Tiarno Di Sotto to Cortina Sulla Strada Del Vino in Trento by bus and train?
The total travel time between Tiarno Di Sotto and Cortina Sulla Strada Del Vino in Trento by bus and train is about 4 hr 56 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Tiarno Di Sotto to get to Cortina Sulla Strada Del Vino in Trento?
Get on the B214 bus from the Riva Del G.Autostazione stop near Tiarno Di Sotto in Trento.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Tiarno Di Sotto and Cortina Sulla Strada Del Vino in Trento?
Get off the bus at the Riva Del G. Viale Martiri station, which is closest to Cortina Sulla Strada Del Vino in Trento.