How to get from Feuchy to Gavrelle by bus?
From Feuchy to Gavrelle by bus
Take one direct bus from Feuchy to Gavrelle in Arras: take the L13 bus from Cimetière De Feuchy station to Eglise De Gavrelle station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 31 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationCimetière De FeuchyID ARCOM@FEC860 m • 12 min
- 2Wait for busL13Eglise De Gavrelle
- 3Ride to bus stationEglise De GavrelleID ARCOM@GEG18 min
Public transit directions from Feuchy to Gavrelle
Public transit stations close to Feuchy
Feuchy is located at Feuchy, Arras and the nearest public transit station is Mairie De Feuchy.
Bus stations close to Feuchy:
- Mairie De Feuchy
- Attila
- Cimetière D'Athies
Public transit stations close to Gavrelle, Arras
Gavrelle is located at Gavrelle, Arras and the nearest public transit station is Eglise De Gavrelle.
Bus stations close to Gavrelle:
- Eglise De Gavrelle
- Campigneulles
Related Routes
- Acq to Gavrelle
- Bailleul-Sir-Berthoult to Gavrelle
- Basseux to Gavrelle
- Beaumetz-Lès-Loges to Gavrelle
- Boiry-Becquerelle to Gavrelle
- Boiry-Saint-Martin to Gavrelle
- Boiry-Sainte-Rictrude to Gavrelle
- Boisleux-Au-Mont to Gavrelle
- Boisleux-Saint-Marc to Gavrelle
- Boyelles to Gavrelle
- Guémappe to Gavrelle
- Ficheux to Gavrelle
- Hénin-Sur-Cojeul to Gavrelle
- Héninel to Gavrelle
- Mareuil to Gavrelle
- Mercatel to Gavrelle
- Monchy-Le-Preux to Gavrelle
- Mont-Saint-Éloi to Gavrelle
- Neuville-Saint-Vaast to Gavrelle
- Neuville-Vitasse to Gavrelle
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Feuchy to Gavrelle?
The fastest way takes 31 minutes, using Bus line L13.
Is there a direct bus between Feuchy and Gavrelle in Arras?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Feuchy to Gavrelle in Arras in 31 min.
Which bus line goes from Feuchy to Gavrelle in Arras?
The L13 bus line goes from Cimetière De Feuchy station near Feuchy to Eglise De Gavrelle station near Gavrelle in Arras.
How long does it take to travel from Feuchy to Gavrelle in Arras by bus?
The total travel time between Feuchy and Gavrelle in Arras by bus is about 31 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Feuchy to get to Gavrelle in Arras?
Get on the L13 bus from the Cimetière De Feuchy stop near Feuchy in Arras.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Feuchy and Gavrelle in Arras?
Get off the bus at the Eglise De Gavrelle stop, which is closest to Gavrelle in Arras.
When is the first bus from Feuchy to Gavrelle in Arras?
The first bus from Feuchy to Gavrelle in Arras is Ligne 13. It leaves the Cimetière De Feuchy stop at 10:37 AM.