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How to get from Trường Giáo Dục Quốc Phòng to Fv Hospital by bus?

By bus

To get from Trường Giáo Dục Quốc Phòng to Fv Hospital in Quận 7, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the 150 bus from Trường Giáo Dục Quốc Phòng station to Khu Dl Suối Tiên station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 53 bus and finally take the 102 bus from Trạm Trung Chuyển Trên Đường Hàm Nghi station to Bệnh Viện Việt Pháp station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 2 min.

Bus - 150150
Bus - 5353
Bus - 102102
Walk to Fv Hospital
Leaves from Trường Giáo Dục Quốc Phòng

Step by Step

  • 1
    Start from bus station
    Start from bus station
    Trường Giáo Dục Quốc Phòng
  • 2
    Bus - 150150
    Wait for bus
    Bến Xe Chợ Lớn
  • 3
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    Khu Dl Suối Tiên
    ID QTD 177
    2 min
  • 4
    Bus - 5353
    Wait for bus
    Lê Hồng Phong
  • 5
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    Trạm Trung Chuyển Trên Đường Hàm Nghi
    ID Q1 184
    26 min
  • 6
    Walk to bus station
    Walk to bus station
    Trạm Trung Chuyển Trên Đường Hàm Nghi
    ID Q1 161
    180 m • 3 min
  • 7
    Bus - 102102
    Wait for bus
    Bến Xe Miền Tây
  • 8
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    Bệnh Viện Việt Pháp
    ID Q7 088
    18 min
  • 9
    Walk to Fv Hospital
    Walk to
    Fv Hospital
    Tôn Dật Tiên
    460 m • 6 min
*Duration based on 8am traffic

Alternative route by bus via 33, 53 and 102

To get from Trường Giáo Dục Quốc Phòng to Fv Hospital in Quận 7, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the 33 bus from Trường Giáo Dục Quốc Phòng station to Khu Dl Suối Tiên station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 53 bus and finally take the 102 bus from Trạm Trung Chuyển Trên Đường Hàm Nghi station to Bệnh Viện Việt Pháp station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 2 min.

Bus - 3333
Bus - 5353
Bus - 102102
Walk to Fv Hospital
Leaves from Trường Giáo Dục Quốc Phòng

Step by Step

  • 1
    Start from bus station
    Start from bus station
    Trường Giáo Dục Quốc Phòng
  • 2
    Bus - 3333
    Wait for bus
    Bến Xe An Sương
  • 3
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    Khu Dl Suối Tiên
    ID QTD 177
    2 min
  • 4
    Bus - 5353
    Wait for bus
    Lê Hồng Phong
  • 5
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    Trạm Trung Chuyển Trên Đường Hàm Nghi
    ID Q1 184
    26 min
  • 6
    Walk to bus station
    Walk to bus station
    Trạm Trung Chuyển Trên Đường Hàm Nghi
    ID Q1 161
    180 m • 3 min
  • 7
    Bus - 102102
    Wait for bus
    Bến Xe Miền Tây
  • 8
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    Bệnh Viện Việt Pháp
    ID Q7 088
    18 min
  • 9
    Walk to Fv Hospital
    Walk to
    Fv Hospital
    Tôn Dật Tiên
    460 m • 6 min
*Duration based on 8am traffic
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Public transit directions from Trường Giáo Dục Quốc Phòng to Fv Hospital

The distance between Trường Giáo Dục Quốc Phòng, Quận 7 and Fv Hospital, Quận 7 is approximately 30.78 km, which can typically be travelled in 62 min. Moovit will show you the directions from Trường Giáo Dục Quốc Phòng to Fv Hospital by bus, so no matter how you choose to travel in Quận 7 – you will always have plenty of easy options.

Public transit stations close to Trường Giáo Dục Quốc Phòng

Trường Giáo Dục Quốc Phòng is located at Trường Giáo Dục Quốc Phòng, Quận 7 and the nearest public transit station is Bến Xe Xa Lộ Hà Nội (2ha).

