How to get from Ciolpani to Darasti-Ilfov by bus and tram?
From Ciolpani to Darasti-Ilfov by bus and tram
To get from Ciolpani to Darasti-Ilfov in Bucuresti, you’ll need to take 2 bus lines and one tram line: take the 446 bus from Cartier Tineret station to Piata Presei station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 41 tram and finally take the 427 bus from Ghencea station to Unirea Principatelor station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 57 min. The ride fare is RON5.00.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationCiolpani
- 2Wait for bus446Piata Presei
- 3Ride to bus stationPiata Presei59 min
- 4Walk to tram stationPiata Presei450 m • 6 min
- 5Wait for tram41Ghencea
- 6Ride to tram stationGhencea32 min
- 7Walk to bus stationGhencea50 m • 1 min
- 8Wait for bus427Darasti
- 9Ride to bus stationUnirea Principatelor46 min
Public transit directions from Ciolpani to Darasti-Ilfov
Public transit stations close to Ciolpani
Ciolpani is located at Ciolpani, Bucuresti and the nearest public transit station is Manastirii.
Bus stations close to Ciolpani:
- Manastirii
Public transit stations close to Darasti-Ilfov, Bucuresti
Darasti-Ilfov is located at Darasti-Ilfov, Bucuresti and the nearest public transit station is Asan.
Bus stations close to Darasti-Ilfov:
- Asan
- Magazin
- Primaria Darasti
Related Routes
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- Ganeasa to Darasti-Ilfov
- Gradinari to Darasti-Ilfov
- Magurele to Darasti-Ilfov
- Mogosoaia to Darasti-Ilfov
- Branesti to Darasti-Ilfov
- Dor Mărunt to Darasti-Ilfov
- Sărățeni to Darasti-Ilfov
- Brănești to Darasti-Ilfov
- Balaciu to Darasti-Ilfov
- Ciochina to Darasti-Ilfov
- Andrășești to Darasti-Ilfov
- Lehliu-Gară to Darasti-Ilfov
- Moldoveni to Darasti-Ilfov
- Dragalina to Darasti-Ilfov
- Oltenița to Darasti-Ilfov
- Budești to Darasti-Ilfov
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Ciolpani to Darasti-Ilfov?
The fastest way takes 177 minutes, using Bus line 446, Bus line 41, Bus line 427.
Is there a direct bus between Ciolpani and Darasti-Ilfov in Bucuresti?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines and one tram line in total. The total travelling time is 2 hr 57 min.
Which bus line goes from Ciolpani to Darasti-Ilfov in Bucuresti?
The 446 bus line goes from Piata Presei station near Ciolpani to Piata Presei station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line and one tram line till Piata Presei station near Darasti-Ilfov in Bucuresti
How long does it take to travel from Ciolpani to Darasti-Ilfov in Bucuresti by bus and tram?
The total travel time between Ciolpani and Darasti-Ilfov in Bucuresti by bus and tram is about 2 hr 57 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Ciolpani to get to Darasti-Ilfov in Bucuresti?
Get on the 446 bus from the Piata Presei stop near Ciolpani in Bucuresti.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Ciolpani and Darasti-Ilfov in Bucuresti?
Get off the bus at the Piata Presei stop, which is closest to Darasti-Ilfov in Bucuresti.
How much is the total bus and tram fare from Ciolpani to Darasti-Ilfov?
The ride from Ciolpani to Darasti-Ilfov costs RON5.00.