How to get from Pc322-Parada 1 / Mall Parque Arauco to Huechuraba by Micro?
From Pc322-Parada 1 / Mall Parque Arauco to Huechuraba by Micro
To get from Pc322-Parada 1 / Mall Parque Arauco to Huechuraba in Santiago, take the C20 Micro from Pc322-Parada 1 / Mall Parque Arauco station to Pc965-Cerro Colorado / Esq. Av. A. Vespucio-Norte station. Next, take the C18 Micro from Pc60-Av. Américo Vespucio / Esq. Av. Pdte. Kennedy station to Pb1489-Avenida Del Cóndor / Esq. Av. Del Parque station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 33 min. The ride fare is CLP750.
Step by Step
- 1Start from Micro stationPc322-Parada 1 / Mall Parque Arauco
- 2Wait for MicroC20© (M) Escuela Militar - Parque Arauco
- 3Ride to Micro stationPc965-Cerro Colorado / Esq. Av. A. Vespucio-Norte10 min
- 4Walk to Micro stationPc60-Av. Américo Vespucio / Esq. Av. Pdte. Kennedy210 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for MicroC18(M) Dorsal
- 6Ride to Micro stationPb1489-Avenida Del Cóndor / Esq. Av. Del Parque17 min
- 7Walk toHuechuraba110 m • 2 min
Alternative route from Pc322-Parada 1 / Mall Parque Arauco to Huechuraba by Micro via 411 and 429C
To get from Pc322-Parada 1 / Mall Parque Arauco to Huechuraba in Santiago, take the 411 Micro from Pc337-Parada 4 / Mall Parque Arauco station to Pc339-Av. Los Conquistadores / Esq. Avenida El Cerro station. Next, take the 429C Micro from Pc1145-El Cerro / Esq. Los Conquistadores station to Pb101-Avenida Del Parque / Esq. Av. Del Cóndor station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 36 min. The ride fare is CLP750.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to Micro stationPc337-Parada 4 / Mall Parque Arauco350 m • 5 min
- 2Wait for Micro411Providencia
- 3Ride to Micro stationPc339-Av. Los Conquistadores / Esq. Avenida El Cerro14 min
- 4Walk to Micro stationPc1145-El Cerro / Esq. Los Conquistadores50 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for Micro429CQuilicura
- 6Ride to Micro stationPb101-Avenida Del Parque / Esq. Av. Del Cóndor12 min
Public transit directions from Pc322-Parada 1 / Mall Parque Arauco to Huechuraba
Public transit stations close to Pc322-Parada 1 / Mall Parque Arauco
Pc322-Parada 1 / Mall Parque Arauco is located at Pc322-Parada 1 / Mall Parque Arauco, Santiago and the nearest public transit station is Pc321-Parada / Av. Pdte.Kennedy Altura Del 5000.
Metro stations close to Pc322-Parada 1 / Mall Parque Arauco:
- Manquehue
- Manquehue Dirección Los Domínicos
- Escuela Militar
Micro stations close to Pc322-Parada 1 / Mall Parque Arauco:
- Pc321-Parada / Av. Pdte.Kennedy Altura Del 5000
- Pc952-Parada 2 / Mall Parque Arauco
- Pc337-Parada 4 / Mall Parque Arauco
Public transit stations close to Huechuraba, Santiago
Huechuraba is located at Huechuraba, Santiago and the nearest public transit station is Pb115-Avenida Del Valle / Esq. Av. Del Parque.
