How to get from Vineuil to Fossã© by bus?
From Vineuil to Fossã© by bus
To get from Vineuil to Fossã© in Blois, take the A bus from Gâts De Cœur (Vineuil) station to Schuman (Blois) station. Next, take the F bus from Schuman (Blois) station to Carrés (Villebarou) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 3 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationGâts De Cœur (Vineuil)40 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for busAPolyclinique
- 3Ride to bus stationSchuman (Blois)28 min
- 4Wait for busFBlois 2
- 5Ride to bus stationCarrés (Villebarou)10 min
- 6Walk toFossã©2.33 km • 30 min
Public transit directions from Vineuil to Fossã©
Public transit stations close to Vineuil
Vineuil is located at Vineuil, Blois and the nearest public transit station is Gapoux (Vineuil).
Bus stations close to Vineuil:
- Gapoux (Vineuil)
- Laudières (Vineuil)
- Clouseaux (Saint-Gervais-La-Forêt)
Public transit stations close to Fossã©, Blois
Fossã© is located at Fossã©, Blois and the nearest public transit station is La Poste (Fossé).
Bus stations close to Fossã©:
- La Poste (Fossé)
- Mairie (Fossé)
- Puits (Marolles)
Related Routes
- Blois to Fossã©
- Huisseau-Sur-Cosson to Fossã©
- Saint-Claude-De-Diray to Fossã©
- Saint-Denis-Sur-Loire to Fossã©
- La Chaussã©E-Saint-Victor to Fossã©
- Saint-Gervais-La-Forãªt to Fossã©
- Chailles to Fossã©
- Vineuil to Blois
- Vineuil to Saint-Claude-De-Diray
- Vineuil to Saint-Denis-Sur-Loire
- Vineuil to Saint-Sulpice-De-Pommeray
- Vineuil to Villebarou
- Vineuil to La Chaussã©E-Saint-Victor
- Vineuil to Saint-Gervais-La-Forãªt
- Vineuil to Fossã©
- Villerbon to Blois
- Villerbon to Huisseau-Sur-Cosson
- Villerbon to Saint-Denis-Sur-Loire
- Villerbon to Saint-Sulpice-De-Pommeray
- Villerbon to Villebarou
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Vineuil to Fossã©?
The fastest way takes 123 minutes, using Bus line A, Bus line F.
Is there a direct bus between Vineuil and Fossã© in Blois?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 2 hr 3 min.
Which bus line goes from Vineuil to Fossã© in Blois?
The A bus line goes from Gâts De Cœur (Vineuil) station near Vineuil to Polyclinique station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Polyclinique station near Fossã© in Blois
How long does it take to travel from Vineuil to Fossã© in Blois by bus?
The total travel time between Vineuil and Fossã© in Blois by bus is about 2 hr 3 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Vineuil to get to Fossã© in Blois?
Get on the A bus from the Gâts De Cœur (Vineuil) stop near Vineuil in Blois.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Vineuil and Fossã© in Blois?
Get off the bus at the Polyclinique stop, which is closest to Fossã© in Blois.