How to get from Mallemort to Crillon-Le-Brave by bus?
From Mallemort to Crillon-Le-Brave by bus
To get from Mallemort to Crillon-Le-Brave in Marseille, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the 287 bus from Cadenières station to La Beauvalle station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 57 bus and finally take the L bus from Carpentras_Pem Quai 3 station to Caromb_Route De Modène2 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 7 hr 22 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationCadenièresID 229741.55 km • 20 min
- 2Wait for bus287Aix-En-Provence
- 3Ride to bus stationLa Beauvalle72 min
- 4Walk to bus stationLa BeauvalleID AIX EN PROVENCE10 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for bus57
- 6Ride to bus stationPem Gare RoutièreID CARPENTRAS85 min
- 7Walk to bus stationCarpentras_Pem Quai 340 m • 1 min
- 8Wait for busLLes Héritiers
- 9Ride to bus stationCaromb_Route De Modène223 min
- 10Walk toCrillon-Le-Brave3.24 km • 41 min
Public transit directions from Mallemort to Crillon-Le-Brave
Public transit stations close to Mallemort
Mallemort is located at Mallemort, Marseille and the nearest public transit station is Pont De La Tour.
Bus stations close to Mallemort:
- Pont De La Tour
- Vergon
Public transit stations close to Crillon-Le-Brave, Marseille
Crillon-Le-Brave is located at Crillon-Le-Brave, Marseille and the nearest public transit station is Crillon Le Brave_Village1.
Bus stations close to Crillon-Le-Brave:
- Crillon Le Brave_Village1
- Crillon Le Brave_Village2
- Crillon Le Brave_La Madelaine1
Related Routes
- Avignon to Crillon-Le-Brave
- Cabrières-D'Aigues to Crillon-Le-Brave
- Lambesc to Crillon-Le-Brave
- Manosque to Crillon-Le-Brave
- Plan-D'Orgon to Crillon-Le-Brave
- Saint-Martin-De-Castillon to Crillon-Le-Brave
- Gordes to Crillon-Le-Brave
- Lacoste to Crillon-Le-Brave
- Perrin Guigou to Crillon-Le-Brave
- Métro Gèze to Crillon-Le-Brave
- Plombières Arnal to Crillon-Le-Brave
- Cc Le Merlan to Crillon-Le-Brave
- Mallemort to Besse-Sur-Issole
- Mallemort to Arles
- Mallemort to Fontvieille
- Mallemort to Mouriès
- Mallemort to Sannes
- Mallemort to Villelaure
- Mallemort to Lourmarin
- Mallemort to Mazan
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Mallemort to Crillon-Le-Brave?
The fastest way takes 442 minutes, using Bus line 287, Bus line 57, Bus line L.
Is there a direct bus between Mallemort and Crillon-Le-Brave in Marseille?
No, you’ll have to take 3 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 7 hr 22 min.
Which bus line goes from Mallemort to Crillon-Le-Brave in Marseille?
The 287 bus line goes from Cadenières station near Mallemort to Aix-En-Provence station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Aix-En-Provence station near Crillon-Le-Brave in Marseille
How long does it take to travel from Mallemort to Crillon-Le-Brave in Marseille by bus?
The total travel time between Mallemort and Crillon-Le-Brave in Marseille by bus is about 7 hr 22 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Mallemort to get to Crillon-Le-Brave in Marseille?
Get on the 287 bus from the Cadenières stop near Mallemort in Marseille.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Mallemort and Crillon-Le-Brave in Marseille?
Get off the bus at the Aix-En-Provence stop, which is closest to Crillon-Le-Brave in Marseille.