How to get from Valle Del Catamayo, 151 to Hospital Universitario Católico by bus?
From Valle Del Catamayo, 151 to Hospital Universitario Católico by bus
Take one direct bus from Valle Del Catamayo, 151 to Hospital Universitario Católico in Cuenca: take the L100 bus from Valle Del Catamayo, 151 station to Calle Pio Bravo, 231 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 9 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationValle Del Catamayo, 151
- 2Wait for busL100Ricaurte
- 3Ride to bus stationCalle Pio Bravo, 2318 min
Alternative route from Valle Del Catamayo, 151 to Hospital Universitario Católico by bus via L25
Take one direct bus from Valle Del Catamayo, 151 to Hospital Universitario Católico in Cuenca: take the L25 bus from Valle Del Catamayo, 151 station to Calle Pio Bravo, 231 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 11 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationValle Del Catamayo, 151
- 2Wait for busL25Jaime Roldos
- 3Ride to bus stationCalle Pio Bravo, 23110 min
Public transit directions from Valle Del Catamayo, 151 to Hospital Universitario Católico
Public transit stations close to Valle Del Catamayo, 151
Valle Del Catamayo, 151 is located at Valle Del Catamayo, 151, Cuenca and the nearest public transit station is Pasaje Imbabura, 207.
Bus stations close to Valle Del Catamayo, 151:
- Pasaje Imbabura, 207
- Valle De Gonzaga, 144
- Unidad Nacional, 273
Public transit stations close to Hospital Universitario Católico, Cuenca
Hospital Universitario Católico is located at Pío Bravo, Cuenca and the nearest public transit station is Calle Pio Bravo, 231.
Bus stations close to Hospital Universitario Católico:
- Calle Pio Bravo, 231
- Tomás Ordóñez, 1429
- Manuel Vega, 1304
Related Routes
- Valle Del Catamayo, 151 to Universidad De Cuenca
- Valle Del Catamayo, 151 to Ricaurte
- Avenida 12 De Abril, 540 to Universidad De Cuenca
- Avenida 12 De Abril, 540 to Ricaurte
- Avenida Loja, 146 to Universidad De Cuenca
- Avenida Loja, 146 to Ricaurte
- Avenida Loja, 146 to Subcentro De Salud Nulti
- Univesidad De Cuenca to Facultad De Ciencias De La Salud
- Univesidad De Cuenca to Universidad De Cuenca
- Univesidad De Cuenca to Ricaurte
- Centenario to Ricaurte
- Florencia Astudillo, 2316 to Ricaurte
- Florencia Astudillo, 128 to Clínica Paucarbamba
- Florencia Astudillo, 128 to Ricaurte
- Clinica Santa Ana to Campus Yanuncay Universidad De Cuenca
- Clinica Santa Ana to Facultad De Medicina
- Clinica Santa Ana to Universidad Politecnica Salesiana
- Clinica Santa Ana to Campus Paraíso
- Clinica Santa Ana to Universidad De Cuenca
- Clinica Santa Ana to Facultad De Odontología
Alternative route from Valle Del Catamayo, 151 to Hospital Universitario Católico by bus via L25
Take one direct bus from Valle Del Catamayo, 151 to Hospital Universitario Católico in Cuenca: take the L25 bus from Valle Del Catamayo, 151 station to Calle Pio Bravo, 231 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 11 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationValle Del Catamayo, 151
- 2Wait for busL25Jaime Roldos
- 3Ride to bus stationCalle Pio Bravo, 23110 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Valle Del Catamayo, 151 to Hospital Universitario Católico?
The fastest way takes 9 minutes, using Bus line L100.
What is the alternative route to get from Valle Del Catamayo, 151 to Hospital Universitario Católico?
The alternative route takes 11 minutes, using Bus line L25.
Is there a direct bus between Valle Del Catamayo, 151 and Hospital Universitario Católico in Cuenca?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Valle Del Catamayo, 151 to Hospital Universitario Católico in Cuenca in 9 min.
Which bus line goes from Valle Del Catamayo, 151 to Hospital Universitario Católico in Cuenca?
The L100 bus line goes from Ricaurte station near Valle Del Catamayo, 151 to Calle Pio Bravo, 231 station near Hospital Universitario Católico in Cuenca.
How long does it take to travel from Valle Del Catamayo, 151 to Hospital Universitario Católico in Cuenca by bus?
The total travel time between Valle Del Catamayo, 151 and Hospital Universitario Católico in Cuenca by bus is about 9 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Valle Del Catamayo, 151 to get to Hospital Universitario Católico in Cuenca?
Get on the L100 bus from the Ricaurte stop near Valle Del Catamayo, 151 in Cuenca.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Valle Del Catamayo, 151 and Hospital Universitario Católico in Cuenca?
Get off the bus at the Calle Pio Bravo, 231 stop, which is closest to Hospital Universitario Católico in Cuenca.
When is the first bus from Valle Del Catamayo, 151 to Hospital Universitario Católico in Cuenca?
The first bus from Valle Del Catamayo, 151 to Hospital Universitario Católico in Cuenca is RICAURTE - BAÑOS. It leaves the Valle Del Catamayo, 151 stop at 3:01 AM.