How to get from López Cotilla to Hospital Regional Issste by bus?
From López Cotilla to Hospital Regional Issste by bus
Take one direct bus from López Cotilla to Hospital Regional Issste in Zapopan: take the T16-B/C04 - PARQUES bus from Mariano de la Bárcena station to Zapopan Centro station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 33 min. The ride fare is MX$9.50.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationMariano de la Bárcena580 m • 8 min
- 2Wait for busT16-B/C04 - PARQUESFraccionamiento Palermo
- 3Ride to bus stationZapopan Centro22 min
- 4Walk toHospital Regional IsssteProlongación Javier Mina200 m • 3 min
From López Cotilla to Hospital Regional Issste by bus and train
To get from López Cotilla to Hospital Regional Issste in Zapopan, take the T15/C05 (231-A) bus from López Cotilla station to Dos Templos station. Next, take the TL-3 train from Independencia station to Zapopan Centro station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 36 min. The ride fare is MX$19.00.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationLópez Cotilla
- 2Wait for busT15/C05 (231-A)Dos Templos
- 3Ride to bus stationDos Templos3 min
- 4Walk to train stationIndependencia140 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for trainTL-3Arcos de Zapopan
- 6Ride to train stationZapopan Centro12 min
- 7Walk toHospital Regional IsssteProlongación Javier Mina270 m • 4 min
Public transit directions from López Cotilla to Hospital Regional Issste
Public transit stations close to López Cotilla
López Cotilla is located at López Cotilla, Zapopan and the nearest public transit station is 8 de Julio.
Train stations close to López Cotilla:
- Estación Juárez 2
- Juárez
- Independencia
Bus stations close to López Cotilla:
- 8 de Julio
- El Carmen
- López Cotilla
Public transit stations close to Hospital Regional Issste, Zapopan
Hospital Regional Issste is located at Prolongación Javier Mina, Zapopan and the nearest public transit station is Benito Juárez.
Train stations close to Hospital Regional Issste:
- Mercado del Mar
- Zapopan Centro
- Periférico Belenes
Bus stations close to Hospital Regional Issste:
- Benito Juárez
- 28 de Enero
- Morelos
Related Routes
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- San Juan de Dios to Hospital Regional Issste
- López Cotilla to Universidad Cuauhtemoc Plantel Guadalajara
- López Cotilla to Centro Univesitario De Ciencias Exactas E Ingenierías (Cucei)
- López Cotilla to Aeropuerto Internacional de Guadalajara Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla (GDL) (Aeropuerto Internacional
- López Cotilla to Clinica Quirurgica Del Bosque
- López Cotilla to Hospital Regional Issste
- Base T21 - C111 to Preparatoria Tonala Norte
- Base T21 - C111 to Facultad De Psicologia Uag
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- Base T21 - C111 to Colegio De Contadores Publicos De Guadalajara
- Base T21 - C111 to Universidad Pedagogica Nacional 141
- Base T21 - C111 to Centro Universitario De Tonala
- Base T21 - C111 to Colegio Decroly
- Base T21 - C111 to Universidad De La Cienega
- Base T21 - C111 to Instituto Tecnologico De Tlajomulco
- Base T21 - C111 to Universidad Politecnica De La Zona Metropolitana De Guadalajara
- Base T21 - C111 to Academia De Musica Fermatta
From López Cotilla to Hospital Regional Issste by bus and train
To get from López Cotilla to Hospital Regional Issste in Zapopan, take the T15/C05 (231-A) bus from López Cotilla station to Dos Templos station. Next, take the TL-3 train from Independencia station to Zapopan Centro station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 36 min. The ride fare is MX$19.00.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationLópez Cotilla
- 2Wait for busT15/C05 (231-A)Dos Templos
- 3Ride to bus stationDos Templos3 min
- 4Walk to train stationIndependencia140 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for trainTL-3Arcos de Zapopan
- 6Ride to train stationZapopan Centro12 min
- 7Walk toHospital Regional IsssteProlongación Javier Mina270 m • 4 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from López Cotilla to Hospital Regional Issste?
The fastest way takes 33 minutes, using Bus line T16-B/C04 - PARQUES.
What is the alternative route to get from López Cotilla to Hospital Regional Issste?
The alternative route takes 36 minutes, using Bus line T15/C05 (231-A), Bus line TL-3.
Is there a direct bus between López Cotilla and Hospital Regional Issste?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from López Cotilla in Guadalajara to Hospital Regional Issste in Zapopan in 33 min.
Which bus line goes from López Cotilla to Hospital Regional Issste?
The T16-B/C04 - PARQUES bus line goes from Mariano de la Bárcena station near López Cotilla in Guadalajara to Fraccionamiento Palermo station near Hospital Regional Issste in Zapopan.
How long does it take to travel from López Cotilla to Hospital Regional Issste by bus?
The total travel time between López Cotilla in Guadalajara and Hospital Regional Issste in Zapopan by bus is about 33 min.
Where do I get on the bus near López Cotilla to get to Hospital Regional Issste?
Get on the T16-B/C04 - PARQUES bus from the Mariano de la Bárcena stop near López Cotilla in Guadalajara.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between López Cotilla and Hospital Regional Issste?
Get off the bus at the Fraccionamiento Palermo stop, which is closest to Hospital Regional Issste in Zapopan.
When is the last train from López Cotilla to Hospital Regional Issste?
The last train from López Cotilla in Guadalajara to Hospital Regional Issste in Zapopan is the Tren Ligero: Arcos de Zapopan - Central de Autobuses line. It leaves the Guadalajara Centro station at 4:44 PM.
When is the last bus from López Cotilla to Hospital Regional Issste?
The last bus from López Cotilla in Guadalajara to Hospital Regional Issste in Zapopan is the Troncal 16-B / Complementaria 03/04-05: Parques - Palermo (633) line. It leaves the Mariano de la Bárcena stop at 1:31 AM.
How much is the bus fare from López Cotilla to Hospital Regional Issste?
The ride from López Cotilla to Hospital Regional Issste costs MX$9.50.