How to get from Tandslet Mommarkvej V Tandsbusk to Fynshav by bus?
From Tandslet Mommarkvej V Tandsbusk to Fynshav by bus
To get from Tandslet Mommarkvej V Tandsbusk to Fynshav in Denmark, take the 226 bus from Tandslet Mommarkvej V Tandsbusk station to Fynshav Toftevej station. Next, take the 225 bus from Fynshav Toftevej station to Fynshav Færgehavn station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 34 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationTandslet Mommarkvej V Tandsbusk
- 2Wait for bus226Fynshav Toftevej
- 3Ride to bus stationFynshav Toftevej22 min
- 4Wait for bus225Fynshav Færgehavn
- 5Ride to bus stationFynshav Færgehavn5 min
Alternative route from Tandslet Mommarkvej V Tandsbusk to Fynshav by bus via 226
Take one direct bus from Tandslet Mommarkvej V Tandsbusk to Fynshav in Denmark: take the 226 bus from Tandslet Mommarkvej V Tandsbusk station to Fynshav Toftevej station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 36 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationTandslet Mommarkvej V Tandsbusk
- 2Wait for bus226Fynshav Toftevej
- 3Ride to bus stationFynshav Toftevej22 min
- 4Walk toFynshav990 m • 13 min
Public transit directions from Tandslet Mommarkvej V Tandsbusk to Fynshav
Public transit stations close to Tandslet Mommarkvej V Tandsbusk
Tandslet Mommarkvej V Tandsbusk is located at Tandslet Mommarkvej V Tandsbusk, Denmark and the nearest public transit station is Tandslet Mommarkvej V Tandshede.
Bus stations close to Tandslet Mommarkvej V Tandsbusk:
- Tandslet Mommarkvej V Tandshede
- Tandslet Mommarkvej V Ertebjergvej
- Ertebjergvej V Tandslet Friskole (Tandslet)
Public transit stations close to Fynshav, Denmark
Fynshav is located at Fynshav, Denmark and the nearest public transit station is Fynshav Toftevej.
Bus stations close to Fynshav:
- Fynshav Toftevej
- Fynshav Færgehavn
Ferry stations close to Fynshav:
- Fynshav Havn (Færge)
Related Routes
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- Juulsbjergvej V Julianebjergvej to Fynshav
- Højbjergvej 4 (Assens Kommune) to Fynshav
- Tandslet Mommarkvej V Tandsbusk to Aabenraa
- Tandslet Mommarkvej V Tandsbusk to Christiansfeld
- Tandslet Mommarkvej V Tandsbusk to Kolding
- Tandslet Mommarkvej V Tandsbusk to Horsens
- Tandslet Mommarkvej V Tandsbusk to Aarhus
- Tandslet Mommarkvej V Tandsbusk to Psykologisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet
- Ingolf Nielsensvej V Vestermark to Aabenraa
- Ingolf Nielsensvej V Vestermark to Haarby
- Ingolf Nielsensvej V Vestermark to Store Heddinge
- Ingolf Nielsensvej V Vestermark to Kolding
- Ingolf Nielsensvej V Vestermark to Kalundborg
- Ingolf Nielsensvej V Vestermark to Glostrup
- Ingolf Nielsensvej V Vestermark to Ejby
- Ingolf Nielsensvej V Vestermark to Horsens
- Ingolf Nielsensvej V Vestermark to Videbæk
- Ingolf Nielsensvej V Vestermark to Sejs
Alternative route from Tandslet Mommarkvej V Tandsbusk to Fynshav by bus via 226
Take one direct bus from Tandslet Mommarkvej V Tandsbusk to Fynshav in Denmark: take the 226 bus from Tandslet Mommarkvej V Tandsbusk station to Fynshav Toftevej station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 36 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationTandslet Mommarkvej V Tandsbusk
- 2Wait for bus226Fynshav Toftevej
- 3Ride to bus stationFynshav Toftevej22 min
- 4Walk toFynshav990 m • 13 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Tandslet Mommarkvej V Tandsbusk to Fynshav?
The fastest way takes 34 minutes, using Bus line 226, Bus line 225.
What is the alternative route to get from Tandslet Mommarkvej V Tandsbusk to Fynshav?
The alternative route takes 36 minutes, using Bus line 226.
Is there a direct bus between Tandslet Mommarkvej V Tandsbusk and Fynshav in Denmark?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 34 min.
Which bus line goes from Tandslet Mommarkvej V Tandsbusk to Fynshav in Denmark?
The 226 bus line goes from Fynshav Toftevej station near Tandslet Mommarkvej V Tandsbusk to Fynshav Toftevej station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Fynshav Toftevej station near Fynshav in Denmark
How long does it take to travel from Tandslet Mommarkvej V Tandsbusk to Fynshav in Denmark by bus?
The total travel time between Tandslet Mommarkvej V Tandsbusk and Fynshav in Denmark by bus is about 34 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Tandslet Mommarkvej V Tandsbusk to get to Fynshav in Denmark?
Get on the 226 bus from the Fynshav Toftevej stop near Tandslet Mommarkvej V Tandsbusk in Denmark.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Tandslet Mommarkvej V Tandsbusk and Fynshav in Denmark?
Get off the bus at the Fynshav Toftevej stop, which is closest to Fynshav in Denmark.