How to get from Barakaldo to Eibar by bus and train?
From Barakaldo to Eibar by bus and train
To get from Barakaldo to Eibar in Bilbao, take the C1 train from Barakaldo station to Zabalburu station. Next, take the A3926 bus from Zabalburu (Juan De Garay) (4121) station to Untzaga Plaza (Egogain Kalea) (3962) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 16 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationBarakaldo
- 2Wait for trainC1Bilbao-Abando Indalecio Prieto
- 3Ride to train stationZabalburu12 min
- 4Walk to bus stationZabalburu (Juan De Garay) (4121)ID 48020188210 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for busA3926Untzaga Plaza (Egogain Kalea) (3962)
- 6Ride to bus stationUntzaga Plaza (Egogain Kalea) (3962)ID 2003000841 min
- 7Walk toEibar920 m • 12 min
Alternative route from Barakaldo to Eibar by bus and train via C2 and A3926
To get from Barakaldo to Eibar in Bilbao, take the C2 train from Barakaldo station to Zabalburu station. Next, take the A3926 bus from Zabalburu (Juan De Garay) (4121) station to Untzaga Plaza (Egogain Kalea) (3962) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 31 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationBarakaldo
- 2Wait for trainC2Bilbao-Abando Indalecio Prieto
- 3Ride to train stationZabalburu12 min
- 4Walk to bus stationZabalburu (Juan De Garay) (4121)ID 48020188210 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for busA3926Untzaga Plaza (Egogain Kalea) (3962)
- 6Ride to bus stationUntzaga Plaza (Egogain Kalea) (3962)ID 2003000841 min
- 7Walk toEibar920 m • 12 min
Public transit directions from Barakaldo to Eibar
Public transit stations close to Barakaldo
Barakaldo is located at Barakaldo, Bilbao and the nearest public transit station is Murrieta (Geltokia/Estación) (408).
Metro stations close to Barakaldo:
- Bagatza
- Barakaldo
- Urbinaga
Bus stations close to Barakaldo:
- Murrieta (Geltokia/Estación) (408)
- El Desierto Plaza (3554)
- Erreketa (345)
Public transit stations close to Eibar, Bilbao
Eibar is located at Eibar, Bilbao and the nearest public transit station is San Juan Kalea, 07.
Train stations close to Eibar:
- Ardantza-Eibar
- Eibar
- Unibertsitatea
Bus stations close to Eibar:
- San Juan Kalea, 07
- Unzaga
- Unzaga Lateral
Related Routes
- Abadiño to Eibar
- Amorebieta-Etxano to Eibar
- Aramaio to Eibar
- Aretxabaleta to Eibar
- Arrigorriaga to Eibar
- Astigarraga to Eibar
- Balmaseda to Eibar
- Bedia to Eibar
- Berango to Eibar
- Bergara to Eibar
- Bermeo to Eibar
- Berriz to Eibar
- Bilbao to Eibar
- Derio to Eibar
- Durango to Eibar
- Ea to Eibar
- Elantxobe to Eibar
- Elorrio to Eibar
- Erandio to Eibar
- Galdakao to Eibar
Alternative route from Barakaldo to Eibar by bus and train via C2 and A3926
To get from Barakaldo to Eibar in Bilbao, take the C2 train from Barakaldo station to Zabalburu station. Next, take the A3926 bus from Zabalburu (Juan De Garay) (4121) station to Untzaga Plaza (Egogain Kalea) (3962) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 31 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationBarakaldo
- 2Wait for trainC2Bilbao-Abando Indalecio Prieto
- 3Ride to train stationZabalburu12 min
- 4Walk to bus stationZabalburu (Juan De Garay) (4121)ID 48020188210 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for busA3926Untzaga Plaza (Egogain Kalea) (3962)
- 6Ride to bus stationUntzaga Plaza (Egogain Kalea) (3962)ID 2003000841 min
- 7Walk toEibar920 m • 12 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Barakaldo to Eibar?
The fastest way takes 76 minutes, using Bus line C1, Bus line A3926.
What is the alternative route to get from Barakaldo to Eibar?
The alternative route takes 91 minutes, using Bus line C2, Bus line A3926.
Is there a direct train between Barakaldo and Eibar in Bilbao?
No, you’ll have to take one train line and one bus line in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 16 min.
Which train line goes from Barakaldo to Eibar in Bilbao?
The C1 train line goes from Bilbao-Abando Indalecio Prieto station near Barakaldo to Zabalburu station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Zabalburu station near Eibar in Bilbao
How long does it take to travel from Barakaldo to Eibar in Bilbao by train and bus?
The total travel time between Barakaldo and Eibar in Bilbao by train and bus is about 1 hr 16 min.
Where do I get on the train near Barakaldo to get to Eibar in Bilbao?
Get on the C1 train from the Bilbao-Abando Indalecio Prieto station near Barakaldo in Bilbao.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Barakaldo and Eibar in Bilbao?
Get off the train at the Zabalburu stop, which is closest to Eibar in Bilbao.