How to get from Saint-Pierre-D'Allevard to Goncelin by bus?
From Saint-Pierre-D'Allevard to Goncelin by bus
Take one direct bus from Saint-Pierre-D'Allevard to Goncelin in Grenoble: take the T86 bus from Crêts En Belledonne, Sailles station to Goncelin, La Gare station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 17 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationCrêts En Belledonne, SaillesID ST06900480 m • 7 min
- 2Wait for busT86Grenoble, Gare Routiere
- 3Ride to bus stationGoncelin, La GareID ST065169 min
Public transit directions from Saint-Pierre-D'Allevard to Goncelin
Public transit stations close to Saint-Pierre-D'Allevard
Saint-Pierre-D'Allevard is located at Saint-Pierre-D'Allevard, Grenoble and the nearest public transit station is Quartier De Gerland.
Bus stations close to Saint-Pierre-D'Allevard:
- Quartier De Gerland
- Sailles
- Crêts En Belledonne, Sailles
Public transit stations close to Goncelin, Grenoble
Goncelin is located at Goncelin, Grenoble and the nearest public transit station is College Rd.523.
Train stations close to Goncelin:
- Goncelin
Bus stations close to Goncelin:
- College Rd.523
- Goncelin, College-Rd.523
- College Icare - Parking
Related Routes
- Saint-Égrève to Goncelin
- Sassenage to Goncelin
- Revel to Goncelin
- Chambéry to Goncelin
- Chapareillan to Goncelin
- Le Touvet to Goncelin
- Saint-Laurent-Du-Pont to Goncelin
- Grenoble, Grand'Place to Goncelin
- Saint-Pierre-D'Allevard to Seyssinet-Pariset
- Saint-Pierre-D'Allevard to Livet-Et-Gavet
- Saint-Pierre-D'Allevard to Moirans
- Saint-Pierre-D'Allevard to Chambéry
- Saint-Pierre-D'Allevard to Izeaux
- Saint-Pierre-D'Allevard to La Rivière
- Saint-Pierre-D'Allevard to Laffrey
- Saint-Pierre-De-Chérennes to Notre-Dame-De-L'Osier
- Saint-Pierre-De-Chérennes to Lans-En-Vercors
- Saint-Pierre-De-Chérennes to Saint-Julien-De-Raz
- Saint-Nizier-Du-Moucherotte to Sassenage
- Saint-Nizier-Du-Moucherotte to Pont-En-Royans
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Saint-Pierre-D'Allevard to Goncelin?
The fastest way takes 17 minutes, using Bus line T86.
Is there a direct bus between Saint-Pierre-D'Allevard and Goncelin in Grenoble?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Saint-Pierre-D'Allevard to Goncelin in Grenoble in 17 min.
Which bus line goes from Saint-Pierre-D'Allevard to Goncelin in Grenoble?
The T86 bus line goes from Crêts En Belledonne, Sailles station near Saint-Pierre-D'Allevard to Grenoble, Gare Routiere station near Goncelin in Grenoble.
How long does it take to travel from Saint-Pierre-D'Allevard to Goncelin in Grenoble by bus?
The total travel time between Saint-Pierre-D'Allevard and Goncelin in Grenoble by bus is about 17 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Saint-Pierre-D'Allevard to get to Goncelin in Grenoble?
Get on the T86 bus from the Crêts En Belledonne, Sailles stop near Saint-Pierre-D'Allevard in Grenoble.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Saint-Pierre-D'Allevard and Goncelin in Grenoble?
Get off the bus at the Grenoble, Gare Routiere stop, which is closest to Goncelin in Grenoble.
When is the last bus from Saint-Pierre-D'Allevard to Goncelin in Grenoble?
The last bus from Saint-Pierre-D'Allevard to Goncelin in Grenoble is the Allevard - Goncelin - Pontcharra - Crolles line. It leaves the Quartier De Gerland stop at 8:40 PM.