How to get from Hejsager to Darup by bus and train?
From Hejsager to Darup by bus and train
To get from Hejsager to Darup in Roskilde, you’ll need to take 2 bus lines and one train line: take the 268 bus from Hejsager Strandvej V Hejsagervej station to Haderslev Busstation station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 900X bus and finally take the IC train from Vejle St. station to Roskilde St. station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 8 hr 38 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationHejsager
- 2Wait for bus268Sønder Vilstrup - Hejsager - Årøsund
- 3Ride to bus stationHaderslev Busstation43 min
- 4Wait for bus900XVejle
- 5Ride to bus stationVejle Trafikcenter71 min
- 6Walk to train stationVejle St.70 m • 1 min
- 7Wait for trainICCPH Lufthavn
- 8Ride to train stationRoskilde St.160 min
- 9Walk toDarup3.92 km • 50 min
Public transit directions from Hejsager to Darup
Public transit stations close to Hejsager
Hejsager is located at Hejsager, Roskilde and the nearest public transit station is Hejsager.
Bus stations close to Hejsager:
- Hejsager
- Hejsager Strandvej V Hejsagervej
- Hejsagervej O. F. Nr. 83 (Haderslev)
Public transit stations close to Darup, Roskilde
Darup is located at Darup, Roskilde and the nearest public transit station is Østerled (Hovedvejen).
Train stations close to Darup:
- Roskilde St.
Bus stations close to Darup:
- Østerled (Hovedvejen)
- Himmelsøen (Darupvej)
- Ledreborg Allé (Ringstedvej)
Related Routes
- Padborg Grænse St. to Darup
- Øster Hurup V/ P-Plads (Solbjergvej / Øster Hurup) to Darup
- Vråvej Vest (Mariagerfjord Komm.) to Darup
- Haugstrup (Vonge) to Darup
- Sandby (Favrskov Kom) to Darup
- Lynghøjvej (Favrskov Kom) to Darup
- Snedestrupvej (Favrskov Kom) to Darup
- Sandballevej (Favrskov Kom) to Darup
- Strellev Bjalderupvej V Adsbølvej to Darup
- Bækvej Nord (Mariagerfjord Komm.) to Darup
- Hundige St. to Darup
- Højmark (Ringkøbing-Skjern Kommune) to Darup
- Bøgsminde (Veggerbyvej / Kirketerp) to Darup
- Fur Museum to Darup
- Dons Byvej V Prangervej to Darup
- Stånum (Randers Kom) to Darup
- Holsevej / Ã…bjergvej (Middelfart Kommune) to Darup
- Sletterød / Fjellerupvej (Middelfart Kommune) to Darup
- Debel (Skive Kom) to Darup
- Fgu Nordvest (Elsøvej / Nykøbing Mors) to Darup
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Hejsager to Darup?
The fastest way takes 518 minutes, using Bus line 268, Bus line 900X, Bus line IC.
Is there a direct bus between Hejsager and Darup?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines and one train line in total. The total travelling time is 8 hr 38 min.
Which bus line goes from Hejsager to Darup?
The 268 bus line goes from Sønder Vilstrup - Hejsager - Årøsund station near Hejsager in Denmark to Haderslev Busstation station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line and one train line till Haderslev Busstation station near Darup in Roskilde.
How long does it take to travel from Hejsager to Darup by bus and train?
The total travel time between Hejsager in Denmark and Darup in Roskilde by bus and train is about 8 hr 38 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Hejsager to get to Darup?
Get on the 268 bus from the Sønder Vilstrup - Hejsager - Årøsund stop near Hejsager in Denmark.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Hejsager and Darup?
Get off the bus at the Haderslev Busstation station, which is closest to Darup in Roskilde.