How to get from Viale Dello Sport Biancoazzurro to Frontone by bus and train?
From Viale Dello Sport Biancoazzurro to Frontone by bus and train
To get from Viale Dello Sport Biancoazzurro to Frontone in Frontone, you’ll need to take 2 train lines and one bus line: take the R train from Porto D'Ascoli station to Ancona station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the R train and finally take the VI1 bus from Fabriano (Stazione F.S.). station to Frontone (Centro). station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 4 hr 55 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to train stationPorto D'Ascoli1.39 km • 18 min
- 2Wait for trainRAncona
- 3Ride to train stationAnconaID S0711375 min
- 4Wait for trainRFabriano
- 5Ride to train stationFabriano69 min
- 6Walk to bus stationFabriano (Stazione F.S.).ID 614510 m • 1 min
- 7Wait for busVI1Pergola (Centro)
- 8Ride to bus stationFrontone (Centro).ID 628742 min
- 9Walk toFrontoneVia ponte400 m • 6 min
Public transit directions from Viale Dello Sport Biancoazzurro to Frontone
Public transit stations close to Viale Dello Sport Biancoazzurro
Viale Dello Sport Biancoazzurro is located at Viale Dello Sport Biancoazzurro, Frontone and the nearest public transit station is Via Dello Sport Totalerg.
Train stations close to Viale Dello Sport Biancoazzurro:
- San Benedetto Del Tronto
- Porto D'Ascoli
Bus stations close to Viale Dello Sport Biancoazzurro:
- Via Dello Sport Totalerg
- Viale Dello Sport
- Viale Dello Sport Park Camper
Public transit stations close to Frontone, Frontone
Frontone is located at Via ponte, Frontone and the nearest public transit station is Frontone.
Bus stations close to Frontone:
- Frontone
- Incrocio Foci
- Frontone (Centro)
Related Routes
- Castelplanio (Croce Rossa) - Dir. Jesi to Frontone
- Castelplanio (Croce Rossa) - Dir. Castelplanio to Frontone
- Serra San Quirico (Stazione) to Frontone
- Via Appennini to Frontone
- Borgo Loreto (Moplan) to Frontone
- Borgo Loreto (Moplan). to Frontone
- Calmazzo to Frontone
- Porto Sant'Elpidio - Agip Nord to Frontone
- Viale Dello Sport Biancoazzurro to San Ginesio
- Viale Dello Sport Biancoazzurro to San Costanzo
- Viale Dello Sport Biancoazzurro to Sede Centrale Università Degli Studi Di Urbino Carlo Bo
- Viale Dello Sport Biancoazzurro to Torre San Patrizio
- Fosso Dei Galli Cabina to San Ginesio
- Fosso Dei Galli Cabina to San Costanzo
- Fosso Dei Galli Cabina to Sede Centrale Università Degli Studi Di Urbino Carlo Bo
- Fosso Dei Galli Cabina to Torre San Patrizio
- Ss16 Incrocio Via Sardegna to San Costanzo
- Ss16 Incrocio Via Sardegna to Sede Centrale Università Degli Studi Di Urbino Carlo Bo
- Ss16 Incrocio Via Sardegna to Torre San Patrizio
- Via Dello Sport Ipsia to San Ginesio
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Viale Dello Sport Biancoazzurro to Frontone?
The fastest way takes 295 minutes, using Bus line R, Bus line R, Bus line VI1.
Is there a direct train between Viale Dello Sport Biancoazzurro and Frontone?
No, you’ll have to take 2 train lines and one bus line in total. The total travelling time is 4 hr 55 min.
Which train line goes from Viale Dello Sport Biancoazzurro to Frontone?
The R train line goes from Porto D'Ascoli station near Viale Dello Sport Biancoazzurro in San Benedetto Del Tronto to Ancona station. From there you’ll have to take one train line and one bus line till Ancona station near Frontone in Frontone.
How long does it take to travel from Viale Dello Sport Biancoazzurro to Frontone by train and bus?
The total travel time between Viale Dello Sport Biancoazzurro in San Benedetto Del Tronto and Frontone in Frontone by train and bus is about 4 hr 55 min.
Where do I get on the train near Viale Dello Sport Biancoazzurro to get to Frontone?
Get on the R train from the Porto D'Ascoli station near Viale Dello Sport Biancoazzurro in San Benedetto Del Tronto.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Viale Dello Sport Biancoazzurro and Frontone?
Get off the train at the Ancona stop, which is closest to Frontone in Frontone.