How to get from Pin Galant to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU by light rail?
From Pin Galant to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU by light rail
Take one direct light rail from Pin Galant to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU in Bordeaux: take the A light rail from Pin Galant station to Hôpital Pellegrin station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 23 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from light rail stationPin Galant
- 2Wait for light railALa Gardette
- 3Ride to light rail stationHôpital Pellegrin19 min
- 4Walk toHôpital Pellegrin CHUPlace Amélie Raba-Léon160 m • 3 min
From Pin Galant to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU by bus
Take one direct bus from Pin Galant to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU in Bordeaux: take the 421 bus from Centre Tram station to Hôpital Pellegrin station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 24 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationCentre Tram540 m • 7 min
- 2Wait for bus421Lacanau - Bordeaux
- 3Ride to bus stationHôpital Pellegrin13 min
- 4Walk toHôpital Pellegrin CHUPlace Amélie Raba-Léon180 m • 3 min
Public transit directions from Pin Galant to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU
Public transit stations close to Pin Galant
Pin Galant is located at Pin Galant, Bordeaux and the nearest public transit station is Pin Galant.
Bus stations close to Pin Galant:
- Pin Galant
- Dorgelès
- Joliot Curie
Public transit stations close to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU, Bordeaux
Hôpital Pellegrin CHU is located at Place Amélie Raba-Léon, Bordeaux and the nearest public transit station is Hôpital Pellegrin (Grand Maurian).
Bus stations close to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU:
- Hôpital Pellegrin (Grand Maurian)
- Hop. Pellegrin Maurian
- Stade Chaban Delmas
Related Routes
- Avenue Du Truc to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU
- Frères Robinson to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU
- Marronniers to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU
- Collège Albert Camus (Rue Du Moulin À Vent) to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU
- Langevin to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU
- Eysines Centre to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU
- Buttinière to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU
- 10 Mai 1981 to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU
- Karting to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU
- Collège Rosa Bonheur to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU
- La Gardette (Bassens - Carbon Blanc) to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU
- Mairie De Talence to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU
- Tourny to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU
- La Cité Du Vin to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU
- Médiathèque to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU
- Stade Suzon to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU
- Thales to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU
- Stade Matmut Atlantique to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU
- Gare D'Arcachon to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU
- Gare Saint-Jean to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU
From Pin Galant to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU by bus
Take one direct bus from Pin Galant to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU in Bordeaux: take the 421 bus from Centre Tram station to Hôpital Pellegrin station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 24 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationCentre Tram540 m • 7 min
- 2Wait for bus421Lacanau - Bordeaux
- 3Ride to bus stationHôpital Pellegrin13 min
- 4Walk toHôpital Pellegrin CHUPlace Amélie Raba-Léon180 m • 3 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Pin Galant to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU?
The fastest way takes 23 minutes, using Bus line A.
What is the alternative route to get from Pin Galant to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU?
The alternative route takes 24 minutes, using Bus line 421.
Is there a direct light rail between Pin Galant and Hôpital Pellegrin CHU?
Yes, there’s a direct light rail going from Pin Galant in Mérignac to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU in Bordeaux in 23 min.
Which light rail line goes from Pin Galant to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU?
The A light rail line goes from La Gardette station near Pin Galant in Mérignac to Hôpital Pellegrin station near Hôpital Pellegrin CHU in Bordeaux.
How long does it take to travel from Pin Galant to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU by light rail?
The total travel time between Pin Galant in Mérignac and Hôpital Pellegrin CHU in Bordeaux by light rail is about 23 min.
Where do I get on the light rail near Pin Galant to get to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU?
Get on the A light rail from the La Gardette station near Pin Galant in Mérignac.
Where do I get off the light rail when travelling between Pin Galant and Hôpital Pellegrin CHU?
Get off the light rail at the Hôpital Pellegrin station, which is closest to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU in Bordeaux.
When is the first bus from Pin Galant to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU?
The first bus from Pin Galant in Mérignac to Hôpital Pellegrin CHU in Bordeaux is BORDEAUX - LACANAU. It leaves the Centre Tram stop at 9:22 AM.