How to get from Calle Felipe Ruiz Martín Esquina Manuel Canesí Acevedo to Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla by bus?
From Calle Felipe Ruiz Martín Esquina Manuel Canesí Acevedo to Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla by bus
To get from Calle Felipe Ruiz Martín Esquina Manuel Canesí Acevedo to Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla in Valladolid, take the 10 bus from Calle Felipe Ruiz Martín Frente Manuel Canesí Acevedo station to Calle Ciudad De La Habana 1 Esquina Amadeo Arias station. Next, take the 8 bus from Calle Ciudad De La Habana 1 Esquina Amadeo Arias station to Calle Mon.Sanlorenzoescorial Frentec.Culturalmigueldelibes station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 24 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationCalle Felipe Ruiz Martín Frente Manuel Canesí AcevedoID 126810 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus10Parquesol
- 3Ride to bus stationCalle Ciudad De La Habana 1 Esquina Amadeo AriasID 6994 min
- 4Wait for bus8B. Belen
- 5Ride to bus stationCalle Mon.Sanlorenzoescorial Frentec.CulturalmigueldelibesID 12587 min
- 6Walk toEstadio Municipal José ZorrillaAvenida Mundial, 82730 m • 10 min
Alternative route from Calle Felipe Ruiz Martín Esquina Manuel Canesí Acevedo to Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla by bus via 10
Take one direct bus from Calle Felipe Ruiz Martín Esquina Manuel Canesí Acevedo to Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla in Valladolid: take the 10 bus from Calle Felipe Ruiz Martín Frente Manuel Canesí Acevedo station to Calle Ciudad De La Habana 1 Esquina Amadeo Arias station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 24 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationCalle Felipe Ruiz Martín Frente Manuel Canesí AcevedoID 126810 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus10Parquesol
- 3Ride to bus stationCalle Ciudad De La Habana 1 Esquina Amadeo AriasID 6994 min
- 4Walk toEstadio Municipal José ZorrillaAvenida Mundial, 821.42 km • 19 min
Public transit directions from Calle Felipe Ruiz Martín Esquina Manuel Canesí Acevedo to Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla
Public transit stations close to Calle Felipe Ruiz Martín Esquina Manuel Canesí Acevedo
Calle Felipe Ruiz Martín Esquina Manuel Canesí Acevedo is located at Calle Felipe Ruiz Martín Esquina Manuel Canesí Acevedo, Valladolid and the nearest public transit station is Calle Adolfo Miaja De La Muela Frente Nuñez De Guzman.
Bus stations close to Calle Felipe Ruiz Martín Esquina Manuel Canesí Acevedo:
- Calle Adolfo Miaja De La Muela Frente Nuñez De Guzman
- Calle Felipe Ruiz Martín 6
- Felipe Ruiz Martín
Public transit stations close to Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla, Valladolid
Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla is located at Avenida Mundial, 82, Valladolid and the nearest public transit station is Calle Hernando De Acuña Esquina Padre Llanos.
Bus stations close to Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla:
- Calle Hernando De Acuña Esquina Padre Llanos
- Calle Hernando De Acuña Esquina Manuel Azaña
- Calle Hernando De Acuña 13 Esquina Manuel Silvela
Related Routes
- Avda De Salamanca (Hipercor-Ifa) to Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla
- Cardenal Torquemada to Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla
- Avda. De Colón 175 to Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla
- Avda. De Colón 82 to Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla
- Paseo Juan Carlos I 1 to Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla
- Avenida De José Luis Lasa 27 to Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla
- Glorieta La Flecha 27 to Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla
- Calle Presentación to Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla
- Calle Ramón Y Cajal 49b to Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla
- Calle Ramón Y Cajal (Parque De Mayores) to Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla
- Calle Me Falta Un Tornillo 3-5 to Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla
- Avenida De Aranzana 37 to Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla
- Avenida De Aranzana 29 to Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla
- Avenida De Aranzana (Ieso Arroyo) to Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla
- Avenida De Aranzana 9 to Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla
- Glorieta Del Cañazo (C. Picones) to Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla
- Plaza España (Ayuntamiento) to Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla
- Calle Almendrera (Ceip Raimundo De Blas) to Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla
- Calle Cervantes 31 to Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla
- Camino De Zaratán 40a to Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla
Alternative route from Calle Felipe Ruiz Martín Esquina Manuel Canesí Acevedo to Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla by bus via 10
Take one direct bus from Calle Felipe Ruiz Martín Esquina Manuel Canesí Acevedo to Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla in Valladolid: take the 10 bus from Calle Felipe Ruiz Martín Frente Manuel Canesí Acevedo station to Calle Ciudad De La Habana 1 Esquina Amadeo Arias station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 24 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationCalle Felipe Ruiz Martín Frente Manuel Canesí AcevedoID 126810 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus10Parquesol
- 3Ride to bus stationCalle Ciudad De La Habana 1 Esquina Amadeo AriasID 6994 min
- 4Walk toEstadio Municipal José ZorrillaAvenida Mundial, 821.42 km • 19 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Calle Felipe Ruiz Martín Esquina Manuel Canesí Acevedo to Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla?
The fastest way takes 24 minutes, using Bus line 10, Bus line 8.
What is the alternative route to get from Calle Felipe Ruiz Martín Esquina Manuel Canesí Acevedo to Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla?
The alternative route takes 24 minutes, using Bus line 10.
Is there a direct bus between Calle Felipe Ruiz Martín Esquina Manuel Canesí Acevedo and Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla in Valladolid?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 24 min.
Which bus line goes from Calle Felipe Ruiz Martín Esquina Manuel Canesí Acevedo to Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla in Valladolid?
The 10 bus line goes from Calle Felipe Ruiz Martín Frente Manuel Canesí Acevedo station near Calle Felipe Ruiz Martín Esquina Manuel Canesí Acevedo to Parquesol station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Parquesol station near Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla in Valladolid
How long does it take to travel from Calle Felipe Ruiz Martín Esquina Manuel Canesí Acevedo to Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla in Valladolid by bus?
The total travel time between Calle Felipe Ruiz Martín Esquina Manuel Canesí Acevedo and Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla in Valladolid by bus is about 24 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Calle Felipe Ruiz Martín Esquina Manuel Canesí Acevedo to get to Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla in Valladolid?
Get on the 10 bus from the Calle Felipe Ruiz Martín Frente Manuel Canesí Acevedo stop near Calle Felipe Ruiz Martín Esquina Manuel Canesí Acevedo in Valladolid.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Calle Felipe Ruiz Martín Esquina Manuel Canesí Acevedo and Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla in Valladolid?
Get off the bus at the Parquesol stop, which is closest to Estadio Municipal José Zorrilla in Valladolid.