How to get from Parada Final | Rua Alagoas, 012 to Ead Estácio by bus?
From Parada Final | Rua Alagoas, 012 to Ead Estácio by bus
Take one direct bus from Parada Final | Rua Alagoas, 012 to Ead Estácio in Timon: take the JULIA ALMEIDA-NOVO TEMPO VIA CENTRO bus from Parada Final | Rua Alagoas, 012 station to Parada Do Ipmt station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 33 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationParada Final | Rua Alagoas, 012
- 2Wait for busJULIA ALMEIDA-NOVO TEMPO VIA CENTROJulia Almeida-Novo Tempo Via Centro
- 3Ride to bus stationParada Do Ipmt21 min
- 4Walk toEad EstácioAvenida Piauí810 m • 11 min
Public transit directions from Parada Final | Rua Alagoas, 012 to Ead Estácio
Public transit stations close to Parada Final | Rua Alagoas, 012
Parada Final | Rua Alagoas, 012 is located at Parada Final | Rua Alagoas, 012, Timon and the nearest public transit station is Rua Alagoas | Quadra L.
Bus stations close to Parada Final | Rua Alagoas, 012:
- Rua Alagoas | Quadra L
- Rua Alagoas, 340
- Rua Samambaia, 51
Public transit stations close to Ead Estácio, Timon
Ead Estácio is located at Avenida Piauí, Timon and the nearest public transit station is Avenida Jaime Rios, 529.
Metro stations close to Ead Estácio:
- Matinha
- Alberto Silva / Praça Da Bandeira
- Frei Serafim / Parque Da Cidadania
Bus stations close to Ead Estácio:
- Avenida Jaime Rios, 529
- Praça Da Bandeira - 4 | Timon, Redenção E Três Andares
- Praça Da Bandeira - 3 | Zona Leste
Ferry stations close to Ead Estácio:
- Cais Do Rio Parnaíba
- Cais Do Rio Parnaíba - Timon
Related Routes
- Avenida Prefeito Wall Ferraz, 455 | Desembarque Intermunicipal to Ead Estácio
- Avenida Getúlio Vargas , 655 | Oposto À Rodoviária to Ead Estácio
- Av. Sta Me. Palina, 1178 | Praça Do Esplanada to Ead Estácio
- Av. Dois, 3922 to Ead Estácio
- Av. Pref. Wall Ferraz / Br-316, 11491 to Ead Estácio
- Avenida Miguel Rosa, 2855 | Estação to Ead Estácio
- Avenida Miguel Rosa, 2852 |Próximo À Estação/25º Bc to Ead Estácio
- Avenida Tiúba, 2055 to Ead Estácio
- Avenida Presidente Médici, 533-595 to Ead Estácio
- Avenida Tiúba, 1810b to Ead Estácio
- Avenida Tiúba, 1448 to Ead Estácio
- Avenida Tiúba, 1095 to Ead Estácio
- Avenida Tiúba, 647 A to Ead Estácio
- Avenida Tiúba, 409 to Ead Estácio
- Avenida Tiúba, 225 to Ead Estácio
- Avenida Circular, 401 to Ead Estácio
- Avenida Circular, 775-835 to Ead Estácio
- Rua Dona Amélia Rubim | Res. Jeanete Moraes Souza to Ead Estácio
- Terminal Flores (Rua 100) to Ead Estácio
- Avenida Miguel Rosa, 1600 | Oposto Ao Viaduto Do Mafuá to Ead Estácio
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Parada Final | Rua Alagoas, 012 to Ead Estácio?
The fastest way takes 33 minutes, using Bus line JULIA ALMEIDA-NOVO TEMPO VIA CENTRO.
Is there a direct bus between Parada Final | Rua Alagoas, 012 and Ead Estácio?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Parada Final | Rua Alagoas, 012 in Teresina to Ead Estácio in Timon in 33 min.
Which bus line goes from Parada Final | Rua Alagoas, 012 to Ead Estácio?
The JULIA ALMEIDA-NOVO TEMPO VIA CENTRO bus line goes from Julia Almeida-Novo Tempo Via Centro station near Parada Final | Rua Alagoas, 012 in Teresina to Parada Do Ipmt station near Ead Estácio in Timon.
How long does it take to travel from Parada Final | Rua Alagoas, 012 to Ead Estácio by bus?
The total travel time between Parada Final | Rua Alagoas, 012 in Teresina and Ead Estácio in Timon by bus is about 33 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Parada Final | Rua Alagoas, 012 to get to Ead Estácio?
Get on the JULIA ALMEIDA-NOVO TEMPO VIA CENTRO bus from the Julia Almeida-Novo Tempo Via Centro stop near Parada Final | Rua Alagoas, 012 in Teresina.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Parada Final | Rua Alagoas, 012 and Ead Estácio?
Get off the bus at the Parada Do Ipmt stop, which is closest to Ead Estácio in Timon.
When is the first bus from Parada Final | Rua Alagoas, 012 to Ead Estácio?
The first bus from Parada Final | Rua Alagoas, 012 in Teresina to Ead Estácio in Timon is JULIA ALMEIDA-NOVO TEMPO via CENTRO. It leaves the Parada Final | Rua Alagoas, 012 stop at 5:05 AM.