How to get from Avenida Presidente Dutra, 1303 to Feira de Santana by bus?
From Avenida Presidente Dutra, 1303 to Feira de Santana by bus
To get from Avenida Presidente Dutra, 1303 to Feira de Santana in Santana, take the 009 bus from Ária/For Camiseta station to Terminal Central station. Next, take the 001 bus from Terminal Central station to Rua Doutor Araújo Pinho, 367 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 20 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationÁria/For Camiseta30 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus009➔ Terminal Central
- 3Ride to bus stationTerminal Central8 min
- 4Wait for bus001➔ Tomba (Cis)
- 5Ride to bus stationRua Doutor Araújo Pinho, 3676 min
- 6Walk toFeira de Santana330 m • 5 min
Alternative route from Avenida Presidente Dutra, 1303 to Feira de Santana by bus via 009
Take one direct bus from Avenida Presidente Dutra, 1303 to Feira de Santana in Santana: take the 009 bus from Ária/For Camiseta station to Avenida Presidente Dutra, 252 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 20 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationÁria/For Camiseta30 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus009➔ Terminal Central
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida Presidente Dutra, 2524 min
- 4Walk toFeira de Santana1.2 km • 16 min
Public transit directions from Avenida Presidente Dutra, 1303 to Feira de Santana
Public transit stations close to Avenida Presidente Dutra, 1303
Avenida Presidente Dutra, 1303 is located at Avenida Presidente Dutra, 1303, Santana and the nearest public transit station is Avenida Presidente Dutra, 841.
Bus stations close to Avenida Presidente Dutra, 1303:
- Avenida Presidente Dutra, 841
- Rodoviária
- Avenida João Durval Carneiro, 1184
Public transit stations close to Feira de Santana, Santana
Feira de Santana is located at Feira de Santana, Santana and the nearest public transit station is Rua Doutor Araújo Pinho, 38.
Bus stations close to Feira de Santana:
- Rua Doutor Araújo Pinho, 38
- Rua Doutor Araújo Pinho, 367
- Rua Doutor Araújo Pinho, 385
Related Routes
- Terminal Nóide Cerqueira to Feira de Santana
- Avenida Nóide Cerqueira, 5396a to Feira de Santana
- Unnamed to Feira de Santana
- Estrada Do Rosário, 2500 to Feira de Santana
- Estrada Do Rosário 2534 to Feira de Santana
- Avenida Getúlio Vargas, 6 to Feira de Santana
- Estação Teu Teu Sentido to Feira de Santana
- Estação F. Aureliano Sentido Noide to Feira de Santana
- Estação Maria Quitéria Sentido Noide to Feira de Santana
- Estação Castro Alves Sentido Noide to Feira de Santana
- Estação Tomoio Sentido Noide to Feira de Santana
- Pc Noide Cerqueira to Feira de Santana
- Avenida Getúlio Vargas, 1889 to Feira de Santana
- Pc Noide Cerqueira Sentido Terminal Central to Feira de Santana
- Estação Dos Tamaios Sentido Terminal Central to Feira de Santana
- Estação F. Aureliano Sentido Terminal Central to Feira de Santana
- Estação M.ª Quitéria Sentido Terminal Central to Feira de Santana
- Sem Numero to Feira de Santana
- Rua Mansão Dos Coqueiros, to Feira de Santana
- Rua Rifaine, 679 to Feira de Santana
Alternative route from Avenida Presidente Dutra, 1303 to Feira de Santana by bus via 009
Take one direct bus from Avenida Presidente Dutra, 1303 to Feira de Santana in Santana: take the 009 bus from Ária/For Camiseta station to Avenida Presidente Dutra, 252 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 20 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationÁria/For Camiseta30 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus009➔ Terminal Central
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida Presidente Dutra, 2524 min
- 4Walk toFeira de Santana1.2 km • 16 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Avenida Presidente Dutra, 1303 to Feira de Santana?
The fastest way takes 20 minutes, using Bus line 009, Bus line 001.
What is the alternative route to get from Avenida Presidente Dutra, 1303 to Feira de Santana?
The alternative route takes 20 minutes, using Bus line 009.
Is there a direct bus between Avenida Presidente Dutra, 1303 and Feira de Santana in Santana?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 20 min.
Which bus line goes from Avenida Presidente Dutra, 1303 to Feira de Santana in Santana?
The 009 bus line goes from Ária/For Camiseta station near Avenida Presidente Dutra, 1303 to ➔ Terminal Central station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till ➔ Terminal Central station near Feira de Santana in Santana
How long does it take to travel from Avenida Presidente Dutra, 1303 to Feira de Santana in Santana by bus?
The total travel time between Avenida Presidente Dutra, 1303 and Feira de Santana in Santana by bus is about 20 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Avenida Presidente Dutra, 1303 to get to Feira de Santana in Santana?
Get on the 009 bus from the Ária/For Camiseta stop near Avenida Presidente Dutra, 1303 in Santana.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Avenida Presidente Dutra, 1303 and Feira de Santana in Santana?
Get off the bus at the ➔ Terminal Central stop, which is closest to Feira de Santana in Santana.