How to get from Alfonso Malo, 134 to Cuenca by bus?
From Alfonso Malo, 134 to Cuenca by bus
Take one direct bus from Alfonso Malo, 134 to Cuenca in Cuenca: take the L22 bus from Alfonso Malo, 134 station to Miguel Heredia, 367 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 14 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationAlfonso Malo, 134
- 2Wait for busL22Salesianos
- 3Ride to bus stationMiguel Heredia, 36711 min
- 4Walk toCuenca190 m • 3 min
Alternative route from Alfonso Malo, 134 to Cuenca by bus via L24 and L100
To get from Alfonso Malo, 134 to Cuenca in Cuenca, take the L24 bus from Alfonso Malo, 134 station to Vargas Machuca, 1283 station. Next, take the L100 bus from Mariano Cueva, 1305 station to Miguel Heredia, 367 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 19 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationAlfonso Malo, 134
- 2Wait for busL24Miraflores
- 3Ride to bus stationVargas Machuca, 12836 min
- 4Walk to bus stationMariano Cueva, 1305120 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for busL100Baños
- 6Ride to bus stationMiguel Heredia, 3675 min
- 7Walk toCuenca190 m • 3 min
Public transit directions from Alfonso Malo, 134 to Cuenca
Public transit stations close to Alfonso Malo, 134
Alfonso Malo, 134 is located at Alfonso Malo, 134, Cuenca and the nearest public transit station is Banco Central.
Bus stations close to Alfonso Malo, 134:
- Banco Central
- Honorato Vásquez, 12
- Teresa Valse
Public transit stations close to Cuenca, Cuenca
Cuenca is located at Cuenca, Cuenca and the nearest public transit station is Calle Mariscal Lamar, 1597.
Bus stations close to Cuenca:
- Calle Mariscal Lamar, 1597
- Antonio Vega Muñoz, 2063
- Av. De Las Américas Y Daniel Alvarado
Related Routes
- Juan Jaramillo, 713 to Cuenca
- Alfonso Malo, 134 to Universidad De Cuenca
- Alfonso Malo, 134 to Ricaurte
- Honorato Vásquez, 12 to Universidad De Cuenca
- Honorato Vásquez, 12 to Subcentro De Salud Ricaurte
- Honorato Vásquez, 12 to Ricaurte
- Honorato Vásquez, 12 to Subcentro De Salud El Valle
- La República, 112 to Universidad De Cuenca
- La República, 112 to Ricaurte
- José Joaquín De Olmedo, 346 to Universidad De Cuenca
- José Joaquín De Olmedo, 346 to Ricaurte
- Pasaje Madrid, 123 to Campus Yanuncay Universidad De Cuenca
- Pasaje Madrid, 123 to Facultad De Medicina
- Pasaje Madrid, 123 to Universidad Politecnica Salesiana
- Pasaje Madrid, 123 to Campus Paraíso
- Pasaje Madrid, 123 to Universidad De Cuenca
- Pasaje Madrid, 123 to Facultad De Odontología
- Pasaje Madrid, 123 to Ricaurte
- Pasaje Madrid, 123 to Universidad Catolica
- Aeropuerto to Solca Instituto Del Cáncer
Alternative route from Alfonso Malo, 134 to Cuenca by bus via L24 and L100
To get from Alfonso Malo, 134 to Cuenca in Cuenca, take the L24 bus from Alfonso Malo, 134 station to Vargas Machuca, 1283 station. Next, take the L100 bus from Mariano Cueva, 1305 station to Miguel Heredia, 367 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 19 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationAlfonso Malo, 134
- 2Wait for busL24Miraflores
- 3Ride to bus stationVargas Machuca, 12836 min
- 4Walk to bus stationMariano Cueva, 1305120 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for busL100Baños
- 6Ride to bus stationMiguel Heredia, 3675 min
- 7Walk toCuenca190 m • 3 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Alfonso Malo, 134 to Cuenca?
The fastest way takes 14 minutes, using Bus line L22.
What is the alternative route to get from Alfonso Malo, 134 to Cuenca?
The alternative route takes 19 minutes, using Bus line L24, Bus line L100.
Is there a direct bus between Alfonso Malo, 134 and Cuenca in Cuenca?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Alfonso Malo, 134 to Cuenca in Cuenca in 14 min.
Which bus line goes from Alfonso Malo, 134 to Cuenca in Cuenca?
The L22 bus line goes from Salesianos station near Alfonso Malo, 134 to Miguel Heredia, 367 station near Cuenca in Cuenca.
How long does it take to travel from Alfonso Malo, 134 to Cuenca in Cuenca by bus?
The total travel time between Alfonso Malo, 134 and Cuenca in Cuenca by bus is about 14 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Alfonso Malo, 134 to get to Cuenca in Cuenca?
Get on the L22 bus from the Salesianos stop near Alfonso Malo, 134 in Cuenca.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Alfonso Malo, 134 and Cuenca in Cuenca?
Get off the bus at the Miguel Heredia, 367 stop, which is closest to Cuenca in Cuenca.
When is the first bus from Alfonso Malo, 134 to Cuenca in Cuenca?
The first bus from Alfonso Malo, 134 to Cuenca in Cuenca is SALESIANOS - GAPAL. It leaves the Alfonso Malo, 134 stop at 3:05 AM.