How to get from Airport Avenue6/Police Station to Dumestan by bus?
From Airport Avenue6/Police Station to Dumestan by bus
Take one direct bus from Airport Avenue6/Police Station to Dumestan in Damistan: take the A2 bus from Airport Avenue6/Police Station station to Wali Al Ahed Hwy-2/Souq Waqif station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 10 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationAirport Avenue6/Police Station
- 2Wait for busA2University Terminus
- 3Ride to bus stationWali Al Ahed Hwy-2/Souq WaqifID 754H14N135 min
- 4Walk toDumestan2.64 km • 34 min
Public transit directions from Airport Avenue6/Police Station to Dumestan
Public transit stations close to Airport Avenue6/Police Station
Airport Avenue6/Police Station is located at Airport Avenue6/Police Station, Damistan and the nearest public transit station is Airport.
Bus stations close to Airport Avenue6/Police Station:
- Airport
- Busaiteen Club
- Airport Avenue-4/Muharraq Park
Public transit stations close to Dumestan, Damistan
Dumestan is located at Dumestan, Damistan and the nearest public transit station is Hamala Beach Resort.
Bus stations close to Dumestan:
- Hamala Beach Resort
- Mazare'A Highway-7/Damstan
- Dumistan Housing-1
Related Routes
- Alnasser Club/Juffair to Dumestan
- Arad to Dumestan
- Arad/Avenue 29 to Dumestan
- Budaiya Highway-1/Budaiya to Dumestan
- Busaiteen Housing-2 to Dumestan
- Juffair (North) Terminus to Dumestan
- Kuwait Avenue-1/Suqayya to Dumestan
- Muharraq Sport Club to Dumestan
- Hamad Town/Rbt 9-1 to Dumestan
- Juffair/American Alley-2 to Dumestan
- Airport Avenue6/Police Station to Ahlia University
- Airport Avenue6/Police Station to Muharraq
- Airport Avenue6/Police Station to سَنَد
- Airport Avenue6/Police Station to فريج لبنان الجريح ..
- Ajirah Avenue-1/West Riffa to Ahlia University
- Ajirah Avenue-1/West Riffa to Muharraq
- Ajirah Avenue-1/West Riffa to سَنَد
- Ajirah Avenue-1/West Riffa to فريج لبنان الجريح ..
- Ajirah Avenue-1/West Riffa to Tashan
- Al Khalifa Avenue/Muharraq to Ahlia University
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Airport Avenue6/Police Station to Dumestan?
The fastest way takes 70 minutes, using Bus line A2.
Is there a direct bus between Airport Avenue6/Police Station and Dumestan?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Airport Avenue6/Police Station in Muharraq to Dumestan in Damistan in 1 hr 10 min.
Which bus line goes from Airport Avenue6/Police Station to Dumestan?
The A2 bus line goes from University Terminus station near Airport Avenue6/Police Station in Muharraq to Wali Al Ahed Hwy-2/Souq Waqif station near Dumestan in Damistan.
How long does it take to travel from Airport Avenue6/Police Station to Dumestan by bus?
The total travel time between Airport Avenue6/Police Station in Muharraq and Dumestan in Damistan by bus is about 1 hr 10 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Airport Avenue6/Police Station to get to Dumestan?
Get on the A2 bus from the University Terminus stop near Airport Avenue6/Police Station in Muharraq.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Airport Avenue6/Police Station and Dumestan?
Get off the bus at the Wali Al Ahed Hwy-2/Souq Waqif stop, which is closest to Dumestan in Damistan.
When is the first bus from Airport Avenue6/Police Station to Dumestan?
The first bus from Airport Avenue6/Police Station in Muharraq to Dumestan in Damistan is Airport - University of Bahrain. It leaves the Airport Avenue6/Police Station stop at 11:17 AM.