How to get from Cesena to Fornovo Di Taro by train?
From Cesena to Fornovo Di Taro by train
To get from Cesena to Fornovo Di Taro in Bologne, take the R train from Cesena station to Parma station. Next, take the REG train from Parma station to Fornovo station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 3 hr 30 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to train stationCesena1.29 km • 17 min
- 2Wait for trainRPiacenza
- 3Ride to train stationParma136 min
- 4Wait for trainREGBorgo Val Di Taro
- 5Ride to train stationFornovo25 min
- 6Walk toFornovo Di Taro90 m • 2 min
Public transit directions from Cesena to Fornovo Di Taro
Public transit stations close to Cesena
Cesena is located at Cesena, Bologne and the nearest public transit station is Quasimodo.
Train stations close to Cesena:
- Cesena
Bus stations close to Cesena:
- Quasimodo
- Ex Zuccherificio
- Europa
Public transit stations close to Fornovo Di Taro, Bologne
Fornovo Di Taro is located at Fornovo Di Taro, Bologne and the nearest public transit station is Fornovo Via Veneto.
Train stations close to Fornovo Di Taro:
- Fornovo
- Ozzano Taro
Bus stations close to Fornovo Di Taro:
- Fornovo Via Veneto
- Fornovo Municipio
- Fornovo Mercato
Related Routes
- Acquaviva to Fornovo Di Taro
- Borgo Maggiore to Fornovo Di Taro
- Domagnano to Fornovo Di Taro
- Fiorentino to Fornovo Di Taro
- San Marino to Fornovo Di Taro
- Serravalle to Fornovo Di Taro
- Salsomaggiore Terme to Fornovo Di Taro
- Bardi to Fornovo Di Taro
- Vigolzone to Fornovo Di Taro
- Felino to Fornovo Di Taro
- Traversetolo to Fornovo Di Taro
- Villanova Sull'Arda to Fornovo Di Taro
- Castel San Giovanni to Fornovo Di Taro
- Besenzone to Fornovo Di Taro
- Unione Delle Terre D'Argine to Fornovo Di Taro
- Bassa Reggiana to Fornovo Di Taro
- Parma to Fornovo Di Taro
- Luzzara to Fornovo Di Taro
- Ziano Piacentino to Fornovo Di Taro
- Borgonovo Val Tidone to Fornovo Di Taro
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Cesena to Fornovo Di Taro?
The fastest way takes 210 minutes, using Bus line R, Bus line REG.
Is there a direct train between Cesena and Fornovo Di Taro in Bologne?
No, you’ll have to take 2 train lines in total. The total travelling time is 3 hr 30 min.
Which train line goes from Cesena to Fornovo Di Taro in Bologne?
The R train line goes from Cesena station near Cesena to Piacenza station. From there you’ll have to take one train line till Piacenza station near Fornovo Di Taro in Bologne
How long does it take to travel from Cesena to Fornovo Di Taro in Bologne by train?
The total travel time between Cesena and Fornovo Di Taro in Bologne by train is about 3 hr 30 min.
Where do I get on the train near Cesena to get to Fornovo Di Taro in Bologne?
Get on the R train from the Cesena station near Cesena in Bologne.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Cesena and Fornovo Di Taro in Bologne?
Get off the train at the Piacenza station, which is closest to Fornovo Di Taro in Bologne.