How to get from Avenida Pedro Taques, 992-1090 to Faculdade Ingá by bus?
From Avenida Pedro Taques, 992-1090 to Faculdade Ingá by bus
Take one direct bus from Avenida Pedro Taques, 992-1090 to Faculdade Ingá in Maringá: take the 205 THERMAS bus from Avenida Morangueira, 214 station to Rodovia Deputado Sílvio Barros, 9512-9732 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 36 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationAvenida Morangueira, 214880 m • 12 min
- 2Wait for bus205 THERMASSentido Para Bairro / Via Uninga
- 3Ride to bus stationRodovia Deputado Sílvio Barros, 9512-973218 min
- 4Walk toFaculdade Ingá400 m • 6 min
Alternative route from Avenida Pedro Taques, 992-1090 to Faculdade Ingá by bus via 177 PARQUE ITAIPU / JARDIM EBENEZER and 0730-440 MARINGÁ / ASTORGA
To get from Avenida Pedro Taques, 992-1090 to Faculdade Ingá in Maringá, take the 177 PARQUE ITAIPU / JARDIM EBENEZER bus from Avenida Pedro Taques, 1107-1191 station to Avenida Morangueira, 162 station. Next, take the 0730-440 MARINGÁ / ASTORGA bus from Avenida Morangueira, 169 station to Avenida Morangueira, 314 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 37 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationAvenida Pedro Taques, 1107-119180 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for bus177 PARQUE ITAIPU / JARDIM EBENEZERSentido Para Terminal / Via Ebenezer
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida Morangueira, 1623 min
- 4Wait for bus0730-440 MARINGÁ / ASTORGAMaringá → Astorga
- 5Ride to bus stationAvenida Morangueira, 31412 min
- 6Walk toFaculdade Ingá690 m • 9 min
Public transit directions from Avenida Pedro Taques, 992-1090 to Faculdade Ingá
Public transit stations close to Avenida Pedro Taques, 992-1090
Avenida Pedro Taques, 992-1090 is located at Avenida Pedro Taques, 992-1090, Maringá and the nearest public transit station is Avenida Pedro Taques, 1107-1191.
Bus stations close to Avenida Pedro Taques, 992-1090:
- Avenida Pedro Taques, 1107-1191
- Avenida Pedro Taques, 900-936
- Avenida Pedro Taques, 927-947
Public transit stations close to Faculdade Ingá, Maringá
Faculdade Ingá is located at Faculdade Ingá, Maringá and the nearest public transit station is Rodovia Deputado Sílvio Barros, 9512-9732.
Bus stations close to Faculdade Ingá:
- Rodovia Deputado Sílvio Barros, 9512-9732
- Avenida Morangueira, 314
- Rodovia Deputado Sílvio Barros, 7921-8425
Related Routes
- Avenida Das Indústrias, 1340 to Faculdade Ingá
- Avenida Colombo, 2314 - Parque De Exposições to Faculdade Ingá
- Avenida Colombo, 2820 - Muffato Max to Faculdade Ingá
- Avenida Colombo, 3114 - Semob to Faculdade Ingá
- Avenida Colombo, 1852 - Condor to Faculdade Ingá
- Avenida Cristóvão Colombo, 768 - Jardim Shenandoa to Faculdade Ingá
- Avenida Cristóvão Colombo, 840 - Rotary Club to Faculdade Ingá
- Rodovia Br 376 - Planti Center to Faculdade Ingá
- Rodovia Br 376 - Posto Amigão to Faculdade Ingá
- Rodovia Br 376 - Motel Bentevi to Faculdade Ingá
- Avenida Ademar Bornia - Posto Juninho to Faculdade Ingá
- Avenida Ademar Bornia, 237 - Noma Do Brasil to Faculdade Ingá
- Rodovia Br 376, 2947 - Romagnole Concreto to Faculdade Ingá
- Avenida Ademar Bornia, 1399a - Antiga Rodoviária De Sarandi to Faculdade Ingá
- Atalaia - Avenida Doutor Antônio Morães De Barros, 110 to Faculdade Ingá
- Avenida Cristóvão Colombo, 2100 to Faculdade Ingá
- Avenida Cristóvão Colombo, 2641 to Faculdade Ingá
- Avenida Cristóvão Colombo, 4990-5144 - Deposito Planalto to Faculdade Ingá
- Avenida Cristóvão Colombo, 3886 to Faculdade Ingá
- Rodovia Br-376 - Conj. João De Barro to Faculdade Ingá
Alternative route from Avenida Pedro Taques, 992-1090 to Faculdade Ingá by bus via 177 PARQUE ITAIPU / JARDIM EBENEZER and 0730-440 MARINGÁ / ASTORGA
To get from Avenida Pedro Taques, 992-1090 to Faculdade Ingá in Maringá, take the 177 PARQUE ITAIPU / JARDIM EBENEZER bus from Avenida Pedro Taques, 1107-1191 station to Avenida Morangueira, 162 station. Next, take the 0730-440 MARINGÁ / ASTORGA bus from Avenida Morangueira, 169 station to Avenida Morangueira, 314 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 37 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationAvenida Pedro Taques, 1107-119180 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for bus177 PARQUE ITAIPU / JARDIM EBENEZERSentido Para Terminal / Via Ebenezer
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida Morangueira, 1623 min
- 4Wait for bus0730-440 MARINGÁ / ASTORGAMaringá → Astorga
- 5Ride to bus stationAvenida Morangueira, 31412 min
- 6Walk toFaculdade Ingá690 m • 9 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Avenida Pedro Taques, 992-1090 to Faculdade Ingá?
The fastest way takes 36 minutes, using Bus line 205 THERMAS.
What is the alternative route to get from Avenida Pedro Taques, 992-1090 to Faculdade Ingá?
The alternative route takes 37 minutes, using Bus line 177 PARQUE ITAIPU / JARDIM EBENEZER, Bus line 0730-440 MARINGÁ / ASTORGA.
Is there a direct bus between Avenida Pedro Taques, 992-1090 and Faculdade Ingá?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Avenida Pedro Taques, 992-1090 in Zona 23 to Faculdade Ingá in Maringá in 36 min.
Which bus line goes from Avenida Pedro Taques, 992-1090 to Faculdade Ingá?
The 205 THERMAS bus line goes from Avenida Morangueira, 214 station near Avenida Pedro Taques, 992-1090 in Zona 23 to Sentido Para Bairro / Via Uninga station near Faculdade Ingá in Maringá.
How long does it take to travel from Avenida Pedro Taques, 992-1090 to Faculdade Ingá by bus?
The total travel time between Avenida Pedro Taques, 992-1090 in Zona 23 and Faculdade Ingá in Maringá by bus is about 36 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Avenida Pedro Taques, 992-1090 to get to Faculdade Ingá?
Get on the 205 THERMAS bus from the Avenida Morangueira, 214 stop near Avenida Pedro Taques, 992-1090 in Zona 23.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Avenida Pedro Taques, 992-1090 and Faculdade Ingá?
Get off the bus at the Sentido Para Bairro / Via Uninga stop, which is closest to Faculdade Ingá in Maringá.
When is the last bus from Avenida Pedro Taques, 992-1090 to Faculdade Ingá?
The last bus from Avenida Pedro Taques, 992-1090 in Zona 23 to Faculdade Ingá in Maringá is the 205 Thermas line. It leaves the Avenida Morangueira, 214 stop at 8:34 PM.