How to get from Favrholm St. to Holstebro by train?
From Favrholm St. to Holstebro by train
To get from Favrholm St. to Holstebro in Holstebro, you’ll need to take 3 train lines: take the A train from Favrholm St. station to København H station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the ICL train and finally take the 030 train from Vejle St. station to Holstebro St. station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 4 hr 53 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationFavrholm St.
- 2Wait for trainAKøge St.
- 3Ride to train stationKøbenhavn H40 min
- 4Wait for trainICLAarhus H
- 5Ride to train stationVejle St.129 min
- 6Wait for train030Struer St.
- 7Ride to train stationHolstebro St.89 min
- 8Walk toHolstebroKirkestræde920 m • 12 min
Public transit directions from Favrholm St. to Holstebro
Public transit stations close to Favrholm St.
Favrholm St. is located at Favrholm St., Holstebro and the nearest public transit station is Hillerød St..
Train stations close to Favrholm St.:
- Hillerød St.
- Brødeskov St.
Public transit stations close to Holstebro, Holstebro
Holstebro is located at Kirkestræde, Holstebro and the nearest public transit station is Museum/Sønderbrogade (Holstebro Kom).
Train stations close to Holstebro:
- Holstebro St.
Bus stations close to Holstebro:
- Museum/Sønderbrogade (Holstebro Kom)
- Nørreport/Enghavevej (Holstebro Kom)
- Frøjkvej/Nørrebrogade (Holstebro Kom)
Related Routes
- Østre Skolegade (Labæk) to Holstebro
- Bülowsvej (Gammel Kongevej) to Holstebro
- Nørrebrohallen (Nørrebrogade) to Holstebro
- Roskilde St. (Jernbanegade) to Holstebro
- Nøddehaven (Retortvej) to Holstebro
- Kettevej (Byvej) to Holstebro
- Haslev St. (Stationspladsen) to Holstebro
- Nordvestkirken (Utterslevvej) to Holstebro
- Wibrandtsvej (Kastrupvej) to Holstebro
- Nærum St. to Holstebro
- Sankt Annæ Plads Skuespilhuset (Sankt Annæ Plads) to Holstebro
- NY Ellebjerg St. (Togbus) to Holstebro
- Næstved St. to Holstebro
- Gladsaxe Trafikplads (Gladsaxe Ringvej) to Holstebro
- Allerød St. to Holstebro
- St. Heddinge St. (Jernbane Allé) to Holstebro
- Klippinge St. to Holstebro
- Store Heddinge Skole (Kronhøjvej) to Holstebro
- NY Kongevej (Odense Kommune) to Holstebro
- Bredal Horsensvej to Holstebro
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Favrholm St. to Holstebro?
The fastest way takes 293 minutes, using Bus line A, Bus line ICL, Bus line 030.
Is there a direct train between Favrholm St. and Holstebro?
No, you’ll have to take 3 train lines in total. The total travelling time is 4 hr 53 min.
Which train line goes from Favrholm St. to Holstebro?
The A train line goes from Køge St. station near Favrholm St. in Hillerød to København H station. From there you’ll have to take one train line till København H station near Holstebro in Holstebro.
How long does it take to travel from Favrholm St. to Holstebro by train?
The total travel time between Favrholm St. in Hillerød and Holstebro in Holstebro by train is about 4 hr 53 min.
Where do I get on the train near Favrholm St. to get to Holstebro?
Get on the A train from the Køge St. station near Favrholm St. in Hillerød.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Favrholm St. and Holstebro?
Get off the train at the København H station, which is closest to Holstebro in Holstebro.