How to get from Rua Carlotinha Brito, 21 to Demerval Lobão by bus?
From Rua Carlotinha Brito, 21 to Demerval Lobão by bus
To get from Rua Carlotinha Brito, 21 to Demerval Lobão in Demerval Lobão, take the 100 bus from Rua Carlotinha Brito, 21 station to Av. José Dos Santos E Silva, 850 | Barroso Construções station. Next, take the TERESINA - DEMERVAL LOBÃO bus from Rua João Cabral, 500 | Terminal Intermunicipal Sul station to Br 316 | Igreja N. S. Perpétuo Socorro (Sent. Sul) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 52 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationRua Carlotinha Brito, 21
- 2Wait for bus100Redonda Via Shopping / Tribunal de Justiça
- 3Ride to bus stationAv. José Dos Santos E Silva, 850 | Barroso Construções41 min
- 4Walk to bus stationRua João Cabral, 500 | Terminal Intermunicipal Sul80 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for busTERESINA - DEMERVAL LOBÃOTeresina - Demerval Lobão
- 6Ride to bus stationBr 316 | Igreja N. S. Perpétuo Socorro (Sent. Sul)59 min
Alternative route from Rua Carlotinha Brito, 21 to Demerval Lobão by bus via 03 and TERESINA - DEMERVAL LOBÃO
To get from Rua Carlotinha Brito, 21 to Demerval Lobão in Demerval Lobão, take the 03 bus from Rua Um, 1990 | Próx. Ao Condomínio Colorado station to Av. Getúlio Vargas, 1499 | Jsb Distribuidora station. Next, take the TERESINA - DEMERVAL LOBÃO bus from Avenida Presidente Getúlio Vargas, 2486 | Jelta station to Br 316 | Igreja N. S. Perpétuo Socorro (Sent. Sul) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 30 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationRua Um, 1990 | Próx. Ao Condomínio Colorado330 m • 5 min
- 2Wait for bus03Alto Da Ressurreição / Mocambinho
- 3Ride to bus stationAv. Getúlio Vargas, 1499 | Jsb Distribuidora24 min
- 4Wait for busTERESINA - DEMERVAL LOBÃOTeresina - Demerval Lobão
- 5Ride to bus stationBr 316 | Igreja N. S. Perpétuo Socorro (Sent. Sul)51 min
Public transit directions from Rua Carlotinha Brito, 21 to Demerval Lobão
Public transit stations close to Rua Carlotinha Brito, 21
Rua Carlotinha Brito, 21 is located at Rua Carlotinha Brito, 21, Demerval Lobão and the nearest public transit station is Rua Carlotinha Brito, 374.
Metro stations close to Rua Carlotinha Brito, 21:
- Dirceu II
- Parque Ideal
- Renascença II
Bus stations close to Rua Carlotinha Brito, 21:
- Rua Carlotinha Brito, 374
- Rua Jornalista Lívio Lopes, 466 | Colégio São Judas Tadeu
- Rua Um, 305 | Próx. Ao Condomínio Colorado
Public transit stations close to Demerval Lobão, Demerval Lobão
Demerval Lobão is located at Demerval Lobão, Demerval Lobão and the nearest public transit station is Br 316, Km 32 | Prefeitura De Demerval Lobão (Sent. Sul).
