How to get from Rua Manoel Rainho Teixeira, 248 to Empresa Facic Junior Unoeste by bus?
From Rua Manoel Rainho Teixeira, 248 to Empresa Facic Junior Unoeste by bus
Take one direct bus from Rua Manoel Rainho Teixeira, 248 to Empresa Facic Junior Unoeste in Presidente Prudente: take the 111 ANA JACINTA / VILA FURQUIM bus from Rua Sargento Firmino Leão, 237 station to Faculdade Unoeste Campos 2 (C/B) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 48 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationRua Sargento Firmino Leão, 237780 m • 10 min
- 2Wait for bus111 ANA JACINTA / VILA FURQUIMAna Jacinta
- 3Ride to bus stationFaculdade Unoeste Campos 2 (C/B)32 min
- 4Walk toEmpresa Facic Junior UnoesteRod. Raposo Tavares SP, Km 572380 m • 5 min
Alternative route from Rua Manoel Rainho Teixeira, 248 to Empresa Facic Junior Unoeste by bus via 113 CECAP / SANTA MÔNICA and 116 JARDIM SHIRAIWA / VILA FURQUIM
To get from Rua Manoel Rainho Teixeira, 248 to Empresa Facic Junior Unoeste in Presidente Prudente, take the 113 CECAP / SANTA MÔNICA bus from Rua Manoel Rainho Teixeira, 233 station to Avenida Manoel Goulart | Caixa Econômica station. Next, take the 116 JARDIM SHIRAIWA / VILA FURQUIM bus from Avenida Manoel Goulart | Caixa Econômica station to Rua Inês Montini Trumbini, 149 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 57 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationRua Manoel Rainho Teixeira, 248
- 2Wait for bus113 CECAP / SANTA MÔNICACecap
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida Manoel Goulart | Caixa Econômica5 min
- 4Wait for bus116 JARDIM SHIRAIWA / VILA FURQUIMJd. Shiraiwa
- 5Ride to bus stationRua Inês Montini Trumbini, 14929 min
- 6Walk toEmpresa Facic Junior UnoesteRod. Raposo Tavares SP, Km 5721.5 km • 19 min
Public transit directions from Rua Manoel Rainho Teixeira, 248 to Empresa Facic Junior Unoeste
Public transit stations close to Rua Manoel Rainho Teixeira, 248
Rua Manoel Rainho Teixeira, 248 is located at Rua Manoel Rainho Teixeira, 248, Presidente Prudente and the nearest public transit station is Rua Manoel Rainho Teixeira, 233.
Bus stations close to Rua Manoel Rainho Teixeira, 248:
- Rua Manoel Rainho Teixeira, 233
- Rua Manoel Rainho Teixeira, 395
- Rua Manoel Rainho Teixeira, 400 | Capela São Vicente Pallótti
Public transit stations close to Empresa Facic Junior Unoeste, Presidente Prudente
Empresa Facic Junior Unoeste is located at Rod. Raposo Tavares SP, Km 572, Presidente Prudente and the nearest public transit station is Avenida Eme Albem Pioch, 1414.
