How to get from Zambana to Fai Della Paganella by bus?
From Zambana to Fai Della Paganella by bus
Take one direct bus from Zambana to Fai Della Paganella in Trento: take the SKIBUS bus from Santel station to Fai Della P. - Hotel Montana station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 8 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationZambana
- 2Wait for busSKIBUSSantel > Fai Paganella Sud
- 3Ride to bus stationFai Della P. - Hotel Montana4 min
- 4Walk toFai Della Paganella200 m • 3 min
Public transit directions from Zambana to Fai Della Paganella
Public transit stations close to Zambana
Zambana is located at Zambana, Trento and the nearest public transit station is Santel. Sp64.
Bus stations close to Zambana:
- Santel. Sp64
- Santel
- Fai Della P. - Hotel Miravalle
Public transit stations close to Fai Della Paganella, Trento
Fai Della Paganella is located at Fai Della Paganella, Trento and the nearest public transit station is Fai Paganella-A.Stella Alpina.
Train stations close to Fai Della Paganella:
- Lavis
- Zambana
- Mezzolombardo
Bus stations close to Fai Della Paganella:
- Fai Paganella-A.Stella Alpina
- Fai Della P. - Albergo Stella Alpina
- Fai Paganella
Related Routes
- Lana to Fai Della Paganella
- Appiano Sulla Strada Del Vino to Fai Della Paganella
- Civezzano to Fai Della Paganella
- Cloz to Fai Della Paganella
- Coredo to Fai Della Paganella
- Cortina Sulla Strada Del Vino to Fai Della Paganella
- Drena to Fai Della Paganella
- Dro to Fai Della Paganella
- Egna to Fai Della Paganella
- Mori to Fai Della Paganella
- Peio to Fai Della Paganella
- Predazzo to Fai Della Paganella
- Ragoli to Fai Della Paganella
- Riva Del Garda to Fai Della Paganella
- Ronzone to Fai Della Paganella
- Sfruz to Fai Della Paganella
- Taio to Fai Della Paganella
- Termeno Sulla Strada Del Vino to Fai Della Paganella
- Zambana to Castello-Molina Di Fiemme
- Zambana to Dimaro
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Zambana to Fai Della Paganella?
The fastest way takes 8 minutes, using Bus line SKIBUS.
Is there a direct bus between Zambana and Fai Della Paganella in Trento?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Zambana to Fai Della Paganella in Trento in 8 min.
Which bus line goes from Zambana to Fai Della Paganella in Trento?
The SKIBUS bus line goes from Santel > Fai Paganella Sud station near Zambana to Fai Della P. - Hotel Montana station near Fai Della Paganella in Trento.
How long does it take to travel from Zambana to Fai Della Paganella in Trento by bus?
The total travel time between Zambana and Fai Della Paganella in Trento by bus is about 8 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Zambana to get to Fai Della Paganella in Trento?
Get on the SKIBUS bus from the Santel > Fai Paganella Sud stop near Zambana in Trento.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Zambana and Fai Della Paganella in Trento?
Get off the bus at the Fai Della P. - Hotel Montana stop, which is closest to Fai Della Paganella in Trento.
When is the first bus from Zambana to Fai Della Paganella in Trento?
The first bus from Zambana to Fai Della Paganella in Trento is Fai - Santel - Andalo. It leaves the Santel stop at 9:42 AM.