How to get from Roda Centar to Drača by ?
From Roda Centar to Drača by
Take one direct from Roda Centar to Drača in Kragujevac: take the 15 from Dom Sindikata station to Drača station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 36 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk toDom Sindikata390 m • 5 min
- 2Wait for15Drača (Iz Korićana)
- 3Ride toDrača27 min
- 4Walk toDrača210 m • 3 min
Public transit directions from Roda Centar to Drača
Public transit stations close to Roda Centar
Roda Centar is located at Roda Centar, Kragujevac and the nearest public transit station is Hala Jezero 2.
Bus stations close to Roda Centar:
- Hala Jezero 2
- Hala Jezero 1
- Dom Sindikata
Public transit stations close to Drača, Kragujevac
Drača is located at Drača, Kragujevac and the nearest public transit station is Vikend Naselje.
Bus stations close to Drača:
- Vikend Naselje
- Pejovići
- Spomenik
Related Routes
- Maršić Škola to Drača
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- Ilićevo to Drača
- Dvadeset Drugi Decembar to Drača
- Eko Park to Drača
- Ilina Voda to Drača
- Filip Kljajić to Drača
- Jezero to Drača
- Hotel to Drača
- Pijac 2 to Drača
- Mala Vaga 2 to Drača
- Šest Topola to Drača
- Arsenal to Drača
- Zvezda Čvor to Drača
- Institut to Drača
- Pruga to Drača
- Prodavnica to Drača
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Roda Centar to Drača?
The fastest way takes 36 minutes, using Bus line 15.
Is there a direct between Roda Centar and Drača in Kragujevac?
Yes, there is a direct going from Roda Centar to Drača in Kragujevac in 36 min.
Which line goes from Roda Centar to Drača in Kragujevac?
The line goes from Dom Sindikata station near Roda Centar to Drača (Iz Korićana) station near Drača in Kragujevac.
How long does it take to travel from Roda Centar to Drača in Kragujevac by ?
The total travel time between Roda Centar and Drača in Kragujevac by is about 36 min.
Where do I get on the near Roda Centar to get to Drača in Kragujevac?
Where do I get off the when travelling between Roda Centar and Drača in Kragujevac?
Get off the at the Drača (Iz Korićana) stop, which is closest to Drača in Kragujevac.
When is the last bus from Roda Centar to Drača in Kragujevac?
The last bus from Roda Centar to Drača in Kragujevac is the Korićani - Šumarice /Drača/ line. It leaves the Dom Sindikata stop at 6:15 AM.