How to get from Ospedale Pensilina to Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana by bus and train?
From Ospedale Pensilina to Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana by bus and train
To get from Ospedale Pensilina to Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana in Firenze, you’ll need to take 2 bus lines and one train line: take the 3+ bus from Ospedale Pensilina station to Prato Stazione FS station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the R train and finally take the 14B bus from Stazione Piazza Adua station to Giovine Italia station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 40 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationOspedale Pensilina
- 2Wait for bus3+Prato Stazione FS
- 3Ride to bus stationPrato Stazione FSID PO217125 min
- 4Walk to train stationPrato Centrale20 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for trainRFirenze S.M.N.
- 6Ride to train stationFirenze Santa Maria Novella22 min
- 7Walk to bus stationStazione Piazza AduaID FI1834110 m • 2 min
- 8Wait for bus14BRocca Tedalda Villa Favard
- 9Ride to bus stationGiovine ItaliaID FI042811 min
- 10Walk toEx Monastero Di Santa VerdianaVia dell'Agnolo210 m • 3 min
Alternative route from Ospedale Pensilina to Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana by bus and train via 3+, R and C2
To get from Ospedale Pensilina to Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana in Firenze, you’ll need to take 2 bus lines and one train line: take the 3+ bus from Ospedale Pensilina station to Prato Stazione FS station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the R train and finally take the C2 bus from Stazione Orti Oricellari station to Malborghetto station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 41 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationOspedale Pensilina
- 2Wait for bus3+Prato Stazione FS
- 3Ride to bus stationPrato Stazione FSID PO217125 min
- 4Walk to train stationPrato Centrale20 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for trainRFirenze S.M.N.
- 6Ride to train stationFirenze Santa Maria Novella22 min
- 7Walk to bus stationStazione Orti OricellariID FI0276120 m • 2 min
- 8Wait for busC2Piazza Beccaria
- 9Ride to bus stationMalborghettoID FI720212 min
- 10Walk toEx Monastero Di Santa VerdianaVia dell'Agnolo190 m • 3 min
Public transit directions from Ospedale Pensilina to Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana
Public transit stations close to Ospedale Pensilina
Ospedale Pensilina is located at Ospedale Pensilina, Firenze and the nearest public transit station is Ospedale Portineria.
Train stations close to Ospedale Pensilina:
- Prato Porta Al Serraglio
- Prato Borgonuovo
- Prato Centrale
Bus stations close to Ospedale Pensilina:
- Ospedale Portineria
- Dell'Organo 2
- Dell'Organo 1
Public transit stations close to Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana, Firenze
Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana is located at Via dell'Agnolo, Firenze and the nearest public transit station is Malborghetto.
Train stations close to Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana:
- Firenze Campo Di Marte
Bus stations close to Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana:
- Malborghetto
- Mattonaia
- Agnolo
Related Routes
- Stazione FS Querceta to Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana
- Colle Di Malamerenda to Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana
- Baracca Gori to Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana
- Piazzetta Di Medicina, Fr. 29 to Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana
- Via Sarzanese Civ.62 to Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana
- I Gigli to Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana
- Greve Piazza Trento to Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana
- Pistoia Piazza Dante to Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana
- Via Circonvallazione, 118 to Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana
- Viale Dei Mille 15 to Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana
- Galliano to Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana
- Bolognana to Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana
- Togliatti to Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana
- Alfieri 1 to Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana
- Via Del Ghirlandaio to Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana
- Arnolfo Orcagna to Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana
- Sella Campofiore to Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana
- Firenze Autostazione to Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana
- T1 Porta Al Prato - Leopolda to Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana
- Michelangiolo Ferrucci to Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana
Alternative route from Ospedale Pensilina to Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana by bus and train via 3+, R and C2
To get from Ospedale Pensilina to Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana in Firenze, you’ll need to take 2 bus lines and one train line: take the 3+ bus from Ospedale Pensilina station to Prato Stazione FS station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the R train and finally take the C2 bus from Stazione Orti Oricellari station to Malborghetto station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 41 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationOspedale Pensilina
- 2Wait for bus3+Prato Stazione FS
- 3Ride to bus stationPrato Stazione FSID PO217125 min
- 4Walk to train stationPrato Centrale20 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for trainRFirenze S.M.N.
- 6Ride to train stationFirenze Santa Maria Novella22 min
- 7Walk to bus stationStazione Orti OricellariID FI0276120 m • 2 min
- 8Wait for busC2Piazza Beccaria
- 9Ride to bus stationMalborghettoID FI720212 min
- 10Walk toEx Monastero Di Santa VerdianaVia dell'Agnolo190 m • 3 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Ospedale Pensilina to Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana?
The fastest way takes 100 minutes, using Bus line 3+, Bus line R, Bus line 14B.
What is the alternative route to get from Ospedale Pensilina to Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana?
The alternative route takes 101 minutes, using Bus line 3+, Bus line R, Bus line C2.
Is there a direct bus between Ospedale Pensilina and Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines and one train line in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 40 min.
Which bus line goes from Ospedale Pensilina to Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana?
The 3+ bus line goes from Prato Stazione FS station near Ospedale Pensilina in Prato to Prato Stazione FS station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line and one train line till Prato Stazione FS station near Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana in Firenze.
How long does it take to travel from Ospedale Pensilina to Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana by bus and train?
The total travel time between Ospedale Pensilina in Prato and Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana in Firenze by bus and train is about 1 hr 40 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Ospedale Pensilina to get to Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana?
Get on the 3+ bus from the Prato Stazione FS stop near Ospedale Pensilina in Prato.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Ospedale Pensilina and Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana?
Get off the bus at the Prato Stazione FS stop, which is closest to Ex Monastero Di Santa Verdiana in Firenze.