How to get from Parque das Camélias (Terminal) to Gulpilhares by bus?
From Parque das Camélias (Terminal) to Gulpilhares by bus
Take one direct bus from Parque das Camélias (Terminal) to Gulpilhares in Gulpilhares e Valadares: take the 9058 bus from Parque das Camélias (Terminal) station to S. Brandão (Passal) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 46 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationParque das Camélias (Terminal)
- 2Wait for bus9058Espinho (Tribunal)
- 3Ride to bus stationS. Brandão (Passal)ID vng:21631 min
- 4Walk toGulpilharesRua do Calvário1.07 km • 14 min
Alternative route from Parque das Camélias (Terminal) to Gulpilhares by bus via 9064 and 9056
To get from Parque das Camélias (Terminal) to Gulpilhares in Gulpilhares e Valadares, take the 9064 bus from Parque das Camélias (Terminal) station to Bombas Carvalhos station. Next, take the 9056 bus from Bombas Carvalhos station to Padre Cid station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 5 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationParque das Camélias (Terminal)
- 2Wait for bus9064Carvalhos (Feira) (via A1)
- 3Ride to bus stationBombas CarvalhosID vng:74523 min
- 4Walk to bus stationBombas CarvalhosID vng:156120 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for bus9056Miramar
- 6Ride to bus stationPadre CidID vng:52033 min
- 7Walk toGulpilharesRua do Calvário140 m • 2 min
Public transit directions from Parque das Camélias (Terminal) to Gulpilhares
Public transit stations close to Parque das Camélias (Terminal)
Parque das Camélias (Terminal) is located at Parque das Camélias (Terminal), Gulpilhares e Valadares and the nearest public transit station is Batalha-Guindais.
Metro stations close to Parque das Camélias (Terminal):
- São Bento
- Aliados
Train stations close to Parque das Camélias (Terminal):
- Porto - São Bento
Bus stations close to Parque das Camélias (Terminal):
- Batalha
- Praça da Batalha
- Largo 1.º de Dezembro
Funicular stations close to Parque das Camélias (Terminal):
- Batalha-Guindais
- Ribeira
Public transit stations close to Gulpilhares, Gulpilhares e Valadares
Gulpilhares is located at Rua do Calvário, Gulpilhares e Valadares and the nearest public transit station is Gulpilhares (Igreja).
Train stations close to Gulpilhares:
- Valadares
- Francelos
- Madalena
Bus stations close to Gulpilhares:
- Gulpilhares (Igreja)
- Gulpilhares (Café)
- Gulpilharinhos
Related Routes
- Portas do Minho | Ribeirão to Gulpilhares
- São Bento to Gulpilhares
- Bemposta to Gulpilhares
- Joane (Centro) to Gulpilhares
- Feira de Santana to Gulpilhares
- Pouco Siso to Gulpilhares
- Paredes to Gulpilhares
- Veiga to Gulpilhares
- Ferreiros to Gulpilhares
- Guimarães to Gulpilhares
- Igreja de Sezures to Gulpilhares
- Matosinhos (Praia) to Gulpilhares
- Formiga | Santa Rita to Gulpilhares
- 4 Caminhos to Gulpilhares
- Duarte Pacheco to Gulpilhares
- Padre Américo to Gulpilhares
- Leça (Igreja) to Gulpilhares
- Palmilheira to Gulpilhares
- Heróis Angola to Gulpilhares
- R. da Lomba to Gulpilhares
Alternative route from Parque das Camélias (Terminal) to Gulpilhares by bus via 9064 and 9056
To get from Parque das Camélias (Terminal) to Gulpilhares in Gulpilhares e Valadares, take the 9064 bus from Parque das Camélias (Terminal) station to Bombas Carvalhos station. Next, take the 9056 bus from Bombas Carvalhos station to Padre Cid station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 5 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationParque das Camélias (Terminal)
- 2Wait for bus9064Carvalhos (Feira) (via A1)
- 3Ride to bus stationBombas CarvalhosID vng:74523 min
- 4Walk to bus stationBombas CarvalhosID vng:156120 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for bus9056Miramar
- 6Ride to bus stationPadre CidID vng:52033 min
- 7Walk toGulpilharesRua do Calvário140 m • 2 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Parque das Camélias (Terminal) to Gulpilhares?
The fastest way takes 46 minutes, using Bus line 9058.
What is the alternative route to get from Parque das Camélias (Terminal) to Gulpilhares?
The alternative route takes 65 minutes, using Bus line 9064, Bus line 9056.
Is there a direct bus between Parque das Camélias (Terminal) and Gulpilhares?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Parque das Camélias (Terminal) in Cedofeita, Santo Ildefonso, Sé, Miragaia, São Nicolau e Vitória to Gulpilhares in Gulpilhares e Valadares in 46 min.
Which bus line goes from Parque das Camélias (Terminal) to Gulpilhares?
The 9058 bus line goes from Espinho (Tribunal) station near Parque das Camélias (Terminal) in Cedofeita, Santo Ildefonso, Sé, Miragaia, São Nicolau e Vitória to S. Brandão (Passal) station near Gulpilhares in Gulpilhares e Valadares.
How long does it take to travel from Parque das Camélias (Terminal) to Gulpilhares by bus?
The total travel time between Parque das Camélias (Terminal) in Cedofeita, Santo Ildefonso, Sé, Miragaia, São Nicolau e Vitória and Gulpilhares in Gulpilhares e Valadares by bus is about 46 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Parque das Camélias (Terminal) to get to Gulpilhares?
Get on the 9058 bus from the Espinho (Tribunal) stop near Parque das Camélias (Terminal) in Cedofeita, Santo Ildefonso, Sé, Miragaia, São Nicolau e Vitória.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Parque das Camélias (Terminal) and Gulpilhares?
Get off the bus at the S. Brandão (Passal) stop, which is closest to Gulpilhares in Gulpilhares e Valadares.
When is the last bus from Parque das Camélias (Terminal) to Gulpilhares?
The last bus from Parque das Camélias (Terminal) in Cedofeita, Santo Ildefonso, Sé, Miragaia, São Nicolau e Vitória to Gulpilhares in Gulpilhares e Valadares is the Trindade - Valadares (Escolas) line. It leaves the Elevador Guindais stop at 1:08 AM.