How to get from Sukdi to Hingna by bus?
From Sukdi to Hingna by bus
Take one direct bus from Sukdi to Hingna in Hingana: take the MSRTC bus from Sukdi station to Hingna Gaon (Msrtc) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 24 min. The ride fare is ₹20.00.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationSukdi
- 2Wait for busMSRTCNagpur
- 3Ride to bus stationHingna Gaon (Msrtc)17 min
- 4Walk toHingna530 m • 7 min
Public transit directions from Sukdi to Hingna
Public transit stations close to Sukdi
Sukdi is located at Sukdi, Hingana and the nearest public transit station is Sukdi.
Bus stations close to Sukdi:
- Sukdi
Public transit stations close to Hingna, Hingana
Hingna is located at Hingna, Hingana and the nearest public transit station is Hingna Gaon (Msrtc).
Bus stations close to Hingna:
- Hingna Gaon (Msrtc)
- Bhosalewadi
- Deshmukhwadi
Related Routes
- Postal Colony to Hingna
- Sitabuldi to Hingna
- Jhansi Rani Chowk to Hingna
- Panchasheel Chowk to Hingna
- Moonlight to Hingna
- Morris College T Point to Hingna
- R.B.I.Chowk to Hingna
- Vidhan Bhavan Chowk to Hingna
- Shri Mohini Complex to Hingna
- L.I.C. Chowk to Hingna
- Liberty Chowk / Nagpur Improvement Trust to Hingna
- V.C.A.Ground to Hingna
- Moti Mahal to Hingna
- Sadar Anjuman to Hingna
- Sardar Chhaoni Chowk to Hingna
- Chhavani Durga Mandir to Hingna
- Pagal Khana Chowk to Hingna
- Police Talav T-Junction to Hingna
- Katol Naka to Hingna
- S.P.Office to Hingna
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Sukdi to Hingna?
The fastest way takes 24 minutes, using Bus line MSRTC.
Is there a direct bus between Sukdi and Hingna?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Sukdi in Nagpur to Hingna in Hingana in 24 min.
Which bus line goes from Sukdi to Hingna?
The MSRTC bus line goes from Nagpur station near Sukdi in Nagpur to Hingna Gaon (Msrtc) station near Hingna in Hingana.
How long does it take to travel from Sukdi to Hingna by bus?
The total travel time between Sukdi in Nagpur and Hingna in Hingana by bus is about 24 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Sukdi to get to Hingna?
Get on the MSRTC bus from the Nagpur stop near Sukdi in Nagpur.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Sukdi and Hingna?
Get off the bus at the Hingna Gaon (Msrtc) stop, which is closest to Hingna in Hingana.
When is the first bus from Sukdi to Hingna?
The first bus from Sukdi in Nagpur to Hingna in Hingana is Nagpur - Salaidhaba. It leaves the Sukdi stop at 1:34 PM.
How much is the bus fare from Sukdi to Hingna?
The ride from Sukdi to Hingna costs ₹20.00.