How to get from Mandela to Guarcino by bus?
From Mandela to Guarcino by bus
To get from Mandela to Guarcino in Rome and Lazio, take the COTRAL bus from Cineto | Via Tiburtina (Parcheggio) station to Subiaco | Piazza Falcone station. Next, take the COTRAL bus from Subiaco | Piazza Falcone station to Vico | Via Prenestina Via Sublacense station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 17 min. The ride fare is €4.70.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationMandela
- 2Wait for busCOTRALSubiaco | Piazza Falcone
- 3Ride to bus stationSubiaco | Piazza FalconeID f478226 min
- 4Wait for busCOTRALFrosinone | Piazza Pertini
- 5Ride to bus stationVico | Via Prenestina Via Sublacense80 min
- 6Walk toGuarcino730 m • 10 min
Public transit directions from Mandela to Guarcino
Public transit stations close to Mandela
Mandela is located at Mandela, Rome and Lazio and the nearest public transit station is Cineto | Via Tiburtina (Parcheggio).
Train stations close to Mandela:
- Valle Dell'Aniene - Mandela - Sambuci
- Roviano
Bus stations close to Mandela:
- Cineto | Via Tiburtina (Parcheggio)
Public transit stations close to Guarcino, Rome and Lazio
Guarcino is located at Guarcino, Rome and Lazio and the nearest public transit station is Guarcino | Torretta.
Bus stations close to Guarcino:
- Guarcino | Torretta
- Guarcino | Valle Careta
- Vico | Via Prenestina Via Sublacense
Related Routes
- Fiuggi to Guarcino
- Albano Laziale to Guarcino
- Montelibretti to Guarcino
- Anagni to Guarcino
- Cassino to Guarcino
- Gavignano to Guarcino
- Genzano Di Roma to Guarcino
- Arcinazzo Romano to Guarcino
- Pignataro Interamna to Guarcino
- Labico to Guarcino
- Colleferro to Guarcino
- Collepardo to Guarcino
- Nerola to Guarcino
- Mignano Monte Lungo to Guarcino
- Capena to Guarcino
- Alatri to Guarcino
- Strangolagalli to Guarcino
- Rocca Di Cave to Guarcino
- Terracina to Guarcino
- Roiate to Guarcino
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Mandela to Guarcino?
The fastest way takes 137 minutes, using Bus line COTRAL, Bus line COTRAL.
Is there a direct bus between Mandela and Guarcino in Rome and Lazio?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 2 hr 17 min.
Which bus line goes from Mandela to Guarcino in Rome and Lazio?
The COTRAL bus line goes from Subiaco | Piazza Falcone station near Mandela to Subiaco | Piazza Falcone station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Subiaco | Piazza Falcone station near Guarcino in Rome and Lazio
How long does it take to travel from Mandela to Guarcino in Rome and Lazio by bus?
The total travel time between Mandela and Guarcino in Rome and Lazio by bus is about 2 hr 17 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Mandela to get to Guarcino in Rome and Lazio?
Get on the COTRAL bus from the Subiaco | Piazza Falcone stop near Mandela in Rome and Lazio.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Mandela and Guarcino in Rome and Lazio?
Get off the bus at the Subiaco | Piazza Falcone stop, which is closest to Guarcino in Rome and Lazio.
How much is the bus fare from Mandela to Guarcino?
The ride from Mandela to Guarcino costs €4.70.