How to get from Dílar to Escúzar by bus?
From Dílar to Escúzar by bus
Take one direct bus from Dílar to Escúzar in Granada: take the 256 bus from Río Monachil station to Escúzar 1 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 3 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationRío Monachil1.28 km • 17 min
- 2Wait for bus256Agrón
- 3Ride to bus stationEscúzar 145 min
- 4Walk toEscúzar30 m • 1 min
Public transit directions from Dílar to Escúzar
Public transit stations close to Dílar
Dílar is located at Dílar, Granada and the nearest public transit station is Avda. De La Ilustración 1 V.
Metro stations close to Dílar:
- Andrés Segovia
- Nuevo Los Cármenes
- Palacio Deportes
Bus stations close to Dílar:
- Avda. De La Ilustración 1 V
- Avda. De La Ilustración 1
- Avda. Ilustración 110
Public transit stations close to Escúzar, Granada
Escúzar is located at Escúzar, Granada and the nearest public transit station is Escúzar 1.
Bus stations close to Escúzar:
- Escúzar 1
- Escúzar 1 V
Related Routes
- Padul to Escúzar
- La Malahá to Escúzar
- Almuñécar to Escúzar
- Armilla to Escúzar
- Granada to Escúzar
- Avda. Innovación - Parque Tecnológico to Escúzar
- Avda. Dílar 89 to Escúzar
- Profesor Clavera - Alojamientos Universitarios to Escúzar
- Dílar to Padul
- Dílar to Cacín
- Dílar to Cúllar Vega
- Dílar to Dúdar
- Dílar to Quéntar
- Dílar to Armilla
- Parque Tecnológico to Alhendín
- Parque Tecnológico to Cacín
- Parque Tecnológico to Chauchina
- Parque Tecnológico to Dúdar
- Parque Tecnológico to Quéntar
- Parque Tecnológico to Hospital De San Rafael
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Dílar to Escúzar?
The fastest way takes 63 minutes, using Bus line 256.
Is there a direct bus between Dílar and Escúzar in Granada?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Dílar to Escúzar in Granada in 1 hr 3 min.
Which bus line goes from Dílar to Escúzar in Granada?
The 256 bus line goes from Río Monachil station near Dílar to Agrón station near Escúzar in Granada.
How long does it take to travel from Dílar to Escúzar in Granada by bus?
The total travel time between Dílar and Escúzar in Granada by bus is about 1 hr 3 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Dílar to get to Escúzar in Granada?
Get on the 256 bus from the Río Monachil stop near Dílar in Granada.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Dílar and Escúzar in Granada?
Get off the bus at the Agrón stop, which is closest to Escúzar in Granada.
When is the first bus from Dílar to Escúzar in Granada?
The first bus from Dílar to Escúzar in Granada is Granada - La Malahá - Escúzar - Ventas H.. It leaves the Río Monachil stop at 12:37 PM.