How to get from Palermo to Hospital Materno Infantil Meisner by train?
From Palermo to Hospital Materno Infantil Meisner by train
Take one direct train from Palermo to Hospital Materno Infantil Meisner in Pilar: take the SAN MARTÍN train from Palermo station to Derqui station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 12 min. The ride fare is ARS450.00.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationPalermo
- 2Wait for trainSAN MARTÍNPilar
- 3Ride to train stationDerqui66 min
- 4Walk toHospital Materno Infantil MeisnerIparraguirre280 m • 4 min
Public transit directions from Palermo to Hospital Materno Infantil Meisner
Public transit stations close to Palermo
Palermo is located at Palermo, Pilar and the nearest public transit station is Juan B. Justo.
Subte stations close to Palermo:
- Palermo
- Ministro Carranza
- Plaza Italia
Train stations close to Palermo:
- 3 De Febrero
- Ministro Carranza
Colectivo stations close to Palermo:
- Juan B. Justo
- Regimientos De Patricios (60)
- Pacifico
Public transit stations close to Hospital Materno Infantil Meisner, Pilar
Hospital Materno Infantil Meisner is located at Iparraguirre, Pilar and the nearest public transit station is Rivadavia 793.
Train stations close to Hospital Materno Infantil Meisner:
- Villa Astolfi
- Sol Y Verde
- Derqui
Colectivo stations close to Hospital Materno Infantil Meisner:
- Rivadavia 793
- Iparraguirre, 277
- San Martín E Iparraguirre
Related Routes
- H. Yrigoyen to Hospital Materno Infantil Meisner
- Terminal La Plata to Hospital Materno Infantil Meisner
- Haedo to Hospital Materno Infantil Meisner
- Palermo to General Belgrano
- Palermo to Quilmes
- Palermo to Tigre
- Palermo to Vicente López
- Palermo to Villa Urquiza
- Palermo to Zárate
- Palermo to Berazategui
- Palermo to Brandsen
- Palermo to Escobar
- Palermo to Florencio Varela
- Palermo to Lomas De Zamora
- Palermo to Nuñez
- Palermo to Universidad Nacional De Quilmes
- Palermo to Estadio Diego Armando Maradona
- Palermo to Facultad De Filosofía Y Letras (Uba)
- Palermo to Cemic - Hospital Universitario Sede Saavedra
- Palermo to Unsam - Campus Miguelete
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Palermo to Hospital Materno Infantil Meisner?
The fastest way takes 72 minutes, using Colectivo line SAN MARTÍN.
Is there a direct train between Palermo and Hospital Materno Infantil Meisner?
Yes, there’s a direct train going from Palermo in Distrito Federal to Hospital Materno Infantil Meisner in Pilar in 1 hr 12 min.
Which train line goes from Palermo to Hospital Materno Infantil Meisner?
The SAN MARTÍN train line goes from Pilar station near Palermo in Distrito Federal to Derqui station near Hospital Materno Infantil Meisner in Pilar.
How long does it take to travel from Palermo to Hospital Materno Infantil Meisner by train?
The total travel time between Palermo in Distrito Federal and Hospital Materno Infantil Meisner in Pilar by train is about 1 hr 12 min.
Where do I get on the train near Palermo to get to Hospital Materno Infantil Meisner?
Get on the SAN MARTÍN train from the Pilar station near Palermo in Distrito Federal.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Palermo and Hospital Materno Infantil Meisner?
Get off the train at the Derqui station, which is closest to Hospital Materno Infantil Meisner in Pilar.
When is the last train from Palermo to Hospital Materno Infantil Meisner?
The last train from Palermo in Distrito Federal to Hospital Materno Infantil Meisner in Pilar is the Retiro (LSM) - Pilar / Cabred line. It leaves the Palermo station at 8:58 PM.
How much is the train fare from Palermo to Hospital Materno Infantil Meisner?
The ride from Palermo to Hospital Materno Infantil Meisner costs ARS450.00.