How to get from Moldoveni to Gradinari by train?
From Moldoveni to Gradinari by train
To get from Moldoveni to Gradinari in Bucuresti, take the R train from Moldoveni H. station to Bucureşti Nord station. Next, take the IR train from Bucureşti Nord station to Drum Fără Nume station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 59 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationMoldoveni
- 2Wait for trainRBucureşti Nord Gr.A
- 3Ride to train stationBucureşti Nord83 min
- 4Wait for trainIRCraiova
- 5Ride to train stationDrum Fără Nume30 min
Public transit directions from Moldoveni to Gradinari
Public transit stations close to Moldoveni
Moldoveni is located at Moldoveni, Bucuresti and the nearest public transit station is Moldoveni H..
Train stations close to Moldoveni:
- Moldoveni H.
Public transit stations close to Gradinari, Bucuresti
Gradinari is located at Gradinari, Bucuresti and the nearest public transit station is Drum Fără Nume.
Train stations close to Gradinari:
- Drum Fără Nume
Related Routes
- Ciorogarla to Gradinari
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- Bucuresti to Gradinari
- Dor Mărunt to Gradinari
- Joița to Gradinari
- Sărățeni to Gradinari
- Brănești to Gradinari
- Balaciu to Gradinari
- Ciochina to Gradinari
- Gălbinași to Gradinari
- Andrășești to Gradinari
- Adâncata to Gradinari
- Lehliu-Gară to Gradinari
- Dragalina to Gradinari
- Oltenița to Gradinari
- Budești to Gradinari
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Moldoveni to Gradinari?
The fastest way takes 119 minutes, using Bus line R, Bus line IR.
Is there a direct train between Moldoveni and Gradinari in Bucuresti?
No, you’ll have to take 2 train lines in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 59 min.
Which train line goes from Moldoveni to Gradinari in Bucuresti?
The R train line goes from Bucureşti Nord Gr.A station near Moldoveni to Bucureşti Nord station. From there you’ll have to take one train line till Bucureşti Nord station near Gradinari in Bucuresti
How long does it take to travel from Moldoveni to Gradinari in Bucuresti by train?
The total travel time between Moldoveni and Gradinari in Bucuresti by train is about 1 hr 59 min.
Where do I get on the train near Moldoveni to get to Gradinari in Bucuresti?
Get on the R train from the Bucureşti Nord Gr.A station near Moldoveni in Bucuresti.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Moldoveni and Gradinari in Bucuresti?
Get off the train at the Bucureşti Nord station, which is closest to Gradinari in Bucuresti.