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How to get from AOS 8 | Skate Park / Terraço Shopping to Faculdade Projeção by bus?

From AOS 8 | Skate Park / Terraço Shopping to Faculdade Projeção by bus

Take one direct bus from AOS 8 | Skate Park / Terraço Shopping to Faculdade Projeção in Taguatinga: take the 304.1 bus from SHCES 601 | UBS 1 station to SAMDU N. | CNB 14 (UniProjeção / HRT / Fórum) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 58 min. The ride fare is R$5.50.

Walk to bus station
Bus - 304.1304.1
Walk to Faculdade Projeção
Leaves from SHCES 601 | UBS 1

Step by Step

  • 1
    Walk to bus station
    Walk to bus station
    SHCES 601 | UBS 1
    ID 698
    150 m • 2 min
  • 2
    Bus - 304.1304.1
    Wait for bus
    P Sul P4 / Ceil. Sul / SIA / Cruzeiro / SAAN (Comercial-Samdu N / EPTG)
  • 3
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    SAMDU N. | CNB 14 (UniProjeção / HRT / Fórum)
    ID 3569
    53 min
  • 4
    Walk to Faculdade Projeção
    Walk to
    Faculdade Projeção
    Avenida Samdu Norte
    140 m • 2 min
*Duration based on 8am traffic

Alternative route from AOS 8 | Skate Park / Terraço Shopping to Faculdade Projeção by bus via 0.035 and 942.1

To get from AOS 8 | Skate Park / Terraço Shopping to Faculdade Projeção in Taguatinga, take the 0.035 bus from AOS 8 | Skate Park / Terraço Shopping station to EPIA | F. Importados / Assaí / Super Adega station. Next, take the 942.1 bus from EPIA | MultFeira / F. Importados / CEASA station to SAMDU N. | CNB 14 (UniProjeção / HRT / Fórum) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 52 min. The ride fare is R$9.30.

Bus - 0.0350.035
Bus - 942.1942.1
Walk to Faculdade Projeção
Leaves from AOS 8 | Skate Park / Terraço Shopping

Step by Step

  • 1
    Start from bus station
    Start from bus station
    AOS 8 | Skate Park / Terraço Shopping
  • 2
    Bus - 0.0350.035
    Wait for bus
    Rod.P.Piloto / Sudoeste / F. Importados / SIA / St. Cargas
  • 3
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    EPIA | F. Importados / Assaí / Super Adega
    ID 3585
    3 min
  • 4
    Walk to bus station
    Walk to bus station
    EPIA | MultFeira / F. Importados / CEASA
    ID 3596
    210 m • 3 min
  • 5
    Bus - 942.1942.1
    Wait for bus
    P Sul P2-P3-P4 (Samdu N. / QNL-QNJ)
  • 6
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    SAMDU N. | CNB 14 (UniProjeção / HRT / Fórum)
    ID 3569
    42 min
  • 7
    Walk to Faculdade Projeção
    Walk to
    Faculdade Projeção
    Avenida Samdu Norte
    140 m • 2 min
*Duration based on 8am traffic
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Public transit directions from AOS 8 | Skate Park / Terraço Shopping to Faculdade Projeção

The distance between AOS 8 | Skate Park / Terraço Shopping, Taguatinga and Faculdade Projeção, Taguatinga is approximately 20.19 km, which can typically be travelled in 58 min. Moovit will show you the directions from AOS 8 | Skate Park / Terraço Shopping to Faculdade Projeção by bus, so no matter how you choose to travel in Taguatinga – you will always have plenty of easy options.

Public transit stations close to AOS 8 | Skate Park / Terraço Shopping

AOS 8 | Skate Park / Terraço Shopping is located at AOS 8 | Skate Park / Terraço Shopping, Taguatinga and the nearest public transit station is SHCES 601 | UBS 1.

Subway stations close to AOS 8 | Skate Park / Terraço Shopping:

  • Shopping
  • 112 Sul

Bus stations close to AOS 8 | Skate Park / Terraço Shopping:

  • SHCES 601 | UBS 1
  • AOS 8
  • SHCES 801 | Paróquia Sta. Terezinha / Terraço Shopping

Public transit stations close to Faculdade Projeção, Taguatinga

Faculdade Projeção is located at Avenida Samdu Norte, Taguatinga and the nearest public transit station is SAMDU N. | QNB 8.

