How to get from Loayza to Estadio Municipal Alejandro Villanueva by bus?
From Loayza to Estadio Municipal Alejandro Villanueva by bus
Take one direct bus from Loayza to Estadio Municipal Alejandro Villanueva in Rimac: take the 301 bus from Quilca station to El Sol station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 27 min. The ride fare is PEN2.35.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationQuilca550 m • 8 min
- 2Wait for bus301Plaza Butters (Barranco) - Amancaes (Rímac)
- 3Ride to bus stationEl Sol14 min
- 4Walk toEstadio Municipal Alejandro VillanuevaAvenida El Sol420 m • 6 min
Alternative route from Loayza to Estadio Municipal Alejandro Villanueva by bus via IM22 and 2412
To get from Loayza to Estadio Municipal Alejandro Villanueva in Rimac, take the IM22 bus from Loayza station to Manco Capac station. Next, take the 2412 bus from Bausate Y Meza station to Armando Filomeno, 341 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 35 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationLoayza
- 2Wait for busIM22Mariategui (Villa El Salvador)
- 3Ride to bus stationManco Capac9 min
- 4Walk to bus stationBausate Y Meza70 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for bus2412Ate - Rímac
- 6Ride to bus stationArmando Filomeno, 34119 min
- 7Walk toEstadio Municipal Alejandro VillanuevaAvenida El Sol130 m • 2 min
Public transit directions from Loayza to Estadio Municipal Alejandro Villanueva
Public transit stations close to Loayza
Loayza is located at Loayza, Rimac and the nearest public transit station is Estación Quilca.
Metro stations close to Loayza:
- Miguel Grau
- Caja De Agua
- El Ángel
Bus stations close to Loayza:
- Estación Quilca
- Quilca
- Pinillos
Public transit stations close to Estadio Municipal Alejandro Villanueva, Rimac
Estadio Municipal Alejandro Villanueva is located at Avenida El Sol, Rimac and the nearest public transit station is Avenida Amancaes, 554.
Metro stations close to Estadio Municipal Alejandro Villanueva:
- Pirámides Del Sol
- Los Jardines
- El Ángel
Bus stations close to Estadio Municipal Alejandro Villanueva:
- Avenida Amancaes, 554
- Calle 3
- Aguilar
Related Routes
- Los Jardines to Estadio Municipal Alejandro Villanueva
- Loayza to Hospital II Vitarte
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- Loayza to Universidad César Vallejo
- Loayza to Estadio Municipal Alejandro Villanueva
- Metro - Alfonso Ugarte to Universidad De Lima
- Metro - Alfonso Ugarte to Centrum - Católica
- Metro - Alfonso Ugarte to Universidad San Ignacio De Loyola Campus 1
- Metro - Alfonso Ugarte to Universidad Científica Del Sur
- Metro - Alfonso Ugarte to Tecsup
- Metro - Alfonso Ugarte to Universidad De Piura
- Metro - Alfonso Ugarte to Universidad San Martín De Porres - Facultad De Ciencias De La Comunicación, Turismo Y Psicología
- Metro - Alfonso Ugarte to Universidad Católica Sede Sapientiae
- Metro - Alfonso Ugarte to Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia - Campo Central
- Metro - Alfonso Ugarte to Universidad Ricardo Palma
- Metro - Alfonso Ugarte to Universidad Privada Del Norte Lima Norte
- Metro - Alfonso Ugarte to Colegio Medico Del Peru
- Metro - Alfonso Ugarte to Universidad San Martín De Porres
- Metro - Alfonso Ugarte to Universidad César Vallejo
- Metro - Alfonso Ugarte to Campus Arq. Fernando Belaunde Terry - Usil
Alternative route from Loayza to Estadio Municipal Alejandro Villanueva by bus via IM22 and 2412
To get from Loayza to Estadio Municipal Alejandro Villanueva in Rimac, take the IM22 bus from Loayza station to Manco Capac station. Next, take the 2412 bus from Bausate Y Meza station to Armando Filomeno, 341 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 35 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationLoayza
- 2Wait for busIM22Mariategui (Villa El Salvador)
- 3Ride to bus stationManco Capac9 min
- 4Walk to bus stationBausate Y Meza70 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for bus2412Ate - Rímac
- 6Ride to bus stationArmando Filomeno, 34119 min
- 7Walk toEstadio Municipal Alejandro VillanuevaAvenida El Sol130 m • 2 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Loayza to Estadio Municipal Alejandro Villanueva?
The fastest way takes 27 minutes, using Bus line 301.
What is the alternative route to get from Loayza to Estadio Municipal Alejandro Villanueva?
The alternative route takes 35 minutes, using Bus line IM22, Bus line 2412.
Is there a direct bus between Loayza and Estadio Municipal Alejandro Villanueva?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Loayza in Lima to Estadio Municipal Alejandro Villanueva in Rimac in 27 min.
Which bus line goes from Loayza to Estadio Municipal Alejandro Villanueva?
The 301 bus line goes from Quilca station near Loayza in Lima to Plaza Butters (Barranco) - Amancaes (Rímac) station near Estadio Municipal Alejandro Villanueva in Rimac.
How long does it take to travel from Loayza to Estadio Municipal Alejandro Villanueva by bus?
The total travel time between Loayza in Lima and Estadio Municipal Alejandro Villanueva in Rimac by bus is about 27 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Loayza to get to Estadio Municipal Alejandro Villanueva?
Get on the 301 bus from the Quilca stop near Loayza in Lima.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Loayza and Estadio Municipal Alejandro Villanueva?
Get off the bus at the Plaza Butters (Barranco) - Amancaes (Rímac) stop, which is closest to Estadio Municipal Alejandro Villanueva in Rimac.
When is the first bus from Loayza to Estadio Municipal Alejandro Villanueva?
The first bus from Loayza in Lima to Estadio Municipal Alejandro Villanueva in Rimac is Rímac - Barranco. It leaves the Quilca stop at 3:08 AM.
How much is the bus fare from Loayza to Estadio Municipal Alejandro Villanueva?
The ride from Loayza to Estadio Municipal Alejandro Villanueva costs PEN2.35.