How to get from Cumhuriyet Mahallesi to Eminönü, Fatih by Metrobus and train?
From Cumhuriyet Mahallesi to Eminönü, Fatih by Metrobus and train
To get from Cumhuriyet Mahallesi to Eminönü, Fatih in Istanbul, take the 34BZ Metrobus from Cumhuriyet Mahallesi station to Küçükçekmece station. Next, take the B1 train from Küçükçekmece station to Sirkeci station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 37 min. The ride fare is TRY68.62.
Step by Step
- 1Start from Metrobus stationCumhuriyet Mahallesi
- 2Wait for Metrobus34BZBeylikdüzü > Zincirlikuyu
- 3Ride to Metrobus stationKüçükçekmece41 min
- 4Walk to train stationKüçükçekmece550 m • 7 min
- 5Wait for trainB1Gebze
- 6Ride to train stationSirkeci32 min
- 7Walk toEminönü, Fatih300 m • 4 min
From Cumhuriyet Mahallesi to Eminönü, Fatih by Dolmus & Minibus and train
To get from Cumhuriyet Mahallesi to Eminönü, Fatih in Istanbul, take the KÜÇÜKÇEKMECE - HARAMIDERE Dolmus & Minibus from Bizimkent station to Hatboyu Caddesi station. Next, take the B1 train from Küçükçekmece station to Sirkeci station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 34 min. The ride fare is TRY62.72.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to Dolmus & Minibus stationBizimkent430 m • 6 min
- 2Wait for Dolmus & MinibusKÜÇÜKÇEKMECE - HARAMIDEREHaramidere - Küçükçekmece
- 3Ride to Dolmus & Minibus stationHatboyu Caddesi37 min
- 4Walk to train stationKüçükçekmece170 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for trainB1Gebze
- 6Ride to train stationSirkeci32 min
- 7Walk toEminönü, Fatih300 m • 4 min
Public transit directions from Cumhuriyet Mahallesi to Eminönü, Fatih
Public transit stations close to Cumhuriyet Mahallesi
Cumhuriyet Mahallesi is located at Cumhuriyet Mahallesi, Istanbul and the nearest public transit station is Cumhuriyet Mahallesi Metrobüs - Gidiş Yönü.
Bus stations close to Cumhuriyet Mahallesi:
- Cumhuriyet Mahallesi Metrobüs - Gidiş Yönü
- Bizimkent - Büyükçekmece Yönü
- Cumhuriyet Mahallesi - B.Çekmece Yönü
Dolmus & Minibus stations close to Cumhuriyet Mahallesi:
- 1995. Sokak 34515
- 1997. Sokak 7
- 1993. Sokak 47
Public transit stations close to Eminönü, Fatih, Istanbul
Eminönü, Fatih is located at Eminönü, Fatih, Istanbul and the nearest public transit station is Eminönü - 2.
Bus stations close to Eminönü, Fatih:
- Sirkeci - Yenikapi Yönü
- Eminönü - Sahil (4) Yönü
- Eminönü - Sahil (32-91o-93) Yönü
Ferry stations close to Eminönü, Fatih:
- Eminönü - 2
- Eminönü - 3
- Sirkeci
Dolmus & Minibus stations close to Eminönü, Fatih:
- Eminönü İskele - Misir Çarsisi Yönü
- Eminönü İskele - Yesilköy Yönü
Related Routes
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- Küçükçekmece to Eminönü, Fatih
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- Büyükçekmece to Eminönü, Fatih
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- İznik to Eminönü, Fatih
From Cumhuriyet Mahallesi to Eminönü, Fatih by Dolmus & Minibus and train
To get from Cumhuriyet Mahallesi to Eminönü, Fatih in Istanbul, take the KÜÇÜKÇEKMECE - HARAMIDERE Dolmus & Minibus from Bizimkent station to Hatboyu Caddesi station. Next, take the B1 train from Küçükçekmece station to Sirkeci station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 34 min. The ride fare is TRY62.72.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to Dolmus & Minibus stationBizimkent430 m • 6 min
- 2Wait for Dolmus & MinibusKÜÇÜKÇEKMECE - HARAMIDEREHaramidere - Küçükçekmece
- 3Ride to Dolmus & Minibus stationHatboyu Caddesi37 min
- 4Walk to train stationKüçükçekmece170 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for trainB1Gebze
- 6Ride to train stationSirkeci32 min
- 7Walk toEminönü, Fatih300 m • 4 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Cumhuriyet Mahallesi to Eminönü, Fatih?
The fastest way takes 97 minutes, using Bus line 34BZ, Bus line B1.
What is the alternative route to get from Cumhuriyet Mahallesi to Eminönü, Fatih?
The alternative route takes 94 minutes, using Bus line KÜÇÜKÇEKMECE - HARAMIDERE, Bus line B1.
Is there a direct Metrobus between Cumhuriyet Mahallesi and Eminönü, Fatih?
No, you’ll have to take one Metrobus line and one train line in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 37 min.
Which Metrobus line goes from Cumhuriyet Mahallesi to Eminönü, Fatih?
The 34BZ Metrobus line goes from Beylikdüzü > Zincirlikuyu station near Cumhuriyet Mahallesi in Beylikduzu to Küçükçekmece station. From there you’ll have to take one train line till Küçükçekmece station near Eminönü, Fatih in Istanbul.
How long does it take to travel from Cumhuriyet Mahallesi to Eminönü, Fatih by Metrobus and train?
The total travel time between Cumhuriyet Mahallesi in Beylikduzu and Eminönü, Fatih in Istanbul by Metrobus and train is about 1 hr 37 min.
Where do I get on the Metrobus near Cumhuriyet Mahallesi to get to Eminönü, Fatih?
Get on the 34BZ Metrobus from the Beylikdüzü > Zincirlikuyu station near Cumhuriyet Mahallesi in Beylikduzu.
Where do I get off the Metrobus when travelling between Cumhuriyet Mahallesi and Eminönü, Fatih?
Get off the Metrobus at the Küçükçekmece station, which is closest to Eminönü, Fatih in Istanbul.
How much is the Metrobus fare from Cumhuriyet Mahallesi to Eminönü, Fatih?
The ride from Cumhuriyet Mahallesi to Eminönü, Fatih costs TRY68.62.