Subway stations close to Faculdade Projeção:

  • Taguatinga Sul
  • Concessionárias
  • Estrada Parque

Bus stations close to Faculdade Projeção:

  • SAMDU N. | QNB 8
  • Comercial N. | QNE 2 (Pentecostes / Uniplan)
  • SENAI Taguatinga

Alternative route from AOS 8 | Skate Park / Terraço Shopping to Faculdade Projeção by bus via 0.035 and 942.1

To get from AOS 8 | Skate Park / Terraço Shopping to Faculdade Projeção in Taguatinga, take the 0.035 bus from AOS 8 | Skate Park / Terraço Shopping station to EPIA | F. Importados / Assaí / Super Adega station. Next, take the 942.1 bus from EPIA | MultFeira / F. Importados / CEASA station to SAMDU N. | CNB 14 (UniProjeção / HRT / Fórum) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 52 min. The ride fare is R$9.30.

Bus - 0.0350.035
Bus - 942.1942.1
Walk to Faculdade Projeção
Leaves from AOS 8 | Skate Park / Terraço Shopping

Step by Step

  • 1
    Start from bus station
    Start from bus station
    AOS 8 | Skate Park / Terraço Shopping
  • 2
    Bus - 0.0350.035
    Wait for bus
    Rod.P.Piloto / Sudoeste / F. Importados / SIA / St. Cargas
  • 3
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    EPIA | F. Importados / Assaí / Super Adega
    ID 3585
    3 min
  • 4
    Walk to bus station
    Walk to bus station
    EPIA | MultFeira / F. Importados / CEASA
    ID 3596
    210 m • 3 min
  • 5
    Bus - 942.1942.1
    Wait for bus
    P Sul P2-P3-P4 (Samdu N. / QNL-QNJ)
  • 6
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    SAMDU N. | CNB 14 (UniProjeção / HRT / Fórum)
    ID 3569
    42 min
  • 7
    Walk to Faculdade Projeção
    Walk to
    Faculdade Projeção
    Avenida Samdu Norte
    140 m • 2 min
*Duration based on 8am traffic

Questions & Answers

  • What is the fastest way to get from AOS 8 | Skate Park / Terraço Shopping to Faculdade Projeção?

    The fastest way takes 58 minutes, using Bus line 304.1.

  • What is the alternative route to get from AOS 8 | Skate Park / Terraço Shopping to Faculdade Projeção?

    The alternative route takes 52 minutes, using Bus line 0.035, Bus line 942.1.

  • Is there a direct bus between AOS 8 | Skate Park / Terraço Shopping and Faculdade Projeção?

    Yes, there’s a direct bus going from AOS 8 | Skate Park / Terraço Shopping in Brasilia Region to Faculdade Projeção in Taguatinga in 58 min.

  • Which bus line goes from AOS 8 | Skate Park / Terraço Shopping to Faculdade Projeção?

    The 304.1 bus line goes from SHCES 601 | UBS 1 station near AOS 8 | Skate Park / Terraço Shopping in Brasilia Region to P Sul P4 / Ceil. Sul / SIA / Cruzeiro / SAAN (Comercial-Samdu N / EPTG) station near Faculdade Projeção in Taguatinga.

  • How long does it take to travel from AOS 8 | Skate Park / Terraço Shopping to Faculdade Projeção by bus?

    The total travel time between AOS 8 | Skate Park / Terraço Shopping in Brasilia Region and Faculdade Projeção in Taguatinga by bus is about 58 min.

  • Where do I get on the bus near AOS 8 | Skate Park / Terraço Shopping to get to Faculdade Projeção?

    Get on the 304.1 bus from the SHCES 601 | UBS 1 stop near AOS 8 | Skate Park / Terraço Shopping in Brasilia Region.

  • Where do I get off the bus when travelling between AOS 8 | Skate Park / Terraço Shopping and Faculdade Projeção?

    Get off the bus at the P Sul P4 / Ceil. Sul / SIA / Cruzeiro / SAAN (Comercial-Samdu N / EPTG) stop, which is closest to Faculdade Projeção in Taguatinga.

  • When is the first bus from AOS 8 | Skate Park / Terraço Shopping to Faculdade Projeção?

    The first bus from AOS 8 | Skate Park / Terraço Shopping in Brasilia Region to Faculdade Projeção in Taguatinga is |CIRCULAR| P Sul P4 / Ceilândia Sul / Feira dos Goianos / SIA / Cruzeiro / SAAN (via Comercial-Samdu Norte / Marginal EPTG). It leaves the SHCES 601 | UBS 1 stop at 5:03 AM.

  • How much is the bus fare from AOS 8 | Skate Park / Terraço Shopping to Faculdade Projeção?

    The ride from AOS 8 | Skate Park / Terraço Shopping to Faculdade Projeção costs R$5.50.