Bus stations close to Empresa Facic Junior Unoeste:
- Avenida Eme Albem Pioch, 1414
- Faculdade Unoeste Campos 2 (C/B)
- Faculdade Unoeste Campos 2
Related Routes
- Rua Wilson Gimenez, 475 to Empresa Facic Junior Unoeste
- Oftalmos | Hospital De Olhos (C/B) to Empresa Facic Junior Unoeste
- Rua Bahia, 868 to Empresa Facic Junior Unoeste
- Rua Nelson Botosso, 367 to Empresa Facic Junior Unoeste
- Rua Arquias Gomes De Miranda, 312 to Empresa Facic Junior Unoeste
- Rua Dolores Paraná De Alvarenga, 482 to Empresa Facic Junior Unoeste
- Rua Vicente José, 291 to Empresa Facic Junior Unoeste
- Rua Tiradentes, 628 to Empresa Facic Junior Unoeste
- Rua Orozimbo Costa, 87 to Empresa Facic Junior Unoeste
- Rua Galdino De Souza, 35 to Empresa Facic Junior Unoeste
- Rua Quintino Bocaiúva, 1190 to Empresa Facic Junior Unoeste
- Rua Manoel Rainho Teixeira, 248 to UNIESP
- Rua Manoel Rainho Teixeira, 400 | Capela São Vicente Pallótti to UNIESP
- Rua Doutor Jose Carlos F De Carvalho, 246 to UNIESP
- Rua Antônio José Giraldes, 69 to UNIESP
- Rua Mateus José Da Silva, 222 to UNIESP
- Rua Alexandre Bacarim, 30 to UNIESP
- Rua Alexandre Bacarim, 154 to UNIESP
- Rua Alexandre Bacarim, 388 to UNIESP
- Rua Romeu De Arruda Camargo, 992 | Centro Comunitário Alvorada to UNIESP
Alternative route from Rua Manoel Rainho Teixeira, 248 to Empresa Facic Junior Unoeste by bus via 113 CECAP / SANTA MÔNICA and 116 JARDIM SHIRAIWA / VILA FURQUIM
To get from Rua Manoel Rainho Teixeira, 248 to Empresa Facic Junior Unoeste in Presidente Prudente, take the 113 CECAP / SANTA MÔNICA bus from Rua Manoel Rainho Teixeira, 233 station to Avenida Manoel Goulart | Caixa Econômica station. Next, take the 116 JARDIM SHIRAIWA / VILA FURQUIM bus from Avenida Manoel Goulart | Caixa Econômica station to Rua Inês Montini Trumbini, 149 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 57 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationRua Manoel Rainho Teixeira, 248
- 2Wait for bus113 CECAP / SANTA MÔNICACecap
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida Manoel Goulart | Caixa Econômica5 min
- 4Wait for bus116 JARDIM SHIRAIWA / VILA FURQUIMJd. Shiraiwa
- 5Ride to bus stationRua Inês Montini Trumbini, 14929 min
- 6Walk toEmpresa Facic Junior UnoesteRod. Raposo Tavares SP, Km 5721.5 km • 19 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Rua Manoel Rainho Teixeira, 248 to Empresa Facic Junior Unoeste?
The fastest way takes 48 minutes, using Bus line 111 ANA JACINTA / VILA FURQUIM.
What is the alternative route to get from Rua Manoel Rainho Teixeira, 248 to Empresa Facic Junior Unoeste?
The alternative route takes 57 minutes, using Bus line 113 CECAP / SANTA MÔNICA, Bus line 116 JARDIM SHIRAIWA / VILA FURQUIM.
Is there a direct bus between Rua Manoel Rainho Teixeira, 248 and Empresa Facic Junior Unoeste in Presidente Prudente?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Rua Manoel Rainho Teixeira, 248 to Empresa Facic Junior Unoeste in Presidente Prudente in 48 min.
Which bus line goes from Rua Manoel Rainho Teixeira, 248 to Empresa Facic Junior Unoeste in Presidente Prudente?
The 111 ANA JACINTA / VILA FURQUIM bus line goes from Rua Sargento Firmino Leão, 237 station near Rua Manoel Rainho Teixeira, 248 to Ana Jacinta station near Empresa Facic Junior Unoeste in Presidente Prudente.
How long does it take to travel from Rua Manoel Rainho Teixeira, 248 to Empresa Facic Junior Unoeste in Presidente Prudente by bus?
The total travel time between Rua Manoel Rainho Teixeira, 248 and Empresa Facic Junior Unoeste in Presidente Prudente by bus is about 48 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Rua Manoel Rainho Teixeira, 248 to get to Empresa Facic Junior Unoeste in Presidente Prudente?
Get on the 111 ANA JACINTA / VILA FURQUIM bus from the Rua Sargento Firmino Leão, 237 stop near Rua Manoel Rainho Teixeira, 248 in Presidente Prudente.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Rua Manoel Rainho Teixeira, 248 and Empresa Facic Junior Unoeste in Presidente Prudente?
Get off the bus at the Ana Jacinta stop, which is closest to Empresa Facic Junior Unoeste in Presidente Prudente.
When is the last bus from Rua Manoel Rainho Teixeira, 248 to Empresa Facic Junior Unoeste in Presidente Prudente?
The last bus from Rua Manoel Rainho Teixeira, 248 to Empresa Facic Junior Unoeste in Presidente Prudente is the Ana Jacinta / João Domingos via APEC line. It leaves the Praça 9 De Julho stop at 9:04 PM.