Metro stations close to Huechuraba:
- Tobalaba
- Zapadores
- Vespucio Norte
Micro stations close to Huechuraba:
- Pb115-Avenida Del Valle / Esq. Av. Del Parque
- Pb103-Avenida Del Parque / Esq. Av. Del Valle
- Pb2077-Avenida Del Valle / Esq. Av. Santa Clara
Related Routes
- Cerro Navia to Huechuraba
- Estación Central to Huechuraba
- La Granja to Huechuraba
- Lampa to Huechuraba
- Pedro Aguirre Cerda to Huechuraba
- Peñaflor to Huechuraba
- Pudahuel to Huechuraba
- Puente Alto to Huechuraba
- Quilicura to Huechuraba
- Vitacura to Huechuraba
- Ñuñoa to Huechuraba
- Pa215-Parada 5 / (M) La Moneda to Huechuraba
- Pc1123-Avenida La Dehesa / Esq. Av. Las Condes to Huechuraba
- Pc1-Parada 3 / (M) Manuel Montt to Huechuraba
- Pa383-Parada 5 / Plaza Italia to Huechuraba
- Pc69-Av. Américo Vespucio / Esq. Avenida Vitacura to Huechuraba
- Pc322-Parada 1 / Mall Parque Arauco to Curacaví
- Pc322-Parada 1 / Mall Parque Arauco to Estación Central
- Pc322-Parada 1 / Mall Parque Arauco to La Cisterna
- Pc322-Parada 1 / Mall Parque Arauco to Padre Hurtado
Alternative route from Pc322-Parada 1 / Mall Parque Arauco to Huechuraba by Micro via 411 and 429C
To get from Pc322-Parada 1 / Mall Parque Arauco to Huechuraba in Santiago, take the 411 Micro from Pc337-Parada 4 / Mall Parque Arauco station to Pc339-Av. Los Conquistadores / Esq. Avenida El Cerro station. Next, take the 429C Micro from Pc1145-El Cerro / Esq. Los Conquistadores station to Pb101-Avenida Del Parque / Esq. Av. Del Cóndor station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 36 min. The ride fare is CLP750.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to Micro stationPc337-Parada 4 / Mall Parque Arauco350 m • 5 min
- 2Wait for Micro411Providencia
- 3Ride to Micro stationPc339-Av. Los Conquistadores / Esq. Avenida El Cerro14 min
- 4Walk to Micro stationPc1145-El Cerro / Esq. Los Conquistadores50 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for Micro429CQuilicura
- 6Ride to Micro stationPb101-Avenida Del Parque / Esq. Av. Del Cóndor12 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Pc322-Parada 1 / Mall Parque Arauco to Huechuraba?
The fastest way takes 33 minutes, using Micro line C20, Micro line C18.
What is the alternative route to get from Pc322-Parada 1 / Mall Parque Arauco to Huechuraba?
The alternative route takes 36 minutes, using Micro line 411, Micro line 429C.
Is there a direct Micro between Pc322-Parada 1 / Mall Parque Arauco and Huechuraba in Santiago?
No, you’ll have to take 2 Micro lines in total. The total travelling time is 33 min.
Which Micro line goes from Pc322-Parada 1 / Mall Parque Arauco to Huechuraba in Santiago?
The C20 Micro line goes from © (M) Escuela Militar - Parque Arauco station near Pc322-Parada 1 / Mall Parque Arauco to Pc965-Cerro Colorado / Esq. Av. A. Vespucio-Norte station. From there you’ll have to take one Micro line till Pc965-Cerro Colorado / Esq. Av. A. Vespucio-Norte station near Huechuraba in Santiago
How long does it take to travel from Pc322-Parada 1 / Mall Parque Arauco to Huechuraba in Santiago by Micro?
The total travel time between Pc322-Parada 1 / Mall Parque Arauco and Huechuraba in Santiago by Micro is about 33 min.
Where do I get on the Micro near Pc322-Parada 1 / Mall Parque Arauco to get to Huechuraba in Santiago?
Get on the C20 Micro from the © (M) Escuela Militar - Parque Arauco stop near Pc322-Parada 1 / Mall Parque Arauco in Santiago.
Where do I get off the Micro when travelling between Pc322-Parada 1 / Mall Parque Arauco and Huechuraba in Santiago?
Get off the Micro at the Pc965-Cerro Colorado / Esq. Av. A. Vespucio-Norte stop, which is closest to Huechuraba in Santiago.
When is the last Micro from Pc322-Parada 1 / Mall Parque Arauco to Huechuraba in Santiago?
The last Micro from Pc322-Parada 1 / Mall Parque Arauco to Huechuraba in Santiago is the Gonel - Av. Colon line. It leaves the Pc60-Av. Américo Vespucio / Esq. Av. Pdte. Kennedy stop at 12:31 AM.
How much is the Micro fare from Pc322-Parada 1 / Mall Parque Arauco to Huechuraba?
The ride from Pc322-Parada 1 / Mall Parque Arauco to Huechuraba costs CLP750.