Bus stations close to Demerval Lobão:
- Br 316, Km 32 | Prefeitura De Demerval Lobão (Sent. Sul)
- Br 316, Km 32 | Prefeitura De Demerval Lobão (Sent. Norte)
- Br 316 (Sent. Norte)
Related Routes
- Avenida Miguel Rosa, 2020 to Demerval Lobão
- Parada Final | Res. Torquato Neto to Demerval Lobão
- Avenida Josué Soares De Oliveira, 510 to Demerval Lobão
- Av. Ministro Sérgio Mota, 3187 to Demerval Lobão
- Ubs Da Estaca Zero to Demerval Lobão
- Avenida João Xxiii, 6805 | Ladeira Do Uruguai (Desembarque Intermunicipal) to Demerval Lobão
- Taboca 11/João De Deus to Demerval Lobão
- Taboca 4 to Demerval Lobão
- Lot Taboca to Demerval Lobão
- Br-316 |Chapadinha Sul (Sent. Sul) to Demerval Lobão
- Br 316 | Dudico/Rodoanel (Sentido Teresina) to Demerval Lobão
- Br 316 | Dudico/Rodoanel (Sent. Sul) to Demerval Lobão
- Avenida Santo Antônio, 1066 to Demerval Lobão
- Pi-221, Estaca Zero Sentido Altos to Demerval Lobão
- Pi-221, Estaca Zero Sentido Beneditinos to Demerval Lobão
- Pi-223, Santa Teresina - Posto De Gasolina to Demerval Lobão
- Pi-223, Posto De Gasolina to Demerval Lobão
- Barroso to Demerval Lobão
- Pi-223, Rua 04 (Assentamento) to Demerval Lobão
- Pi-223, 235 to Demerval Lobão
Alternative route from Rua Carlotinha Brito, 21 to Demerval Lobão by bus via 03 and TERESINA - DEMERVAL LOBÃO
To get from Rua Carlotinha Brito, 21 to Demerval Lobão in Demerval Lobão, take the 03 bus from Rua Um, 1990 | Próx. Ao Condomínio Colorado station to Av. Getúlio Vargas, 1499 | Jsb Distribuidora station. Next, take the TERESINA - DEMERVAL LOBÃO bus from Avenida Presidente Getúlio Vargas, 2486 | Jelta station to Br 316 | Igreja N. S. Perpétuo Socorro (Sent. Sul) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 30 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationRua Um, 1990 | Próx. Ao Condomínio Colorado330 m • 5 min
- 2Wait for bus03Alto Da Ressurreição / Mocambinho
- 3Ride to bus stationAv. Getúlio Vargas, 1499 | Jsb Distribuidora24 min
- 4Wait for busTERESINA - DEMERVAL LOBÃOTeresina - Demerval Lobão
- 5Ride to bus stationBr 316 | Igreja N. S. Perpétuo Socorro (Sent. Sul)51 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Rua Carlotinha Brito, 21 to Demerval Lobão?
The fastest way takes 112 minutes, using Bus line 100, Bus line TERESINA - DEMERVAL LOBÃO.
What is the alternative route to get from Rua Carlotinha Brito, 21 to Demerval Lobão?
The alternative route takes 90 minutes, using Bus line 03, Bus line TERESINA - DEMERVAL LOBÃO.
Is there a direct bus between Rua Carlotinha Brito, 21 and Demerval Lobão?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 52 min.
Which bus line goes from Rua Carlotinha Brito, 21 to Demerval Lobão?
The 100 bus line goes from Redonda Via Shopping / Tribunal de Justiça station near Rua Carlotinha Brito, 21 in Teresina to Av. José Dos Santos E Silva, 850 | Barroso Construções station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Av. José Dos Santos E Silva, 850 | Barroso Construções station near Demerval Lobão in Demerval Lobão.
How long does it take to travel from Rua Carlotinha Brito, 21 to Demerval Lobão by bus?
The total travel time between Rua Carlotinha Brito, 21 in Teresina and Demerval Lobão in Demerval Lobão by bus is about 1 hr 52 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Rua Carlotinha Brito, 21 to get to Demerval Lobão?
Get on the 100 bus from the Redonda Via Shopping / Tribunal de Justiça stop near Rua Carlotinha Brito, 21 in Teresina.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Rua Carlotinha Brito, 21 and Demerval Lobão?
Get off the bus at the Av. José Dos Santos E Silva, 850 | Barroso Construções stop, which is closest to Demerval Lobão in Demerval Lobão.