How to get from High St. / Memorial Dr. to Exeter NH USA by bus and train?
From High St. / Memorial Dr. to Exeter NH USA by bus and train
To get from High St. / Memorial Dr. to Exeter NH USA in Exeter, take the 1 bus from Franklin / High Sts. Southbound station to Dover Transportation Center station. Next, take the DOWNEASTER train from Dover station to Exeter station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 57 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationFranklin / High Sts. Southbound80 yd • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus1Southbound
- 3Ride to bus stationDover Transportation Center32 min
- 4Walk to train stationDover20 yd • 1 min
- 5Wait for trainDOWNEASTERBoston
- 6Ride to train stationExeter22 min
- 7Walk toExeter NH USA0.66 mi • 14 min
Public transit directions from High St. / Memorial Dr. to Exeter NH USA
Public transit stations close to High St. / Memorial Dr.
High St. / Memorial Dr. is located at High St. / Memorial Dr., Exeter and the nearest public transit station is High / Noble Sts..
Bus stations close to High St. / Memorial Dr.:
- High / Noble Sts.
- Franklin St. (Charpentier Apts.)
- Green St. (Charpentier Apts.)
Public transit stations close to Exeter NH USA, Exeter
Exeter NH USA is located at Exeter NH USA, Exeter and the nearest public transit station is Main St. (Phillips Exeter Academy).
Train stations close to Exeter NH USA:
- Exeter
Bus stations close to Exeter NH USA:
- Main St. (Phillips Exeter Academy)
- Main / Ash Sts. (Brad's Auto Body)
- Water St. / Swazey Pkwy.
Related Routes
- Portsmouth Bus Stop to Exeter NH USA
- Sullivan St. / Pine Hill Rd. to Exeter NH USA
- Sullivan / Goodwin Sts. to Exeter NH USA
- Sullivan St. (Berwick Town Hall) to Exeter NH USA
- Allen / Lord Sts. (Berwick Meadows) to Exeter NH USA
- Saw Mill Hill / Allen St. to Exeter NH USA
- Saw Mill Hill / George St. to Exeter NH USA
- Main / Norton Sts. to Exeter NH USA
- Downtown Park & Ride (Central Elementary School) to Exeter NH USA
- New Rochester Rd. (Winchester Arms Apts.) to Exeter NH USA
- New Rochester Rd. (Strafford Farms Restaurant) to Exeter NH USA
- Venture Dr. (Will Stop Anywhere Along Road) to Exeter NH USA
- New Rochester Rd. / Sherman St. to Exeter NH USA
- New Rochester Rd. / Hotel Dr. (Weeks Crossing Plaza) to Exeter NH USA
- New Rochester / Willand Pond Rds. (Applebee'S) to Exeter NH USA
- Weeks / Pinecrest Lns. to Exeter NH USA
- Weeks Ln. (Chili's Grill & Bar) to Exeter NH USA
- Strafford County Courthouse to Exeter NH USA
- County Farm Cross / County Farm Rds. to Exeter NH USA
- Central Ave. (Friendly's / Shaw's Plaza) to Exeter NH USA
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from High St. / Memorial Dr. to Exeter NH USA?
The fastest way takes 117 minutes, using Bus line 1, Bus line DOWNEASTER.
Is there a direct bus between High St. / Memorial Dr. and Exeter NH USA?
No, you’ll have to take one bus line and one train line in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 57 min.
Which bus line goes from High St. / Memorial Dr. to Exeter NH USA?
The 1 bus line goes from Franklin / High Sts. Southbound station near High St. / Memorial Dr. in Somersworth to Southbound station. From there you’ll have to take one train line till Southbound station near Exeter NH USA in Exeter.
How long does it take to travel from High St. / Memorial Dr. to Exeter NH USA by bus and train?
The total travel time between High St. / Memorial Dr. in Somersworth and Exeter NH USA in Exeter by bus and train is about 1 hr 57 min.
Where do I get on the bus near High St. / Memorial Dr. to get to Exeter NH USA?
Get on the 1 bus from the Franklin / High Sts. Southbound stop near High St. / Memorial Dr. in Somersworth.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between High St. / Memorial Dr. and Exeter NH USA?
Get off the bus at the Southbound station, which is closest to Exeter NH USA in Exeter.