How to get from Rua Christiano Karsten, 32 to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte by bus?
From Rua Christiano Karsten, 32 to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte by bus
Take one direct bus from Rua Christiano Karsten, 32 to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte in Blumenau: take the 151 bus from Rua Francisco Corrêa, 1158-1230 station to Br-470 - Trevo Do Celeiro station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 21 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationRua Francisco Corrêa, 1158-123070 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus151Term. Aterro/ T.Seasa/H.Hemmer/R.Pomerode/ Bernardo Scheidemantel/ Testo Salto/ Werner Duwe/ Term. Aterro
- 3Ride to bus stationBr-470 - Trevo Do Celeiro17 min
- 4Walk toEscola Superior Da Cerveja E MalteRua Elsbeth Feddersen170 m • 3 min
Alternative route from Rua Christiano Karsten, 32 to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte by bus via 123 and 158
To get from Rua Christiano Karsten, 32 to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte in Blumenau, take the 123 bus from Rua Christiano Karsten, 32 station to Rua Frederico Jensen, 4513 station. Next, take the 158 bus from Rua Frederico Jensen, 4513 station to Rua Maringá, 385-421 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 30 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationRua Christiano Karsten, 32
- 2Wait for bus123Terminal Aterro/ Itoupavazinha/ America Do Sol/ Terminal Aterro
- 3Ride to bus stationRua Frederico Jensen, 45136 min
- 4Wait for bus158T.At/A.Bar/M.Maul/R.Calli/F.Jensen/H.Mette/B.Mette/F.Krenkel/Amsterdam/Curt Scheidemantel/O.Dickmann/O.Holz/A.Bar/T.At
- 5Ride to bus stationRua Maringá, 385-4219 min
- 6Walk toEscola Superior Da Cerveja E MalteRua Elsbeth Feddersen1.01 km • 13 min
Public transit directions from Rua Christiano Karsten, 32 to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte
Public transit stations close to Rua Christiano Karsten, 32
Rua Christiano Karsten, 32 is located at Rua Christiano Karsten, 32, Blumenau and the nearest public transit station is Rua Francisco Corrêa, 1157-1229.
Bus stations close to Rua Christiano Karsten, 32:
- Rua Francisco Corrêa, 1157-1229
- Rua Francisco Corrêa, 1158-1230
- Sc-421, 4694-4760
Public transit stations close to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte, Blumenau
Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte is located at Rua Elsbeth Feddersen, Blumenau and the nearest public transit station is Rua Pomerode, 2443-2459.
Bus stations close to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte:
- Rua Pomerode, 2443-2459
- Rua Tapajós, 20
- Rua Professor Max Humpl, 2334-2495
Related Routes
- Rua Carlos Gomes, 28-80 to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte
- Ponto Policia Rodoviária Estadual to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte
- Terminal Proeb to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte
- Terminal Itoupava to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte
- Terminal Água Verde to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte
- Terminal Velha to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte
- Terminal Fortaleza to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte
- Divisa De Blumenau/Indaial to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte
- Terminal Garcia to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte
- Rua Erich Meyer, 1819 to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte
- Ponto Beagle - Sentido Gaspar to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte
- Rua Alice Ferreira Dos Santos, 61 to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte
- Rua Nicolau Reiter, 1080-1100 to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte
- Rua Bernardino José De Oliveira, 115 to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte
- Rua Fernando De Souza E Silva, 1481 to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte
- Rua Heinrich Hemmer, 2019 to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte
- Rua Humberto De Campos to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte
- Rua Jardim Germânico, 42 to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte
- Rua Antônio Zendron, 1146 to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte
- Rua Carlos Spliter, 63 to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte
Alternative route from Rua Christiano Karsten, 32 to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte by bus via 123 and 158
To get from Rua Christiano Karsten, 32 to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte in Blumenau, take the 123 bus from Rua Christiano Karsten, 32 station to Rua Frederico Jensen, 4513 station. Next, take the 158 bus from Rua Frederico Jensen, 4513 station to Rua Maringá, 385-421 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 30 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationRua Christiano Karsten, 32
- 2Wait for bus123Terminal Aterro/ Itoupavazinha/ America Do Sol/ Terminal Aterro
- 3Ride to bus stationRua Frederico Jensen, 45136 min
- 4Wait for bus158T.At/A.Bar/M.Maul/R.Calli/F.Jensen/H.Mette/B.Mette/F.Krenkel/Amsterdam/Curt Scheidemantel/O.Dickmann/O.Holz/A.Bar/T.At
- 5Ride to bus stationRua Maringá, 385-4219 min
- 6Walk toEscola Superior Da Cerveja E MalteRua Elsbeth Feddersen1.01 km • 13 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Rua Christiano Karsten, 32 to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte?
The fastest way takes 21 minutes, using Bus line 151.
What is the alternative route to get from Rua Christiano Karsten, 32 to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte?
The alternative route takes 30 minutes, using Bus line 123, Bus line 158.
Is there a direct bus between Rua Christiano Karsten, 32 and Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte in Blumenau?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Rua Christiano Karsten, 32 to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte in Blumenau in 21 min.
Which bus line goes from Rua Christiano Karsten, 32 to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte in Blumenau?
The 151 bus line goes from Rua Francisco Corrêa, 1158-1230 station near Rua Christiano Karsten, 32 to Term. Aterro/ T.Seasa/H.Hemmer/R.Pomerode/ Bernardo Scheidemantel/ Testo Salto/ Werner Duwe/ Term. Aterro station near Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte in Blumenau.
How long does it take to travel from Rua Christiano Karsten, 32 to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte in Blumenau by bus?
The total travel time between Rua Christiano Karsten, 32 and Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte in Blumenau by bus is about 21 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Rua Christiano Karsten, 32 to get to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte in Blumenau?
Get on the 151 bus from the Rua Francisco Corrêa, 1158-1230 stop near Rua Christiano Karsten, 32 in Blumenau.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Rua Christiano Karsten, 32 and Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte in Blumenau?
Get off the bus at the Term. Aterro/ T.Seasa/H.Hemmer/R.Pomerode/ Bernardo Scheidemantel/ Testo Salto/ Werner Duwe/ Term. Aterro stop, which is closest to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte in Blumenau.
When is the first bus from Rua Christiano Karsten, 32 to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte in Blumenau?
The first bus from Rua Christiano Karsten, 32 to Escola Superior Da Cerveja E Malte in Blumenau is Linha Trabalhador BluMob - Itoupavazinha/ Salto Norte. It leaves the Rua Christiano Karsten, 21 stop at 11:45 PM.