Bus stations close to Trường Giáo Dục Quốc Phòng:

  • Bến Xe Xa Lộ Hà Nội (2ha)
  • Đại Học An Ninh Nhân Dân
  • Đh Khoa Học Tự Nhiên

Public transit stations close to Fv Hospital, Quận 7

Fv Hospital is located at Tôn Dật Tiên, Quận 7 and the nearest public transit station is Cressent Mall.

Bus stations close to Fv Hospital:

  • Cressent Mall
  • Bệnh Viện Việt Pháp
  • Nguyễn Văn Linh

Ferry stations close to Fv Hospital:

  • Bến Tàu Khách Cao Tốc Bạch Đằng
  • Ga Tàu Thuỷ Bạch Đằng

Alternative route by bus via 33, 53 and 102

To get from Trường Giáo Dục Quốc Phòng to Fv Hospital in Quận 7, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the 33 bus from Trường Giáo Dục Quốc Phòng station to Khu Dl Suối Tiên station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 53 bus and finally take the 102 bus from Trạm Trung Chuyển Trên Đường Hàm Nghi station to Bệnh Viện Việt Pháp station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 2 min.

Bus - 3333
Bus - 5353
Bus - 102102
Walk to Fv Hospital
Leaves from Trường Giáo Dục Quốc Phòng

Step by Step

  • 1
    Start from bus station
    Start from bus station
    Trường Giáo Dục Quốc Phòng
  • 2
    Bus - 3333
    Wait for bus
    Bến Xe An Sương
  • 3
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    Khu Dl Suối Tiên
    ID QTD 177
    2 min
  • 4
    Bus - 5353
    Wait for bus
    Lê Hồng Phong
  • 5
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    Trạm Trung Chuyển Trên Đường Hàm Nghi
    ID Q1 184
    26 min
  • 6
    Walk to bus station
    Walk to bus station
    Trạm Trung Chuyển Trên Đường Hàm Nghi
    ID Q1 161
    180 m • 3 min
  • 7
    Bus - 102102
    Wait for bus
    Bến Xe Miền Tây
  • 8
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    Bệnh Viện Việt Pháp
    ID Q7 088
    18 min
  • 9
    Walk to Fv Hospital
    Walk to
    Fv Hospital
    Tôn Dật Tiên
    460 m • 6 min
*Duration based on 8am traffic

Questions & Answers

  • What is the fastest way to get from Trường Giáo Dục Quốc Phòng to Fv Hospital?

    The fastest way takes 62 minutes, using Bus line 150, Bus line 53, Bus line 102.

  • What is the alternative route to get from Trường Giáo Dục Quốc Phòng to Fv Hospital?

    The alternative route takes 62 minutes, using Bus line 33, Bus line 53, Bus line 102.

  • Is there a direct bus between Trường Giáo Dục Quốc Phòng and Fv Hospital?

    No, you’ll have to take 3 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 2 min.

  • Which bus line goes from Trường Giáo Dục Quốc Phòng to Fv Hospital?

    The 150 bus line goes from Bến Xe Chợ Lớn station near Trường Giáo Dục Quốc Phòng in Ho Chi Minh to Khu Dl Suối Tiên station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Fv Hospital station near Fv Hospital in Quận 7.

  • How long does it take to travel from Trường Giáo Dục Quốc Phòng to Fv Hospital by bus?

    The total travel time between Trường Giáo Dục Quốc Phòng in Ho Chi Minh and Fv Hospital in Quận 7 by bus is about 1 hr 2 min.

  • Where do I get on the bus near Trường Giáo Dục Quốc Phòng to get to Fv Hospital?

    Get on the 150 bus from the Bến Xe Chợ Lớn stop near Trường Giáo Dục Quốc Phòng in Ho Chi Minh.

  • Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Trường Giáo Dục Quốc Phòng and Fv Hospital?

    Get off the bus at the Fv Hospital stop, which is closest to Fv Hospital in Quận 7.

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