How to get from GH-6 to Gujarat forensic sciences university by bus?
From GH-6 to Gujarat forensic sciences university by bus
To get from GH-6 to Gujarat forensic sciences university in Gandhinagar(North), take the 5 bus from Pujya Mota Chowk station to Pathika Ashram station. Next, take the 2 bus from Pathika Ashram station to Krushi Bhavan Sector-10 / 11 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 37 min. The ride fare is ₹16.00.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationPujya Mota Chowk90 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for bus5Pathika Ashram
- 3Ride to bus stationPathika Ashram11 min
- 4Wait for bus2Rajashree Cinema
- 5Ride to bus stationKrushi Bhavan Sector-10 / 115 min
- 6Walk toGujarat forensic sciences university1.21 km • 16 min
Alternative route from GH-6 to Gujarat forensic sciences university by bus via GSRTC and 6
To get from GH-6 to Gujarat forensic sciences university in Gandhinagar(North), take the GSRTC bus from GH-6 station to Sector-20 / 30 station. Next, take the 6 bus from Sector-20 / 30 station to Krushi Bhavan Sector-10 / 11 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 38 min. The ride fare is ₹36.00.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationGH-620 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for busGSRTCAhmedabad Gita Mandir Bus Stand
- 3Ride to bus stationSector-20 / 303 min
- 4Walk to bus stationSector-20 / 3090 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for bus6Pathika Ashram
- 6Ride to bus stationKrushi Bhavan Sector-10 / 1110 min
- 7Walk toGujarat forensic sciences university1.19 km • 15 min
Public transit directions from GH-6 to Gujarat forensic sciences university
Public transit stations close to GH-6
GH-6 is located at GH-6, Gandhinagar(North) and the nearest public transit station is GH-6.
Metro stations close to GH-6:
- Sector 1
Bus stations close to GH-6:
- GH-6
- Pujya Mota Chowk
- Sector 22/23
Public transit stations close to Gujarat forensic sciences university, Gandhinagar(North)
Gujarat forensic sciences university is located at Gujarat forensic sciences university, Gandhinagar(North) and the nearest public transit station is Sector 1.
Metro stations close to Gujarat forensic sciences university:
- Sector 1
- Randesan
- Service Road Infocity
Related Routes
- Zundal Circle to Gujarat forensic sciences university
- Tapovan Circle (S.P.Ring Road) to Gujarat forensic sciences university
- Gota Gam Cross Road to Gujarat forensic sciences university
- Gota Muktidham to Gujarat forensic sciences university
- Malabar Countrey-1 Nirma Institute to Gujarat forensic sciences university
- Vaishnodevi Circle (Zydus Life) to Gujarat forensic sciences university
- Kankariya Lake BRTS to Gujarat forensic sciences university
- Maninagar to Gujarat forensic sciences university
- Hatkeshwar to Gujarat forensic sciences university
- Sabarmati Power House BRTS to Gujarat forensic sciences university
- Gurudwara BRTS to Gujarat forensic sciences university
- Hanumanpura BRTS to Gujarat forensic sciences university
- Sarkari Litho Press Cabin to Gujarat forensic sciences university
- Kalupur BRTS to Gujarat forensic sciences university
- Geeta Mandir BRTS to Gujarat forensic sciences university
- Bhulabhai Park BRTS to Gujarat forensic sciences university
- Mangal Park BRTS to Gujarat forensic sciences university
- Pathika Ashram to Gujarat forensic sciences university
- Akshardham to Gujarat forensic sciences university
- Chiloda to Gujarat forensic sciences university
Alternative route from GH-6 to Gujarat forensic sciences university by bus via GSRTC and 6
To get from GH-6 to Gujarat forensic sciences university in Gandhinagar(North), take the GSRTC bus from GH-6 station to Sector-20 / 30 station. Next, take the 6 bus from Sector-20 / 30 station to Krushi Bhavan Sector-10 / 11 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 38 min. The ride fare is ₹36.00.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationGH-620 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for busGSRTCAhmedabad Gita Mandir Bus Stand
- 3Ride to bus stationSector-20 / 303 min
- 4Walk to bus stationSector-20 / 3090 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for bus6Pathika Ashram
- 6Ride to bus stationKrushi Bhavan Sector-10 / 1110 min
- 7Walk toGujarat forensic sciences university1.19 km • 15 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from GH-6 to Gujarat forensic sciences university?
The fastest way takes 37 minutes, using Bus line 5, Bus line 2.
What is the alternative route to get from GH-6 to Gujarat forensic sciences university?
The alternative route takes 38 minutes, using Bus line GSRTC, Bus line 6.
Is there a direct bus between GH-6 and Gujarat forensic sciences university in Gandhinagar(North)?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 37 min.
Which bus line goes from GH-6 to Gujarat forensic sciences university in Gandhinagar(North)?
The 5 bus line goes from Pujya Mota Chowk station near GH-6 to Pathika Ashram station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Pathika Ashram station near Gujarat forensic sciences university in Gandhinagar(North)
How long does it take to travel from GH-6 to Gujarat forensic sciences university in Gandhinagar(North) by bus?
The total travel time between GH-6 and Gujarat forensic sciences university in Gandhinagar(North) by bus is about 37 min.
Where do I get on the bus near GH-6 to get to Gujarat forensic sciences university in Gandhinagar(North)?
Get on the 5 bus from the Pujya Mota Chowk stop near GH-6 in Gandhinagar(North).
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between GH-6 and Gujarat forensic sciences university in Gandhinagar(North)?
Get off the bus at the Pathika Ashram stop, which is closest to Gujarat forensic sciences university in Gandhinagar(North).
How much is the bus fare from GH-6 to Gujarat forensic sciences university?
The ride from GH-6 to Gujarat forensic sciences university costs ₹16.00.