How to get from Madaripebidea (Metro) (66) to Cruz Roja by bus?
From Madaripebidea (Metro) (66) to Cruz Roja by bus
Take one direct bus from Madaripebidea (Metro) (66) to Cruz Roja in Leioa: take the A2163 bus from Madaripebidea (Metro) (66) station to Santimami (Eroski) (71) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 17 min. The ride fare is €1.35.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationMadaripebidea (Metro) (66)
- 2Wait for busA2163Ehu Ikasgelategiak/Aularios (3364)
- 3Ride to bus stationSantimami (Eroski) (71)ID 480540018 min
- 4Walk toCruz RojaCarretera de la Universidad610 m • 8 min
Alternative route from Madaripebidea (Metro) (66) to Cruz Roja by bus via A2322
Take one direct bus from Madaripebidea (Metro) (66) to Cruz Roja in Leioa: take the A2322 bus from Madaripebidea (Metro) (66) station to Magdalenabidea (Zubietakoerrota) (3365) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 14 min. The ride fare is €1.35.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationMadaripebidea (Metro) (66)
- 2Wait for busA2322Ehu Ikasgelategiak/Aularios (3364)
- 3Ride to bus stationMagdalenabidea (Zubietakoerrota) (3365)ID 489020457 min
- 4Walk toCruz RojaCarretera de la Universidad450 m • 6 min
Public transit directions from Madaripebidea (Metro) (66) to Cruz Roja
Public transit stations close to Madaripebidea (Metro) (66)
Madaripebidea (Metro) (66) is located at Madaripebidea (Metro) (66), Leioa and the nearest public transit station is Udondo (9).
Metro stations close to Madaripebidea (Metro) (66):
- Leioa
- Astrabudua
Bus stations close to Madaripebidea (Metro) (66):
- Udondo (9)
- Etxegorri (Metro) (90)
- Mezo 32 (Juanena) (68)
Public transit stations close to Cruz Roja, Leioa
Cruz Roja is located at Carretera de la Universidad, Leioa and the nearest public transit station is Erandio.
Metro stations close to Cruz Roja:
- Erandio
- Urbinaga
- Leioa
Train stations close to Cruz Roja:
- Sestao
Bus stations close to Cruz Roja:
- Mezo 48 (Saliturri) (69)
- Magdalenabidea (Zubietakoerrota) (3366)
- Magdalenabidea (Ibarra) (212)
Related Routes
- Ambulatorio Txurdinaga to Cruz Roja
- Santa Ana Plaza (3) to Cruz Roja
- La Avanzada 11 (Antiguo Golf) (56) to Cruz Roja
- Mezo 35 (Juanena) (88) to Cruz Roja
- Erandiogoikoa (150) to Cruz Roja
- Magdalenabidea (Ikatza) (213) to Cruz Roja
- Santi Laurenti (3078) to Cruz Roja
- Otxanduri (3081) to Cruz Roja
- Prado (Igerilekuak/Piscinas) (3095) to Cruz Roja
- Sertutxa (3101) to Cruz Roja
- Prado (Igerilekuak/Piscinas) (3168) to Cruz Roja
- Palado (3368) to Cruz Roja
- La Aceña (3465) to Cruz Roja
- Kexaa (3520) to Cruz Roja
- Inzier (3521) to Cruz Roja
- El Valle (3522) to Cruz Roja
- Esquina Abajo (3524) to Cruz Roja
- La Llana (3525) to Cruz Roja
- Esquina Abajo (3527) to Cruz Roja
- Zerrabe (3528) to Cruz Roja
Alternative route from Madaripebidea (Metro) (66) to Cruz Roja by bus via A2322
Take one direct bus from Madaripebidea (Metro) (66) to Cruz Roja in Leioa: take the A2322 bus from Madaripebidea (Metro) (66) station to Magdalenabidea (Zubietakoerrota) (3365) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 14 min. The ride fare is €1.35.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationMadaripebidea (Metro) (66)
- 2Wait for busA2322Ehu Ikasgelategiak/Aularios (3364)
- 3Ride to bus stationMagdalenabidea (Zubietakoerrota) (3365)ID 489020457 min
- 4Walk toCruz RojaCarretera de la Universidad450 m • 6 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Madaripebidea (Metro) (66) to Cruz Roja?
The fastest way takes 17 minutes, using Bus line A2163.
What is the alternative route to get from Madaripebidea (Metro) (66) to Cruz Roja?
The alternative route takes 14 minutes, using Bus line A2322.
Is there a direct bus between Madaripebidea (Metro) (66) and Cruz Roja?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Madaripebidea (Metro) (66) in Erandio to Cruz Roja in Leioa in 17 min.
Which bus line goes from Madaripebidea (Metro) (66) to Cruz Roja?
The A2163 bus line goes from Ehu Ikasgelategiak/Aularios (3364) station near Madaripebidea (Metro) (66) in Erandio to Santimami (Eroski) (71) station near Cruz Roja in Leioa.
How long does it take to travel from Madaripebidea (Metro) (66) to Cruz Roja by bus?
The total travel time between Madaripebidea (Metro) (66) in Erandio and Cruz Roja in Leioa by bus is about 17 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Madaripebidea (Metro) (66) to get to Cruz Roja?
Get on the A2163 bus from the Ehu Ikasgelategiak/Aularios (3364) stop near Madaripebidea (Metro) (66) in Erandio.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Madaripebidea (Metro) (66) and Cruz Roja?
Get off the bus at the Santimami (Eroski) (71) stop, which is closest to Cruz Roja in Leioa.
When is the first bus from Madaripebidea (Metro) (66) to Cruz Roja?
The first bus from Madaripebidea (Metro) (66) in Erandio to Cruz Roja in Leioa is Erandio-Upv/Ehu. It leaves the Madaripebidea (Metro) (66) stop at 9:10 AM.
How much is the bus fare from Madaripebidea (Metro) (66) to Cruz Roja?
The ride from Madaripebidea (Metro) (66) to Cruz Roja costs €1.35.